Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 466 Year 1052: August-October

On their Birthday, the 10th of August, some of the A and S rankers whom Greed and Pride were close with, some of whom they became familiar in Bultom’s Adventurers’ guild with during the Cheverton Incident, threw a ‘little’ party for them at the Adventurer’s guild Headquarter building.

Since the guild building was massive, with multiple guild halls, large monster rooms, storage areas and offices, there was more than enough space for these high-ranked adventurers to commandeer an entire guild hall for a few hours.

Of course, while everyone knew it was their birthday, no one knew their actual ages and Greed nearly turned the matter of guessing their ages into a game and almost succeeded in coaxing a few adventurers to place bets on it.

Thankfully, Pride reined him in before things went that far.

But either way, most people only guessed that Pride and Greed were either at least nineteen or in their early twenties.

If only they knew the two high demons were 1352 years old.

Anyway, after the little birthday celebration and the scolding the adventurers received from the vice guild master in charge of the hall that they had used the next day, things went back to normal.

Besides Evan and the Deadly Sin siblings, Kuro, Kayla, Amy and Milena, officially registered themselves as adventurers and somehow came to be known as the ‘Spirt Half’ of the ‘Anomalies’ adventurer party.

Thanks to Evan’s popularity and authority, it was very easy to pull a few strings and get them C-Rank adventurer cards upon registration, which they were eventually going to upgrade to B-rank soon enough.

As for the last member of the ‘Human Half’ of the ‘Anomalies’ adventurer party; Eliza she had pretty much become a local idol.

This was mostly thanks to an event where a B-rank adventurer party went into the Capital’s Dungeon and were unfortunate enough to encounter a Peak Grandmaster (Level 450-500) monster in the Dungeon’s fortieth floor where one would normally find level 200-250 monsters in other dungeons.

It had been stated before but the capital’s dungeon was one of the most dangerous Dungeons on the Alpha continent, and Aidos as a whole.

The main reason for this was its unpredictability, as monsters were not restricted to certain floors and could actually wander to upper floors whenever they felt like it, especially stronger monsters who had higher levels of sentience and did not wish to be confined to the dungeon anymore.

It was for this reason that a great deal of Gerfast’s adventurer population consisted of A, S and SS rank adventurers.

It was a dungeon not recommended for beginner adventurers at all.

A Level 70 D ranker could be unlucky to encounter a Level 200 monster on floor 10, and this was not a rare occurrence at all.

The party Eliza had encountered, was one of the unlucky ones who met with higher-level monsters and were almost wiped out.

However, thanks to the foresight of one of the party members, they had a teleportation stone which returned them right back to the guild building.

When they all suddenly appeared in the guild’s main hall, wounded and covered in blood, Eliza was the first responder who healed their wounds and kept them alive long enough for the S-rank healers to arrive.

This action which was witnessed by thousands of adventurers served to boost her popularity which was already fairly high due to the news of the Cheverton incident to an even greater height.

Date of Occurrence: Year 1052, August 31.

Back on the ‘Tower of Trials’, the party always made sure to reconvene back at the Oak Avenue Manor at regular intervals, setting a goal of clearing a minimum of three floors in a month.π‘œπ”³π“΅xt.𝒸𝑂𝑀

Like so they cleared Floors 21-24 in the month of August.

After this, they took a break for the first two weeks of September, mainly because Evan was trying to throw a birthday party for Eliza and the girl had a hard time stopping him from inviting half the Empire’s nobles.

The boy had wanted to use the opportunity to make it known that he was all for Eliza alone, to deter those noble families who were sending him marriage proposals in secret as he and his butler had gotten tired of going through them.

Although the blonde teenager succeeded in persuading him to keep things a bit low-key, a few newspaper companies who carried the news helped him achieve the same effect.

After the birthday party, the ‘Anomalies’ once again returned to challenging the ‘Tower of Trials’, with plans to clear Floors 25 to 27 in one go.

Date of Occurrence: Year 1052, September 18.

When they arrived at floor 25 of the tower, the difficulty bumped up exponentially.

Level 250 monsters were the norm, and they were either mostly monsters that had debuff-type abilities in addition to their high level of damage or monsters with high levels of mobility that didn’t stay in one place at all.

Monsters like Doom Hounds who were capable of short-distance teleportation and applied ‘Corrosion’ upon contact, Rift Mages that teleported around and summoned droves of weaker monsters on their levels, Cockatrices that applied the ‘Bleed’ debuff, Basilisks that were so eager to turn the Anomalies to stone and so on.

They also saw some strange monsters that they had never seen before, and some that Pride and Greed recognized after having seen them in other worlds.

A few of the enemies were weaker versions of ‘endgame’ monsters that Evan recognized, like Razor Scorpions, White-Eyed Blight Anacondas, Predator Elephants, Raptor Hogs, etc.

In the end, they only cleared up to Floor 27 by the end of September, and then they left the Event Dungeon and returned to the GWE because of a very important event that Evan, and to some extent, Pride and Greed had been awaiting for a while.

It was that marked the commencement of service for one of the best land transportation methods ever created.


The magi-technology-powered series of connected vehicles that ran along railways and transported people and freight that had been in the works on the Alpha continent for years had finally made their official debut to the world.

Date of Occurrence: Year 1052, October 1.

The railroads were laid out to connect major cities and towns in various countries across the Alpha continent.

Each country’s contribution to the development of these locomotives determined how many rails, stations and trains they got upon their debut

All the final tests had been completed, railroads/railways were opened and the general public was now allowed to use these trains as a means of transportation, making travelling from one city to another a lot easier for the Alpha continent’s inhabitants.

Sadly, the prices of the train tickets were fairly expensive, so only the Upper-Middle class and above families, along with nobles patronized this service.

But still, just the GWE alone had over a hundred million citizens in population, so that ‘Upper Middle Class’ was still quite a lot.

An organization called the ‘Continental Railroad Service’ was established to handle all train and rail-related matters, having branches in every country that participated in the development of Trains on the Alpha continent.

Despite the fact that they were just newly developed, the trains of Aidos had a level of design and efficiency compared to the trains that Evan’s home world had close to 200 years after they were first developed.

Most of them were locomotives, but Multiple unit trains also existed, although these only made up 15% of the total number of trains on the continent, and were mainly reserved for high nobility, Royalty, and Presidencies.

Border Security across countries increased exponentially due to the presence of International Trains that were only allowed to cross a maximum of one national border.

Cities closest to National borders were now converted into ‘Station Cities’, in order to manage railway, immigration and other customs matters.

Plans to establish more station cities with Hotels and Inns as far as the eye could see were also in the works as the more cities they were, the better for the Train Service.

For Evan, this was a godsend, as the boy was someone who honestly hated carriages more than he did the Demonic Hand.

He was one of those who bought one of the First-Class tickets to participate in the Capital City’s Head Train Station; the Vesta Station’s first train ride.

For now, Train Rides only happened a maximum of three times a week, but this was bound to increase the more people started using the trains.

Companies and businesses began using the trains to send their workers on business trips to other counties, and states within a country, and even for international business trips to other countries too.

Countries also began using them for official diplomacy trips and the like.

Animal/monster-drawn carriages still existed, but they were no longer the main means of transportation across long intercity distances.

They also saw improvements in quality too but Evan could barely care less about that due to the hype of the trains.

Naturally, there was also a Class system in the trains, from Economy to business, Premium and then First Class.

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