Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 731 ‘Rage’ of the World [Workers' Day]

The first Headlines of the 18th of July’s Newspapers were all concerning the attack on Evan the previous day.

The second; the Denial of the Allegations from the three countries involved: Osmaoque, Goshya and Zoskye.

As expected, they claimed that Evan was throwing false allegations at them and that this whole thing was a plot against their Alliance since they were allies of Wolfen whom Evan was targeting.

However, the reply to their claims came not from Evan, but from Beast Prince David Thancreed.

David questioned what motives Evan could possibly have for plotting against them, citing that Evan had publicly stated the reason why he was after Wolfen on multiple occasions—Reasons that had nothing to do with their allegations.

In a public press conference, David stated that Evan had produced Evidence that worked against them, so if they wanted to prove their innocence, he stated they should provide evidence that Evan was lying and prove their innocence.

He demanded that these countries have Darfin, Sana and Kailu make public appearances in the same place at the same time, with proof of their identity, and only then would he believe that they were not the ones who had attacked Evan and had gotten killed in Evan’s self-defence.

To end the press conference, he said that the matter of a Nation’s government trying to assassinate a Hero and a Great Noble from another Nation was not to be taken lightly.

And to make sure the case is handled perfectly; he was going to bring the matter up to the ‘International Court’.

The International Court in this case was the only court that Adjudicated disputes between nations and dealt with international legal issues. ʀᴀᴅ ʟᴀᴛsᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛʀs ᴀᴛ NoᴠFre.nt

It was located in Cosmopolis, a city in the Utraria Republic also called ‘Judiciary Haven’.

Presiding over this court as its Chief Judge was a Sovereign Level existence known as ‘The Judge’. He, Elephon Ralokrana was an Elder-Breed elf and one of the oldest Elves alive on the planet.

He was highly respected, owing to the fact that he was a survivor of the Aidos-Demon War of 1000 years ago.

This man also had a ‘Lie Detection’ skill as well, perfect for his position as Judge.

His skill was not as good as Laurene’s Lie Detection though. Laurene could tell if anyone within her field of vision was lying, even if they were not speaking to her but to someone else, but his skill required him to set a particular target and ask a question.

If the Set Target is to lie, then he would know.

But if someone besides that target was to lie, he would not know.

However, to enter the International Court, both Prosecutors and Defendants had to make a ‘Pledge of Trust’, meaning they could not even lie in the first place.

David had the power and Influence needed to bring up a matter to the International Court and have the court seat within the week.

He was the Prince of a Major World Power, the son of a Transcendent, and personally, David had international renown due to his feats in the past, Lacertilian included.

Evan wasn’t the only one who got boons from resolving that incident, after all.

Just when everyone felt the matter had blown out of proportion, another incident happened to tell them they hadn’t seen anything yet.

Tens of thousands of spirits of various ranks manifested and attacked the Royal Palaces of the three nations involved, destroying their security barriers and wrecking the palaces.

As if that was not enough, Natural disasters struck those three countries.

Thunderstorms and earthquakes hit them at the same time.

But much to everyone’s surprise, the same spirits who were attacking the palaces just hours before, moved out to save civilian lives from being lost due to the earthquakes.

The situation only got stranger when the damage reports from the disaster stated that only government-affiliated buildings, were destroyed by the earthquakes. Read Web Novels Online Free – NovelFire Novel Fire –

The thunderstorms struck down flags of the three countries and any national monuments that were out in public.

Even so, the string of strange occurrences wasn’t done yet.

The ambient energy concentration in those three countries abruptly decreased, to the point where there was barely any magic power in the air.

The land dried out in a mere matter of hours, crops died, and monsters went berserk.

People still believed this to be the rage of the Spirits, not surprising considering the fact that Evan was a spirit contractor was public knowledge.

However, that theory was quickly debunked when the Pope of the Holy Kingdom released a public statement that shocked the world.

He stated that the issue of natural disasters and the drop in ambient energy concentration was not the rage of the spirits but the World itself.

‘The World is angry, that people in positions of power that are meant to lead the people, attempted to take the life of one of its Heroes.’

At this point, even those who previously could not care less about the matter had their eyes peeled to see the outcomes.

The news had already spread across the Alpha Continent and its satellite islands, and to make sure the Beta Continent heard about it, Evan cashed in one of his ‘Blank Checks with a Transcendent’s Name on It’.

It was time for ‘Beast King’ Kolvar to make his move.

Predicting that some of the Ministers involved in this plot would escape, Evan had Kolvar watch Osmaoque and as he expected, some tried to flee the country and go into hiding.

That did not end well as Kolvar personally caught them.

Kolvar did not hide his actions, and he let out his powerful Transcendent Aura, such that everyone within tens of thousands of kilometres sensed the Beast King move from his palace in Goras straight to Osmaoque.

Goshya and Zoskye were dealing with revolts and protests of the enraged citizens who believed that their leaders had turned the world against them and Goshya’s king even tried to flee under the cover of the night.

Sadly, there were thousands of spirits watching him and he was very quickly captured and paraded through the streets and dumped right in front of Kolvar.

This actually surprised Kolvar as he didn’t expect Evan to have this much rapport with the Spirits, and even more surprisingly was that ‘Spirit King’ Sinclair remained silent on this matter.

It wasn’t exactly like he thought though.

The spirits took action less because of them liking Evan and more because ‘Aidos’ had ordered them to.

The spirits who knew Evan and were familiar with him were angry, but these were the minority and only made up for about 10% of the spirits who took action.

But naturally, there were millions of spirits across the planet who didn’t even know Evan and spirits like that were only simply following orders from Aidos.

A Transcendent taking action made the matter spread over the Alpha Continent and to the Beta Continent in a flash. It even reached the Dark Continent and surprisingly, there was a response.

Dawn the next morning, people were greeted with the sights of Three Ancient Dragons circling around the capitals of these three countries.

There was only one person who could make the Ancient Dragons leave their positions of guarding the Dimensional Rift and come all the Way to the Alpha continent which was over a hundred thousand miles away.

‘Dragon Lord’ Altrishia.

When Gavin heard about this, he remembered Evan’s statement of ‘Having the Whole World’. By getting two of the Five Transcendents to take action; Evan certainly ‘Had the Whole World’.

The name ‘Evan Eris’ had spread intercontinentally during the Cheverton incident last year, and once again two months ago during Lacertilia’s ‘Lizard Lord’s Outbreak’.

People on the Beta and Dark Continents were wondering just who this ‘Evan Eris’ from the Alpha Continent was. Even ‘Strongest Human’ Rathal did not make this much of a fuss when he was a grandmaster!

What’s more, Evan was known for being the youngest Grandmaster on the planet so adventures all over knew of him.

(Technically, that title belongs to Laurene now since she’s a month younger than Evan but not many know she’s a grandmaster so Evan still has it.)

Now, Evan was being touted as the ‘Strongest Grandmaster’ ever.

Many other nonstandard Superior Stage Grandmasters on Aidos had the confidence to face off against 9 fellow Superior Stages and come out victorious. But when Three Epic Levels were added to the mix, that confidence took a nosedive.

When Adventurers across the world heard Evan had lost an arm in the fight, they were not surprised by him losing a limb.

Their surprise was at the fact that he ONLY lost one limb.

Finally, the International Court had its hearing, and all the Ministers, High Nobles and Kings were brought for trial.

Some Kings and Presidents came over to watch the trial in person and before it began, Elven King Laiex Raloro gave a speech that made headlines.

[To be honest, I’m not exactly a fan of Evan Eris. But I didn’t think about killing him because he was…I don’t know…doing what he was supposed to do as a ‘Hero’.

Getting stronger and gaining more influence.

I mean, anyone can arrive at this conclusion with a little bit of thinking.

Aidos has had no Heroes for the past Nine Centuries, and suddenly, three Heroes pop up in the same Generation.

Is that not a clear warning that something which requires the power of ‘Heroes’ is to happen in the near future?

Whatever this ‘thing’ is, the Heroes need to be strong enough to face it. They need to be Influential enough to rally the forces of the World to aid them—just like the Seven Heroes who stopped the Invaders of a Thousand years ago.

Evan Eris’ actions these past few weeks have been in line with such. The boy is clearly trying to grow his influence.

And yet, there are National Leaders trying to kill him simply because he’s doing his job as a Hero…

Wow…what a World we live in.]

The Elven King’s speech blew up and made Radio News headlines, both locally and internationally.

The Trial was Evan’s first public appearance since the incident, and the boy had some make-up Artists work their magic to make him look pale; as though he had not recovered fully.

While some people felt this was suspicious, considering it was public knowledge that a certain powerful Battle Priestess was his girlfriend, they didn’t say anything as they did not want to face any backlash from the millions of fans Evan had gained across the continent in the past week.

The Trials were concluded seamlessly and the three Kings, some Ministers and Generals were all found guilty.

The instant this verdict was given, the thunderstorms in those three countries stopped, the ambient energy concentrations returned to double the previous amount, and the land became lush again and after analysis, was found to be even 3 times as fertile as it used to be.

Dying crops regained their life and the berserk monsters retreated into their forests and mountains.

While the buildings destroyed by the earthquakes remained destroyed, the wrecked land repaired itself as if time was being rewound.

The mobs of angry spirits all disappeared as if they were never there as well.

People began saying that the World’s anger had been quelled and it was now even showering the nations with blessings.

The sentencings of the culprits involved in this situation were not publicly announced and only those who were in the courtroom knew what sentencing was.

All the public knew was that they were to be dethroned and would be imprisoned—nothing else.

People speculated that they were going to be secretly killed off but none of these consOriginal theories had any concrete evidence to back them up.

Evan also disappeared after the trial, prompting people to speculate just where he was.

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