Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 729 Why stop at half the Continent, when you can have the whole world?

”They can’t attack me and go scot free. They’ve gotta pay the price.”

Making this declaration, Evan turned towards Gavin and spoke.

“Old Man Gavin, I’m gonna need the help of you, your Mages and your Teleportation Waypoints.”

He apported a memory crystal into his palm and held it out towards Gavin, before explaining what was contained within it.

“In there is a recording of Osmaoque’s Knight Vice-Commander Darfin confessing the scheme of the three countries and their plot to take my life.”

Gavin’s gaze went from the crystal in Evan’s hand to the corpse on the floor not too far from them, internally questioning how Evan got a confession out of the man.

‘Considering the destruction essence I can sense in all those cuts on him…it isn’t too hard to make a guess.’

“I want this to be replicated and spread to various countries across the continent. Not just any countries but Major World Powers.”

Felyela narrowed her eyes when she heard Evan’s statement. She quickly figured out his intention to publicly play this video for people to see—for the World to see.

“Let hundreds, thousands, millions of people, hear what has happened here today.”

Evan turned his palm to face the ground and looked at Gavin as he asked.

“Are you helping me, or not?”

His Mystic Eyes glowed with light as he spoke and Gavin went silent for a moment. The man was knowledgeable about the Potential Demon Invasion Threat Aidos had, and Evan along with the other Heroes were vital in dealing with it.

In fact, as far as he was concerned, Evan was more ‘valuable’ than the other Heroes due to his knowledge about the Demonic Hand’s schemes and how he had thwarted them on more than one occasion.

‘Even if they don’t know this, I thought that National Leaders would be wise enough to know that trying to kill a Hero is unwise.

Guess I was wrong.’

With that thought, he stretched his hand out and Evan dropped the crystal into his palm, before offering words of gratitude.

“Thank you.”

Evan turned around and was met with Eliza’s dark expression. Seeing the girl’s lips twisted into a frown somehow appeared ‘cute’ in Evan’s eyes, but that was probably his love filter at work here.

He took a moment to placate her and reassure her he would not overexert himself, before looking down to the ground and saying words that many of them did not understand.

“You’re watching, aren’t you? I’m going to need your help.”

Everyone looked at him with confusion, wondering just who he was talking to but Evan offered no explanations and got down on one knee before slamming his palm on the ground.

“Hero Authority.”

The ambient World Law energies began to stir up into a storm around Evan, with a density that drew the attention of every person capable of perceiving energy within a vast distance around Evan. Tʜe sourc of ths content s

Beluar and Bourne who just teleported into the area were astounded. Especially Beluar who felt cold sweat dripping down his back, thinking that if he was just a second late, then the world law energy would have disrupted his teleportation and he may have fallen into a spatial storm.

Evan wasn’t paying any mind to this, and his full focus was on communicating with a certain entity.

‘Aidos, you know what I want to do.’

There was silence for a moment, and then he received a reply.

[First, you use your authority to unseal a demon who once attacked me a thousand years ago, and now this?

You have the strangest choices, Evan.]

The familiar voice of the planet’s consciousness rang out in Evan’s head. ‘Aidos’ had stated that ‘she’ was nigh-omniscient within ‘her’ Gravitational Field, so Evan knew that ‘she’ had seen everything that happened here and knew his plan.

[Worry not, I will not consume your stored Authority and help you for free.]

Evan’s eyes widened when he heard this as he had expected to use up his Hero Authority to have ‘Aidos’ help him.

‘Are there no restrictions on you?’


‘Aidos’ laughed when ‘she’ spoke.

[Have you forgotten who you are, Evan? You are a HERO. Not just any one of them, but the ‘Leader’.

As a planet, should I not be allowed to vent my rage at the idiots who dared attempt to murder one of MY HEROES? Someone who is Defending me?

If it wasn’t for your idea to take advantage of this situation for that ‘Influence’ Plan of yours, I would have sent every natural disaster known to man to erase those fools from my surface by now!

Any Universal Law that restricts me from taking action in this situation is a Law that does not need to exist.]

Evan felt his Hero Authority flow back into his body, along with the ‘anger’ that ‘Aidos’ felt.

‘Calm now, Let’s not get innocents involved.’

In response to his words, ‘Aidos’ let out a light laugh.

[You underestimate me, Evan. I know who is responsible and am very capable of discerning where to direct my annoyance.

I would have the spirits make sure no innocents are physically harmed, but to get the point across, there would inevitably be some damage. Read Web Novels Online Free – NovelFire Novel Fire –

I would keep things to Government-owned buildings and structures. National monuments and the likes.]

‘That’s good. Thank you.’

[Not necessary. It’s the least I can do for someone risking an arm and a leg to stop that bitch Gozon’s plan.

Worry not, everything will happen as you wish.]

The World Law energy storm died down and Evan wondered just how much bad blood there was between ‘Aidos’ and ‘Gozon’.

‘They’re thousands of light years apart…how do they even communicate? Do Planets have their own internet or something?’

Such thoughts crossed his mind as he got to his feet and others began asking Evan just what he had done, Roselia watched him with silence.

‘I noticed it when he unsealed Leviah, and now I’m sure. Evan can communicate directly with this planet’s Sentience.

Even if he’s a Hero, it should not be so easy and yet he can do it at will, and seemingly from anywhere.’

This wasn’t how things were supposed to work as far as she knew. It got her curious about Evan’s special connection with Aidos.

“Here, have this back.”

Gavin returned the memory crystal to Evan, and though Evan was initially surprised, he accepted it after seeing the 100 more crystals floating in the air behind Gavin.

“I made copies and I plan to send some to News Agencies I know. Information about you is currently hot cake.

By the end of the day, half the continent would be talking about this.”

“Half? Why settle for half the Continent, Old man?”

Spreading out his arms, Evan revealed a hint of his plan’s true depth.

“When you can have the whole world.”

As he spoke, the ambient energy concentration abruptly increased again, and this time the cause was clear for all to see.

Thousands of spirits manifested their physical bodies, their auras spreading out wildly. Low, Mid and even High Ranked spirits at different Existence levels.

Normally, whenever spirits came near Kayla, they usually stopped whatever they were doing to greet her but this lot completely ignored her and had their eyes on Evan.

“You’ve received your orders, now go.”

Evan’s words served as the cue and they all dispersed in different directions, turning into streaks of light that vanished into the distance.

“Wait, what did you just do?”

“Aren’t you tired of asking that question? Wait and see the results.”

◇ ◇ ◇

Life on the Alpha continent unfolded in its usual rhythm, with different countries marking the day with varying levels of significance. Some saw it as just another day to carry on with their routines, while others observed it as a public holiday or a time for religious observance.

Suddenly, in the hearts of major cities and bustling town squares, on towering advertisement boards and within grand auditoriums, a video materialized, capturing the attention of millions across the continent.

People paused in their tracks, drawn to the unexpected spectacle, their curiosity piqued as they wondered exactly what was going on.

[Testing, Testing…1, 2. Setting this thing up with one arm is quite a hassle.]

There was a close-up view of a hand covering the camera that took the video, and after a few seconds, the person stepped back and revealed their full appearance.

It was a face that many people on the continent could put a name to, and it was beginning to become a Household name.

The recent events of the GEE-Wolfen War had newspapers and radio stations talking about him all day.

[Now then, introductions are in order, aren’t they?

For those who do not know who I am, my name is Evan Eris. I’m a member of this Era’s ‘Seven Heros’ and a part-time S-Rank Adventurer.]

Most of the people who were watching the video were not concerned about Evan’s introduction. Over 90% of them had the same question running through their minds when they saw him.

‘Where on Aidos is his left arm?’

The answer to their inquiry was going to come pretty soon.

[I am currently at the Rahead Notch in Obrita, Wolfen. Though I doubt the current mountains around me may not be the ones you’re familiar with.]

The camera then spun around to reveal the scene of devastation all around, and this got the attention of even those who were previously ignoring the video.

After a few seconds, the camera turned back to Evan and he continued speaking.

[It’s quite obvious that a fierce battle had just taken place and with me is someone who’d explain to you why this was the case.]

The camera zoomed out and revealed the form of Darfin who was kneeling on the floor with magic handcuffs.

[Introduce yourself, please.]

Evan’s voice was polite, but considering he was currently covered in blood and had a block of ice where his left arm was supposed to be, that politeness could not be noticed.

[…I-I amm, O-osmaoque’s Knight V-vice-C-co-commander Darfin.]

[You’re a noble, aren’t you, Mr Darfin? Why don’t you show us your identification badge so everyone would be sure you’re the real deal.]

When Evan asked this, Darfin went silent but the boy only smiled lightly as he spoke.

[Come on, don’t be shy. I’d show mine, as well.]

Hearing his words, everyone once again had a collective thought.

‘Shy? That’s not a ‘shy’ person’s expression. That man is scared for his life!!’

Of course, the video continued regardless of their thoughts and Darfin reluctantly pulled out his Noble Identification badge, and the glow it lit up with confirmed he was indeed the real Darfin.

[Good. Now then, can you explain to everyone why we are at the Rahead Mountains today?]


[Mr Darfin? Try to speak clearly so it’s easier for listeners to understand.]

Evan’s voice turned a tone deeper and Darfin flinched lightly, his teeth chattering as he began speaking.

[T-th-the reas-sson we’re h-here, is because I, al-along with the Third Kn-Knight Division Captain of Zos-Zoskye and the Le-

Leader of Sword Unit Five of G-Goshya, w-were sent al-along with 12 oth-other fighters were sent h-here with the in-

intention of eliminating the ‘Hero’ Ev-Evan Eris.]

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