Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 457 World Powers Of Aidos


[What were you planning on telling them?]

“Hmm? Oh, Milly.

Anyway, it’s something they were going to eventually figure out, even faster than expected because of the ‘Azure Witch’ being present.

Evan replied to the high-rank water/ice spirit whom he had recently come into contact with, Milena, much to the spirit’s confusion.

[Something they were eventually going to figure out?]

“Yeah…it’s a little upgrade to the Teleportation Waypoints. But they have to get the main waypoints down first before they can make the addition.”

He stood up after replying, picking up a blanket from the bed and draping it over Joanna’s body before taking his leave from the room after making sure the Magic projector was turned off completely.

The instant he closed the door behind him, he sensed a magic fluctuation and turned back with his mystic eyes, taking notice of multiple defensive formations that were now activated, some of which seemed very familiar.

‘It’s just like a mini version of the ones on her house in Kasteblum…’

Evan chuckled lightly as he turned back and walked away, eventually meeting Myra at the end of the hallway with whom he struck up a conversation.

◇ ◇ ◇

Evan returned to his room in the Eris Ducal Mansion and lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he thought about the Sovereign level existence that he had just seen.

‘The ‘Azure Witch’, huh? She’s one of the stronger ones above level 850.’

And then his thoughts went towards the events of the game that involved her, and her eventual death at the hands of the Demonic Hand’s executives.

‘She was too strong, and they deemed her a Highest-level Priority Threat. In the end, she was defeated and killed by the Demonic Hand’s Strongest member.’

Merely thinking about that person, the ‘Strongest Entity’ that exists in the Demonic Hand gave Evan chills as the power that being displayed in the game was mind-blowing.

‘That person is also one of the main reasons why ‘The Five’ don’t make rash moves against the Demonic Hand.

After all, if they were the Five strongest beings on Aidos, then that person is qualified to be considered the Sixth.’

As Evan thought about the disaster that involved that particular executive, he could not help but sigh in exasperation as defeating that person without the help of any of ‘The Five’ seemed like a pipe dream.

‘That person is even the one who’d take out Tarse’s Guardians, diminishing the country’s power and setting the groundwork for the ‘Fall of the Desert Country’.’

Evan pulled up the system archive and skimmed through the information in it, sorting out things from the game that he had forgotten about the ‘Fall of the Desert Country’, the disaster that marked the official beginning of Aidos’ doom.

‘If the Demonic Hand succeed, then the hard work of the dragons guarding the Dimensional Rift on the Dark Continent would all be for nought.’

“But…there’s nothing the current me can do about that Disaster now.

I don’t have influence that stretches into Tarse as of now. There’s also the ‘Hero’ who’s supposed to be in Tarse too, dealing with that disaster would require that person’s help, whichever Hero they are.

I just hope they have not been taken over by one of the Previous Seven.”

As of now, Three Heroes had been revealed, Abigail the First, Evan the Second, and Laurene the Fourth.

However, although these three were not taken over by the previous heroes from a thousand years ago, it was only because they were special cases.

Evan was personally placed here by Artemisia, who also gave Laurene a skill the girl saw as ‘Mental Block’, to protect both her mind AND her soul from being yeeted out by the Previous Fourth.

As for Abigail, the young Elder Breed Elf was a different case entirely, though that much was obvious given the interest that ‘The Eternal of Time and Destruction’ (ETOD) had in her.

As Arnold had said, she was an older, more powerful version of the current Evan, and her powers of Destruction were on an entirely different level too.

Evan heaved a sigh before closing the matter of the Desert Country’s Fall for now, moving to another Disaster, the next on his list.

“Artemisia, how much longer is left until the Lair of the Lizard Lord Breaks?”

|A year. |

“And how strong would the Lizard Lord be by then?”

|I cannot give an exact figure but the creature is going to be far weaker than it was supposed to be at this time.

It was a consequence of me hastening the Dungeon Break. |

“That so? Also, why have you begun using your normal voice these days? I don’t think my Mental Resistance is strong enough to prevent my mind from collapsing…”

|The ‘Indirect Messaging’ feature is currently offline since some parts of the System are undergoing maintenance. |

“Oh, okay.”



|Don’t ask about the details. |

Artemisia cut Evan short before he could even begin asking about the details of the System Maintenance and how he could not notice any differences.

The young hero only sighed softly before running his hand through his hair as he closed the Disaster section of the Archive.

He played around with the sorting of the Archive and ended up on a tab that was listed not so far after the ‘Lizard Lord’s Outbreak’.

“Major World Powers…”

Opening it, he scrolled through the information in that section, detailing the Major World Powers of Aidos, and why they were considered as such.

“Oh…the Alpha Continent’s Holy Kingdom isn’t part? I guess only the Beta Continent’s Holy Empire is part of them.”

Evan exclaimed out loud as he scrolled through the names of the Countries on the list.

In every world that worked with a Country System, there were always countries that had power and influence that was leagues above others.

The same was the case in Aidos, there were countries that stood at the top of the Hierarchy, holding dominant positions and were capable of exerting their influence and projecting their power on a global scale.

These Countries were the World Powers.

As for what made these countries to be considered World Powers; for starters, was their Economic Strength.

Each of these World Power nations had high levels of Economic Strength, high import and even higher Export rates, as well as wonderful living standards for their citizens.

Their Agricultural sector was also flourishing much more than others, with these nations having rich natural resources and high crop yields per annum, enough for them to export tons and still have enough for their citizens, and a lot in reserve for emergencies.

The people of Aidos’ cognizance of the existence of Magic and other supernatural energies that existed within the atmosphere of planets also helped in this sector as magic was very helpful in Aidos’ crop-rearing processes.

“If a normal human on Earth V ate food from Aidos, they might just gain supernatural powers…”

Evan spoke out loud as he compared Aidos and Earth V, thinking about just how much different the ability to harness the powers of the world’s natural energies made things.

“I bet a random guy on the street here in Aidos could compete with a top wrestler from E-V and win.”

Coming back to the main topic, World Power nations in Aidos also had good international relations, diplomacy, and soft-power influence that made middle or small-power nations consider their opinions before taking certain actions.

The size of territories possessed by these Countries also played a huge part in their statuses, as well as their number of colonies, if any.

Naturally, the overwhelming Military Strengths these countries possessed were also one of the main factors involved.

The aforementioned characteristics would have been enough in any normal world, like Evan’s Earth V where the countries who possessed all these characteristics were considered Global Superpowers.

But on Aidos, and any other world that was inhabited by existences cognizant of supernatural energies, there were a few more things to add.

On a side note, a small percentage of Earth V’s population was actually aware of magic and other energies, just that they did not reveal the existence of these energies to the rest of the world.

Anyway, in Aidos, where Master Level Existences who could singlehandedly blast a small town to bits existed, a few more things had to be taken into account when considering World Powers.

So even if one had met all the requirements, they would still not be considered a World Power on Aidos unless they met these other requirements.

For being a ‘World Power’ Nation in Aidos, one needed to have all the aforementioned requirements, with the addition of at least 100 Legendary Level Existences, having originated from that Country, in either the past or present.

Indeed, having at least 100 of Aidos’ couple thousand ‘Living Legends’ come from one’s country was the last requirement to be considered a World Power Nation in this world.

Countries like, Uswil, Nucrya, the Utrarian Republic, Deston, Solaris, and so on, all fit this bill.

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