Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 469 Chatting At The Guild I



There was a short silence as many adventurers whose attention Evan’s stunt had grabbed, all turned in his direction with expressions that said ‘Who the fuck is this guy?’ on their faces.

And one of them decided to voice out that question.

“Who the fuck are you?!”

Hundreds of adventurers simultaneously burst into laughter in response to the question, with Evan joining them in laughing.

As for the person who asked that question, it was actually someone Evan was quite familiar with, an A-rank adventurer he met back in Bultom City.

“Oh…it’s the Irregular kid.”

“Yes! It is I!”

Upon realising the person making a ruckus was Evan, many adventurers sighed lightly before returning to what they were previously doing.

Some others didn’t even bother to turn in his direction in the first place as Evan was just about one of the very few adventurers who liked to make such a high-profile entrance every single time he came to the guild.

Since they had already guessed it was him, they didn’t even bother to turn to see who it was. A few had even placed bets within the few seconds it took between him opening the doors and screaming out loud.

Evan sauntered into the Guildhall like it was his house, moving over to a nearby table where a C-rank adventurer party was seated.

“Sup guys.”

He fist-bumped with men in the group and lightly hugged some of the ladies before taking a seat next to them and questioning them.

“I see you guys are back from the dungeon dive?”

“Yeah, bro.”

“Seriously, how the heck did you know that dungeon was there?”

The party leader poured a glass of wine for Evan into an empty cup as he asked, pushing it towards Evan before continuing.

“It looked like a perfectly normal lake in the middle of a forest.

We were so close to the bottom and we thought there was nothing there, just when we were about to give up, Boom! Undiscovered Underwater Dungeon.”

“With strong monsters that gave extra experience to boot!

Now we’re all over level 200. We’re just waiting for our B rank Cards to get ready.”

Evan sipped some of the non-alcoholic wine and smiled, shrugging his shoulders lightly as he replied.

“You helped me out to get a rare material I needed.

Telling you guys about the dungeon was my thanks to you.”

He got up from the table as he finished the wine, dropping the cup back on the table before saying.

“Congratulations on the promotion.”

After that, he moved over to another Adventurer group. After a bro handshake-hug with two of them, he chatted up the party leader who lightly fist-bumped him.

“What up dawg?”

“I’m good bro.

How, are you doing?”

“Just looking for ways to level up again, you know?”

Evan replied with a shoulder shrug, citing his recent inability to level up, something that had put a damper on his mood for a while now.

“Wait what?”

Another random adventurer joined in the conversation, holding up a Guild Newspaper in his hands while pointing at the cover photo that Evan recognized.

How could he not? It was a photo of him, after all.

Little Info dump; Guild Newspapers were different from normal newspapers in the sense that they catered to the guild members alone.

Adventurers, Alchemists, Tailors, Fishermen, Mercenaries, Farmers, Inventors and so on.

Each Guild newspaper only released information about that Guild’s members alone. The tailor’s guild would release things like news about new Tailor’s designs, Inventors about patents on new inventions, Farmers about agricultural breakthroughs and so on.

These newspapers were also sold to the general public along with normal ones, and this was one of the reasons why in-depth news and information on specific professions spread easily within Continents in Aidos even though they did not have internet; though they did have something similar to LANs and MANs within guilds.

These networks were similar to the communication networks that the Teleport Waypoints would be using to communicate in real-time.

Anyway, these newspapers were bought by all classes, and with the addition of Radios and the like, it was easy for them to keep themselves updated on the current affairs within and outside their countries.

Each one of these newspapers had a ‘Foreign News’ Section, that covered happenings about the guilds in other nations, made possible by the fact that each guild had means of contacting each other internationally, and very quickly at that.

As such, it was possible for Adventurers all the way in countries like Aspea which was up north, to find out about things Evan and his party did in Awhen that all the way in the west, within less than five working days.

And in the hands of the Adventurer Evan was speaking with, was an article about Evan’s battle with the Blood-Eyed Raptor Panther in Aspea.

It was an old newspaper that he was actually using to wrap some books up, but he noticed the title and decided to give it a read since it concerned Evan whom he was familiar with.

“Oh, that Raptor Panther.

It was quite strong for a Level 305…had an A rank agility stat.

I killed it and all but I was not able to level up.”

Hearing Evan’s words, the man narrowed his eyes lightly and scanned the boy’s body, a look of understanding appearing on his face as he spoke.

“I see. You’ve taken you’re one foot into the realm of Grandmasters, huh?”

He ruffled Evan’s hair as he spoke, much to the boy’s displeasure.

“Come on dude! Liz styled that for me this morning!”

“Can’t she just do it again?”

Just as he asked that question with a titled head, a female adventurer blitzed in behind him and smacked the back of his head, using enough force to produce a small shockwave that blew apart the nearby newspaper.

“You think hair styling is easy?”

“I obviously don’t know because as you can see, I don’t care about mine.”

He replied calmly as if he didn’t feel a thing when he was hit in the head just now while pointing to his hair which looked even worse than a bird’s nest.

Seeing this, both Evan and the Female Adventurer sighed in exasperation. The young hero then took a few steps away from him and pulled out a comb from his inventory, combing his hair as he chatted up the woman.

“Been a while. How are you doing?”


Just got back from a quest in Terrok.”

The woman grabbed the comb from Evan’s hand and sat him down on a nearby chair, going on to dress his hair as she replied.

“You guys went all the way over there?”

Evan reacted with mild surprise as he didn’t expect that their quest would take them that far.

“Yep. Was an escort quest.

We had to protect this very long merchant train of goods exported to Terrok. We had to switch between Carriage convoys and trains multiple times.”

The bird-nest-haired man said as he picked up the fallen newspaper pieces, along with his platinum guild card that had fallen off the table earlier, before taking a seat and ordering a few more drinks.

“How was the country like?”

“As bad as the rumours there. The slave trade there is honestly just horrible.

Although they pick on some races more than others, it’s pretty much possible for anyone to end up a slave if you’re unlucky.

It’s a miracle the country is even able to function.”

“I also heard a rumour that they were after spirits there too.”

Another member of the party who had earlier left to go get food, returned with three floating trays in front of her which she set down atop the table as she spoke about the rumour she heard.

The instant she said that, magic power coalesced beside Evan and the body of Evan’s contracted spirit, Kayla, appeared.

She was dressed in her usual short-sleeved shirt and short getup, with black leather gloves and boots, while her hair was tied up into a long singular braid.

[Hey Master, do we have any plans of going to this Country?]

The girl had a bright smile on her face as she spoke, but that smile did not reach her eyes at all. And from the tendrils of lightning crackling down her hair, one could tell that the spirit was clearly pissed off.

‘First Ifrit and now they are after other spirits? Should I just release my seals and wipe out those humans entirely?’

While Kayla was having such dangerous thoughts, the attention of more adventurers was drawn towards Evan’s group as her mere presence slowly infused the pure ambient magic power with the lightning element.

Any seasoned adventurer nearby was more than capable of sensing this surrounding elemental domination.

Nevertheless, upon seeing the familiar lightning spirit, they all instantly understood the reason for the phenomenon.

Spirits were beings who could influence the state of Nature in the surroundings, and although Spirit Hierarchy was not fully understood by many, they knew that Kayla was very highly ranked in said hierarchy.

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