Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 459 “You’re An Otherworlder, Are You Not?”

“Yes. If we gather the required materials and fused them into the weapons, we can ascend them to their next phases.

At that stage, the weapons become permanently bound to their owners and their effects are strengthened, plus they get new weapon skills.”

Evan gave Pride a brief rundown of the materials needed to take the Unforged to Phase 2 and Pride could only sigh and wish him luck on that endeavour.

“Getting those materials would be tough for the current me.

That’s why I want to get the ‘Vale Blade’. The Weapon used by the previous ‘Second’.”

“Ah…that irritating Sword, I remember it well.”

Pride remarked as she skimmed through her memories of the war a millennia ago, clicking her tongue lightly while speaking of the previous ‘Second’ Hero’s sword.

“The sword is in his underground base that is situated near Wolfen’s capital city of Agla. After dealing with the Lizard Lord, I’d go over to the GEE and join them to annex Wolfen.

Well…that’s only if Wolfen refuses to grant me entrance to the facility. I’d rather avoid a war when I can.”

“You’re a Count of the GWE. And a Hero at that…wouldn’t that give you an edge?”

“Wolfen has stubborn leaders.

They refused the GEE’s numerous requests over the past few years. I can also guess they are scared of triggering another trap and having everything within miles of the base wiped off the map again.

That’s good because if that base self-destructs, Wolfen is done for.”

Evan drew a light ‘X’ mark over Wolfen when he said that, sighing softly while remembering an in-game CG.

“Anyway, I had originally given up on Vale Blade, but seeing Laurene with Venus kinda remotivated me.”

“I did think that bracelet on her wrist was familiar, but it was indeed Venus, huh? Those old Seven really had troublesome Weapons and skills.”

“Says the woman who could beat all Seven of them.”

“I was just that much stronger.”

Pride replied with a shrug of her shoulders and a nonchalant expression on her face, making Evan’s brow twitch as he barely held himself from screaming out his next words.

“They were Sovereign level existences, with the weakest being level 850! They all had you out-levelled by close to a hundred! Each!”

“Levels are not absolute. You of all people should know that.

After all, if Levels were so absolute, then you would have never been able to deal the final blow on the Eighth Finger.

Mine and my siblings’ cases, only serve as further proof to discount the absoluteness of Levels.”

The high demon’s reply was as calm as ever, with her snapping her fingers and making the fridge at the corner of Evan’s room appear in front of her.

She then proceeded to take out a wine bottle and two glasses, pouring a drink for herself before returning the Fridge back to its original position.

Evan who saw this happen, just sighed and shook his head as he spoke.

“Yeah. They are very important…high priority, but they are not absolute.

But you and your siblings take things to a whole new level. The very fact that you became Sovereign level existences at level 777 is already strange in itself.

Then you then went to beat the heck out of Level 850 existences like it was a walk in the park, even if you did have to use that weird Idiosyncrasy of yours.”

As he spoke, he gestured to the fridge she had just used her powers on, making the high demon shrug her shoulders while downing the contents of her glass.

Afterwards, she dropped the glass on the table and called out.

“Hey, Evan…”

“Hmm? What’s up?”

The boy was casually pouring himself a drink when Pride’s next question came in, making his hands stop for the shortest of moments.

“Exactly what are you?”

“…I’m not sure I follow?”

“I’ve made my guesses, and I had a lot of hints given the fact that you are not exactly making attempts to hide certain things from us.

But still, I do not want to make any concrete conclusions till I hear it from your own mouth.

So do tell Evan, exactly what are you?”

Hearing Pride’s question once more, Evan leaned back on his chair and sipped his drink before asking back.

“If I told you I do not know…would you believe me?”


“You asked what I am…and I’m telling you I do not know the answer to that.”

Pride had an inkling that Evan was not getting the true essence of her question, but she let him continue speaking for now.

“I’d always believed I was a normal human, but on the day that I gained my mystic eyes, I discovered I was not one from the start.”

“You did tell me that before. But your status…”

“Obscured by the goddess herself, so everyone who sees it sees me as Human.”

Evan dropped his glass and picked up the wine bottle again before continuing.

“She seems hell-bent on not letting me find out what it is, I tried using the essence of destruction on it, but I do not have that much control over destruction essence, neither do I have the required energy to remove the obscuration.

Using the watered-down essence of a law is not enough to deal with the effects of the genuine power of a World Law.”

The high demon nodded as she, being a Sovereign level existence in the past, possessed the ability to bend world laws to her will. In fact, she could probably cheat her way into doing so when she reached the Epic Level, in spite of the Legendary Level requirement.


“That’s intriguing to know and all, but that was not the true essence of my question.”

Pride looked Evan in the eye and spoke.



Evan was momentarily confused about how Pride knew that name but he then remembered when he and she used the Demonic Possession technique in Geto and nodded in understanding.

“You’re an otherworlder, are you not?”


The boy laughed out loud upon hearing Pride’s question, leaning forward on the table and propping his chin up onto his palm before asking.

“And what makes you think that?”

“It’s the logical conclusion that anyone who’s been with you for the past year can come to. And like I said, you do not seem to be actively trying to hide things from us.

I’m sure Eliza already has her suspicions, but she’s waiting for you to tell her yourself.”

Hearing Pride’s words, Evan chuckled and spun around on his chair before using light magic to generate the magic projection of a scale.

“Let’s make it a deal.

I’d tell you what you wanna know, and you’d tell me what your Idiosyncrasy is?”

This time, it was Pride’s turn to burst into laughter as she replied.

“You have a higher chance of succeeding in making me tell you parts of my ‘True Demon Name’ than that.”

“…you gotta be kidding me.”

Evan was momentarily stunned but he burst into a peal of laughter once more right after, while Pride only silently refilled her wine.

“The previous Seven Heroes really hid their powers and all, but maybe they should take a lesson from you.”

The high demon did not give a reply to Evan’s words, and the boy took the chance to end the current topic.

“Seeing as we both would not get the answers we want, how about we return to the main topic at hand?”

“Fine by me.”

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