Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 727 Artemisia and Bewusstsein

The sky looked like someone mixed in different colours of paint along with broken fragments of glass and iron and swirled as if it was being stirred slowly.

As for the ‘ground’, that looked normal.

If you ignored the hundreds of corpses that were lying on the floor around Artemisia, that is.


A deep True Voice rang out, addressing Artemisia by a title she detested very much. The goddess turned her gaze towards the side and saw that one of the gods was still alive.




Artemisia pulled out the broken sword which was stabbed into her shoulder and stuffed it into the man’s mouth to shut him up, before drawing her sword and stabbing him in the chest.

The divinity in her blade pierced through his physical body and directly harmed his soul, inflicting True Death upon him.

The god’s Divine spark shattered to pieces and Artemisia watched the life go out of his eyes as she spoke.

“I already defeated your ‘Lord Bewusstsein’ in the past. What makes you think I can’t do it again?”

Just as Artemisia said that, a voice rang out from behind her, questioning her statement.

|Can you, Artemisia? |

The goddess spun around with a wary gaze, looking around for the source of the voice. It didn’t take her too long to find it as one of the hundreds of corpses around her got up to its feet.

It was that of a god Artemisia had killed in a relatively ‘neat’ manner. All she had done was blast a hole right through his torso.

Compared to the states of the other corpses present, this was one of the relatively good ones.

As for how this body which had lost its soul was now risen, it only took her a second to figure it out.

‘Corpse Possession…that ability…’

Artemisia knew the person who possessed that ability—it was the ‘Bewusstsein’ she had just spoken about.

|You did defeat me in the past, Artemisia. I’d admit that much. Or at least, you were in the group that did.

But do not forget you had help.

You weren’t even the one who dealt the final blow. |

Bewusstsein dusted the corpse as he spoke, before crossing his arms behind his back and looking right at Artemisia, his eyes glowing with an eerie murky red light.

|Need I remind you of the people who saved you from my clutches, and helped you defeat me on that fateful day, 10,000 years ago? |

The man’s lips curled downwards as he spoke of his past defeat, before beginning to call out the names of the people who had aided Artemisia.

The first name he called, was that of the ‘Demon of Light’, Gozon’s former Supreme ‘Demon King’, and the strongest in the planet’s history.

|Alvey Sargon. |

The next was that of a Noble Archdemon, from one of the most powerful bloodlines to ever exist.

|Jack McEnda III. |

Then came the name of a goddess, bearing one of the last names a certain Hero had seen in a certain hall of statues.

|Beatrix Xagna. |

Bewusstsein paused for a moment, before continuing, calling out the names of the three who had dealt the final blows that ended his life.

First, was the name of a being from outside this Universe, someone who had temporarily taken up a ‘Race King’ title here in the past— ‘He, the one who comes from the Beyond’.

|Jamie Westley. |

Following it, was the name of a ‘World Hero’, the Leader amongst his peers and a name that could not be any more familiar to Artemisia.

|Evan Bourne. |

And the last but most definitely NOT the least, a name deemed ‘Unspeakable’ by the laws of the universe.

| A̴r̴t̷h̸u̸r̶ ̵ V̵a̸u̴g̸h̴n̶ |

Bewusstsein clicked his tongue as he spoke the last name, however, his lips suddenly curled into an evil grin as he continued.

|You do not have the help of these people anymore, Artemisia. |

Following this, he began to speak of the current situation of all the people whose names he had just spoken earlier.

|Alvey Sargon was murdered by the Celestial King. |

|Jack McEnda III fell while trying to save his wife, Sigesi. |

|Beatrix Xagna is NOT so much of an Ally to you anymore. |

|Jamie Westley has returned to the ‘Beyond’ he came from. |

|Evan Bourne? He’s nothing but a mere mortal. Just like he was all those years ago. |

| A̴r̴t̷h̸u̸r̶ ̵ V̵a̸u̴g̸h̴n̶…regardless of how much power he holds, he cannot intervene without the proper ‘Justification’ or he’d have the Eternals out to get him. |

Bewusstsein stepped forward and closed the distance between him and Artemisia, looking her right in the eyes as he declared.

|You are ALONE Artemisia. And there is nothing you can do Alone. |


There was a silence for a moment which seemed like an eternity. Ths chapter is updated by NovlFre.nt

The silence was finally broken as Artemisia sighed and crossed her hands in front of her chest before replying.

“Says the guy who can only jump from corpse to corpse. Thousands of years have passed and you still can’t harness the power of the corpse you stole during the War.

All you can do is possess dead people like this and try to taunt me from afar.”

The woman shook her head with a ‘disappointed’ expression as she continued.

“You’ve been scheming from the shadows for millennia. Mind if I ask where that has gotten you?

Last time I checked, the answer to that was ‘Nowhere’.”

Bewusstsein’s brow twitched for a short moment and Artemisa snorted before reaching out at light speed and grabbing the head of the corpse.

Before the man could even do a thing, the goddess channelled her divinity and activated her Ultimate skill.

Golden divine lightning burst from her palm and enteredintothe corpse, travelling down the intangible link between the corpse and its possessor’s real body before striking him in whatever hidden dimension he was in.

“Tsk…couldn’t get his location.”

Artemisia muttered as she let the now headless corpse fall to the ground, before looking down at her body and using life magic to clean off the blood and grime.

“Too bad, huh?”

The goddess turned towards the direction of the voice that just spoke and she saw the familiar face of the EOTD. He was still dressed in the same suit he had when he spoke with Evan and he had his hands in his pocket as he ‘inspected’ the scene around him.

“You’ve grown even stronger, Artemisia.”

He made this remark while looking at the clusters of ‘dead’ energy in the sky and Artemisia instantly understood what he meant.

The man wasn’t talking about her killing all the gods around her, but the fact that she was still fine even within this place.

A Dead Zone.

It wasbasicallya permanently destroyed portion of the Universe. The kind of place where one would rather willingly enter a black hole than go to.

Artemisia had pulled all her opponents inside her using her ‘Domain’ and then proceeded to kill them all off one by one.

“Still, if you stay here for too long, you might get ‘infected’ so it’s best you leave soon. When you’ve wrapped up your business outside, return to Aidos for a bit.

There’s a surprise waiting for you there.”

Leaving those words, the EOTD disappeared as silently as he appeared and Artemisia could not help but frown lightly.

‘Surprise? Just what did he do this time?’

Sighing in light exasperation, the goddess shook her head before turning around and heading towards the exit of the Dead Zone’s containment barrier.

◇ ◇ ◇

Rahead Mountain Range



July 17th

Year 1053

Earlier in the day, the government of Obrita received reports of a Hero being sighted in a major city, where he thwarted a potential terrorist attack, saving thousands of lives.

However, this Hero was also known to be aligned with the GEE

—the same nation currently trying to conquer Wolfen—and this raised concerns about how to address the situation.

Witnesses, including B-ranked adventurers and even a retired A-Rank, testified to his heroism in rescuing citizens. Read Web Novels Online Free – NovelFire Novel Fire –

After apprehending the assailant, the Hero flew towards the Rahead mountains, but by the time more powerful adventurers and military personnel could give chase, a barrier of some sort had been laid down, covering the entire mountain range.

What followed were a series of explosions, with flames and smoke clouds rising so high up into the skies that they could be seen for miles.

The energy fluctuations gave even the S Rank adventurer party nearby cold feet, and they saw mountains collapse right before their eyes, drawing attention from neighbouring states

However, no one could enter due to the barrier surrounding the mountains.

Not even an hour later, the explosions died down but anyone arriving after this time could still tell that something had happened.

It was impossible to miss the crumbled mountains and the sheer potency of the destructive essence permeating the atmosphere was so great that Master Level existences found it hard to breathe.

After a while, the barrier finally disappeared.

Nevertheless, no one dared to enter the area, opting to use magic and familiars to scan the area and find out the extent of the devastation.

The sights they saw shocked them out of their wits, but before they could even get to the centre, spatial power converged in front of them and a spatial gate opened up.

From within, two unidentified people emerged and they turned their gazes towards the Rahead Notch.

A Wolfen Adventurer who had an appraisal skill used it on them and the results he saw made his blood turn cold.

One of them was a Sovereign Level existence!

And not just any Sovereign, but Kasteblum’s Former Chief Grand Magus!

While he was reeling from the shock, these new entrants completely ignored all the Wolfen officials and headed straight towards the Rahead Notch.

In fact,one of them went ahead of the other, dashing forward at supersonic speed and all the Wolfen officials and adventurers could see was a streak of green light.

Naturally, this was our resident teenage blonde Battle Priestess, Eliza.

She ignored the flames and smoke, the crumbling mountains, the scorched earth and the dismembered corpses on the floor.


The scene of devastation didn’t even matter to her as she headed straight towards the place where she sensed a familiar presence.

Fear gripped her heart when she felt how weak this presence was but she steeled her mind and rushed forward.


Upon getting closer, she noticed a severed arm on the floor and it made her stop in her tracks.

She recognized the forearm guard on it, she recognized the watch on it, she recognized the rings on those fingers and she nearly had a panic attack when she realised who it belonged to.

However, the magic she cast on herself forcefully calmed her mind and she stepped forward with bated breaths.


Finally, she arrived at the source of the noise she had been hearing all this while.

There, on the ground, was a familiar grey-eyed boy, covered in blood all over.

There was nothing where his left arm was supposed to be, save for the stump frozen in crimson ice.

He sat on the torso of a body on the ground, his right hand clenched into a fist as he monotonously punched the face of the person on the ground.


Eliza felt a tear run down her cheek as she quickly discerned his critical state with a glance. That much was obvious given the gaping hole in his chest that could barely be hidden by his shirt.

She gritted her teeth and stepped forward before walking up to him, dropping to her knees and slowly pulling him into a hug.

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