Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 527 Calculated Gambits

Check out my entry for the WPC August: Beyond the Bloodline.🔥


[Hey, don’t forget our bet. Gimme yours.]

While the Dark Wolf was collecting the crystals from his sister, the Elven Vice GM had her jaw drop in shock as she stared at the items Evan casually tossed out.

“Are those Essence orbs?”

“Yeah. You want some?”

The moment he asked that, all the ambient spirits in the area turned towards his direction, something he noticed as he glanced around with narrowed eyes and spoke.

“I’ve already given some of you your shares, why’re you still looking here?”

His words made the ones he was referring to turn their gazes away and begin whistling suspiciously, evoking a light sigh as he turned towards the Elven woman and tossed a few orbs to her.

“This is very valuable, you know? Sure you wanna give me for free?”

“No problem. I have more than I’m ever gonna need anyway.”

He stretched his body as he replied, feeling his exhaustion catching up to him. An inadvertent glance to the side showed the Dark Wolf talking with Milena some distance away, but he didn’t pay attention to their conversation and instead remembered something the wolves had told him earlier.

‘Apparently, Hydran was in the area for quite a while and was watching me get beat up by the Craitid.

He still pulled the same ‘Hero Evaluation’ that he did in the game, huh?’

“Would you need help dealing with the monster corpses?”


I’ve got a contract with a dismantling crew in Gerfast so I’m kinda obligated to bring any monster corpses I want dealt with to them.”

Evan replied to the Vice GM’s question as he placed Silverwing’s corpse back into his inventory, before moving over to the Wyvern’s.

“Your inventory is quite large.”

“Scales in proportion to my energy levels.”

“I see.

Speaking of energy levels, yours is currently quite… ‘limited’, to put it mildly.”

Hearing the woman’s words, Evan narrowed his eyes lightly as she was implying that she had seen through his concealment and noticed that his maximum energy was currently limited.

‘Is it her skill? Or just the level difference?’

“You didn’t expect that I would be able to last against this guy who was more than 200 levels above me without making some sacrifices, now did you?”

“Oh. That makes sense.”

Evan just nodded before turning back to Craitid’s corpse and pulling up the analysis interface, however, he still saw the same message he had been seeing for the past half hour.

|Adaptive Evolution is analysing Level 580 Existence: Demonic-fused Wyvern Craitid…. |

‘It’d be nice if there was some sort of percentage bar telling me how far it has gone.’

“Can I put this in my inventory and still continue the Analysis?”

Evan’s sudden question had those who were nearby look at him in confusion as they didn’t understand exactly what he was talking about.

That much was expected as his question was directed to the system instead.

|Reincarnated Hero System requests permission to create a link between Unique Skill: Adaptive Evolution and Ultra Rare Skill: Inventory. |


|Link Created|

|Adaptive Evolution can now analyse items in Host’s inventory. |

‘Analyse ONLY the corpse and NOTHING ELSE.’

Evan made sure to give that order to restrict Adaptive Evolution from touching something it wasn’t supposed to.

In the past year, the boy had acquired many artifacts and treasures he knew of from the game; the ones that his current level of strength could allow him to acquire.𝗈𝐕𝓁xt.𝑐𝑶𝓂

Strange ancient artifacts from lost kingdoms that had fallen with their histories being lost to the river of time.

‘Like that artifact that can absorb nuclear magic.

Or the Soul Guard belt…Come to think of it, shouldn’t I give Luke the Soul Guard belt? It’s not going to be much of a loss for me as he was going to acquire it in the Year 1059 from the game.’

While having such thoughts, Evan picked up the wyvern corpse and tossed it into his inventory, before doing the same to the severed head.

‘I should pick up artifacts that major figures from the game are going to get either way. I’d get them first and use these artifacts to make deals with those figures.

Luke certainly doesn’t know he’s meant to get the Soul Guard belt for free in the future, but since I’m currently in possession of it, I can use it to exchange for a favour with him.’

While waiting for the Colonel, Evan was making a list of people he was going to make owe him favours, even the ones who had congenital diseases or had to deal with curses.

Since he knew the cures for their predicaments from the game, he was going to acquire those cures and give them to make them owe him favours.

However, he made a note to be careful, as some of the beings involved were Living Legends, people who could use the powers of the World Law Doctrines.

Some of them could use the law doctrines of Fate, Karma and Destiny to deduce where these things were supposed to be and if Evan suddenly appeared with these items, they might be able to figure out what he was playing at.

At the very least, until he became a Living Legend himself, he could not afford to let them catch on to his little ploy.

As for Sovereigns, he wasn’t even going to bother messing with those ones for the next few years at the very least.

Seeing Hydran’s display earlier where he casually crushed a Level 523 nonstandard existence to death by just squeezing his hand lightly reminded Evan of just how terrifying the power those guys possessed.

And then he went on to almost do the same thing to the Level 580 Craitid.

These were beings who could wipe out a country as large as the GWE with a single attack.

If two of them fought, then the collateral damage from their battle could have at least a quarter of the Alpha continent in ruins.

Evan had once pulled up a map of Aidos on the system and tried to compare its size with Earth V and he was dumbfounded at the result.

Just the Alpha continent’s landmass alone was a bit over two times the largest continent on E-V. The Beta Continent was roughly the same size.

Not to talk of the Dark Continent which was actually the largest on the planet!

And Sovereign levels fighting could turn a quarter of that to collateral damage, an area that Evan estimated to be about around 23-25 million kilometre-squares.

One should also take into account the fact that when two beings fought, the amount of damage dealt to the surroundings could not be used to measure their true destructive power.

For example, if Being A attacked Entity B and then everything within a Kilometre radius was destroyed, this didn’t mean that Being A’s attack could only destroy a single kilometre radius as most of the power and force of the attack would be channelled directly into Entity B’s body to reduce their durability and health values.

What that hits the surroundings and destroys the kilometre radius are just the residues of power that didn’t directly hit Entity B.

On average, about 70-80% of an attack’s power is usually focused on the opponent’s body to deal damage. What you see destroying the surroundings is the remaining 20-30%.

If one had better power control, one could increase that to 90%. Then those ones who could kill powerful existences on their level with single attacks that don’t affect the surroundings much are the ones with exceptional control and are able to achieve around 95-99%.

‘I have to at least get to that level of power before the Dimensional Rift breaks. As for the transcendent level, there seem to be some extra requirements to reach that level. If it wasn’t for those requirements, Aidos would not just have only 5 transcendents.’

Evan set at least Hydran as a long-term goal, but he then remembered ‘that person’ and decided to change the target he aimed to surpass.

‘That person’ was naturally the ‘Strongest Entity’ in the Demonic Hand. In the game, even Hydran and the other Defence Mechanisms could not defeat that person.

‘Come to think of it, I feel coming here for the ‘Fake Hero Attack’ to take advantage of Hydran’s presence is now seeming reckless.

From the game CG, the First Finger and the Fifth Finger were together during the Attack.

If the Fifth Finger sees that the Fake Heroes sent to even me who was the least protected died, and changes his evaluation about the current heroes, he might snitch to ‘that person’ before Shelde’s government releases the altered news to the world.

That’d send my plans down the drain!’


Thanks to all those who sent Gifts and Golden tickets this month, your support is appreciated!!! 🔥✨

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