Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 725 Bitch, I have two hearts.

As soon as Evan dropped, Darfin also fell to the ground, his breaths heavy.

His skills were all forcefully released as his magic energy was exhausted, and the boosted power from the drug he and Sana had consumed ran out.

Black magic power steam escaped his body and he coughed out black blood, before forcing himself to his feet.

All his finger bones were broken, having suffered damage in trying to pierce Evan’s chest.

‘Just how strong was his body? I aimed for the spot where he was already wounded and I still took this much damage?’

Darfin had certainly not expected this task to turn out to be so difficult, to the point where none of the Assassins they brought along with them had survived.

“Did you get him?”

“He’s dead.”

The man replied to Sana’s question, looking up to her and continuing.

“Mission Accomplished.”

Sana put away her sword before walking up to him and helping him up to his feet, looking at the scene of devastation around them.

‘No way Wolfen’s Government has not noticed this…I reckon the reason they haven’t acted is because they cannot break this barrier.’

The woman pulled out healing potions and fed them to Darfin, but they did little to help his situation.

“I’d work on disabling the Spatial Isolation, go grab Kailu and let’s get out of here.”

Sana nodded and let Darfin stand before kicking off the ground and dashing over to where Kailu was.

Left behind, Darfin tried circulating the tiny aura he had left but his energy circuits were fried. This meant disabling the spatial isolation artifact would be quite difficult.

He gave one last look at the corpse on the ground before bringing out the artifact, along with his teleportation stone.

It was then, that he came to a realisation.

‘Wait a sec…I just killed that brat.

Even vampires with absurd regeneration would not be able to survive without a heart. The boy had so much power but there was not that much of a level difference between us.

So why?’

“Why haven’t l levelled up?” Read Web Novels Online Free – NovelFire Novel Fire –

The moment he asked himself that question, he felt a shiver run down his spine.

◇ ◇ ◇

Sana stopped for a moment to catch her breath, having pretty much exhausted all but 1% of her maximum energy reserves.

Her buffs had run out and her energy circuits were just as fried as Darfin’s, so she wasn’t going to be casting any magic anytime soon.

Just as she was about to resume her journey to the elf’s location, she sensed a surge of magic power behind her.



She turned around and saw a small mushroom-shaped cloud of smoke, surrounded by prismatic flames and golden lightning.


Answering her question, was a voice that sounded like it came from the depths of hell.

“Bitch, I have two hearts.”



Something hit Sana faster than she could turn around, and when she looked down, she realised that everything within her chest region down to her waist had ‘disappeared’.

‘Oh…I’m already dead, aren’t I?’

That was the last thought she had before her consciousness sunk into eternal darkness.


The sound of a beating heart rang out loudly as Evan dragged his battered body towards where Kailu’s half-dead form lay.

Right now, his Dragon Heart was the only thing keeping him alive.

He popped open a potion and emptied the contents down his throat to help his situation, but it didn’t do much.

He got to where Kailu was and then stabbed the Unforged into the Elf’s stomach, the pain of destruction essence on his soul succeeding in jolting him back to consciousness.

“You’re not gonna die so easily.”

Evan summoned a dagger from his inventory and then proceeded to skin the man’s torso while keeping him alive with potions.

“Here…this is the place you shot me, isn’t it?”

Evan’s destructive essence-coated blade stabbed down onto the elf’s chest, eliciting screams of pain that could send shivers down the spines of any hearers.

He repeatedly stabbed the man everywhere but his heart, keeping him alive for as long as possible before finally ripping out his heart to end his misery.

Taking a deep breath, Evan took a step forward but Limit Break deactivated suddenly, making him stagger and nearly fall to the ground.

‘Oh, good thing I wore the Energem Reclaimer on my right hand…’

Such a thought crossed his mind as the magic stone he inserted into it beforehand started being drained to repay his energy debt to the world while he moved his body all the way back to where Darfin was.


release that…so Liz can find

…my location.”


Evan apported a few juice pack potions onto his arms and burst them open, allowing the contents to pour all over his body.

He forced himself to drink some, ignoring the fact that it was mixed with the blood inside his mouth.

The high-grade potions did their work, but Evan had far too many wounds for potions alone to heal.

His greatest wound was the hole in his chest where his human heart was supposed to be.

Evan’s body had evolved to work with two Hearts. Both could pump blood, but the primary function of one was not pumping blood, but pumping magic power.

Currently, the heart whose primary function was pumping blood didn’t quite exist anymore, so the other was now acting as the backup.

However, since his Dragon Heart’s primary function was not pumping blood, its efficiency was not as good as the Human Heart.

It was simultaneously doing its original job of pumping energy so Evan’s wounds could regenerate over time, and also pumping blood to keep him alive.

Both could not be done at 100%, even more so as Evan was currently pretty much half-dead.

|Tenacity (Rare) Evolves into Tenacity (Ultra-Rare) |

“You’d better evolve after all that.”

Evan spoke as he grabbed the legs of the half-dead Darfin and began dragging him.

“My mother once told me, that Evidence gathering should be a priority in situations like this.”

He was not talking about Patricia Del Eris here on Aidos, but his mother from Earth V, Kristine Bourne.

“Makes sense she’d say that…she is a Lawyer, after all.”

The boy chuckled lightly as he reached where the spatial isolation artifact fell. He bent down to grab it but he ended up falling to the ground weakly, coughing out a bit of black blood.


He forced himself to stand but his legs seemed to have gone offline, so he ended up just sitting on the ground and taking a deep breath.

Suddenly, Evan’s eyes widened in shock.

Everything around him had turned silent.

He could not hear any sounds. The sounds of his flames burning, the sound of the rocks collapsing in the distance and the rustling of the wind.

Most importantly—

‘My vision has turned monochrome.’

The moment he thought that, he heard the sound of footsteps. They sounded relaxed, not the kind you’d hear from someone visiting this scene of devastation with collapsed mountains and flames burning all around.

Looking down, Evan saw a pair of feet adorned in black leather Brogue shoes stop right in front of him.

Without even needing to look up, Evan knew exactly who it was that owned those feet.


[Hello, Evan.]

Evan found that he had control over his body and he raised his head to look up at the man in front of him. He was dressed in a tailored black three-piece suit with a double-breasted jacket and a similarly designed waistcoat.

A silver chain watch adorned his left wrist, along with a ring of the same colour on one of his fingers.

However, no matter how high he raised his head, he could not see above the man’s neck, as if there was some sort of invisible force preventing him from doing so. Googl search ovl(F)

‘Haha! Figures.’

[Three Epic Level Existences at the Inferior Stage. With two of them gaining power comparable to Intermediate stages using special drugs.

The power they gained was in return for losing their durability and vitality, so killing them could be done easily.]

The man put his hands into his pocket and walked around Evan, admiring the scene of destruction all around before he continued.

[The circumstances honestly don’t matter. What matters is that looking at you, I saw my past self.]

He stopped for a moment and placed his hand on his chin, seemingly in thought.

[Not sure if ‘Past self’ is the right word, there only exists one Instance of me after all.]

“Huh? You don’t have a past?”

[Well, if you do go back in time, you will see ‘me’ in the past. But that’s technically also not me, but an Echo created by the concept of Time so as not to destabilize the flow of time.]

Evan raised a brow in light confusion when he heard this, before remembering he had heard about something similar back on Earth V. He then posed a question.

“What are you, a fourth-dimensional being or something?”

[Fourth Dimension? You insult me.]

‘So, he’s higher than that…’

The man laughed for a bit before clapping his hands and speaking.

[I’m not here to discuss my Dimensionality or past.]

“Then what are you here for?”

When Evan asked this, the man’s demeanour seemed to change and Evan felt that EOTD was smiling at him.

[A certain day, many years ago, a certain boy faced off against ‘Three Epic Realm Existences’ all on his own.

This lone boy was but a mere Intermediate Stage Grandmaster at the time.]

Hearing him suddenly say this, Evan tilted his head with a questioning glance before asking.



Today, you faced off against ‘Three Epic Realms’, or ‘Levels’ as you call it on this planet.]

Hearing his words, Evan guessed that other planets referred to the Levels of Existence differently, even remembering that Roselia used to say ‘Existence Realms’ for a while before she eventually switched.

[I faced off against three Epic Levels in the past while being a mere Grandmaster, and I prevailed—

—at least, that’s what I wish happened.]

When he said this, there was a short silence before Evan finally asked.

“You lost?”

[Yes. I killed one of them and then it turned out they really weren’t just three in the end and Blah blah blah.

Bottom line is, I lost that fight.]

Evan was quite surprised that the man had so easily admitted that he lost. Given how he used to make fun of Evan for not being as good as he was before, he thought the guy was here to gloat at him for being in such a sorry state.

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