Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 444 Analysis? Of The Known Heroes

“To think he actually unsealed two of the ‘Seven Deadly Sins’…does he not know how dangerous the ‘Seven Strongest Invaders’ are?”

Arnold spoke as he remembered the records of the past that ‘Aidos’ had shown him, the records of a fight between Pride and one of the transcendent level High Dragons of a thousand years ago.

That was the only time throughout the entire war that Pride unleashed the full-body avatar of her incarnation series skill.

The end result; the woman split a freakin island in two with a single sword slash!

The planet of Aidos was a fairly large one, more so than Evan’s home world, and it had three main continents, separated by vast oceans and arrays upon arrays of islands.

Separating the Alpha and Beta Continents, was the Divider Ocean, with the Dread Ocean doing the same for the Beta and Dark, formerly Delta Continents, and lastly, separating the Dark and Alpha continents, was the ocean called the Billowy Depths.

Each of these three oceans contained hundreds of islands of varying sizes, with a good number of them being uninhabited.

These islands were the places where most of the major battles of a thousand years ago took place as the defending forces of Aidos tried their best to push the battles between higher-level existences towards the uninhabited islands to prevent mass collateral casualties.

You could not expect two Legendary-level existences to fight in a country and expect that country to be the same again…it didn’t work that way.

That was what the high dragon who Pride fought had done, and despite this, the damages of their battle still devastated the shores of the Beta Continent.

It took poor Arnold a week to recover from the shock of seeing such a high-level battle between these existences, both of them throwing out attacks infused with the powers of the very laws that governed the world.

And now the same woman who he saw creating that nonsensical scene, was unsealed and released into the world once more, and it was done by none other than his ‘brother’.

What’s more was that Evan clearly planned to release all seven of them, with the existence of a certain red-eyed man currently surrounded by multiple young noble ladies being the proof of it.

“Think we could tell him to NOT unseal them?

The thought of what would happen if all Seven of them were reunited…”

Richard got chill just by saying and thinking of such a ‘terrifying’ scenario. His thoughts went on as he remembered the Series Skill resonance that was shared between them.

“The Seven Heroes and the Seven deadly sins usually stuck together, and it could not simply be because of their Series Skill resonances.

If it was, then I believe there’s more to Series Skill resonance than we thought.”

The boy was indeed correct. The higher the existence levels and skill proficiency of the two Resonating individuals, the more power they could display using their skills.

However, there was a certain level of proficiency to be reached, where Series Skill resonance, didn’t just strengthen one’s skills alone.

In that stage, the resonating individuals, received an overall power boost to all their parameters, and not just the resonating series skills, making them display even more power than ‘normal’.

This was one of the reasons the Seven heroes fought together most of the time, and one of the reasons why Evan wanted to ‘get’ all seven of them together in this generation.

“Even if we told him to stop, he would not listen.

Or rather, he might get suspicious of us.”

Arnold spoke as he jumped up and sat on the balcony railing, facing the hall where he caught sight of Laurene who was speaking with Pride.

The girl then suddenly turned towards him and waved with a smile, which he returned, much to Richard’s displeasure.

“Dude…I’m here, you know?”

“Hmm? Oh. She was the one who waved first, and if I didn’t return the wave, she was definitely gonna come here.

Did you want that instead?”

“…on a second thought, no.”

Richard heaved a small sigh as he waved at his little sister, before turning around and propping his chin on his hands and saying.

“I have so much to do as the Crown Prince, plus, I’m attending the Academy too.

Laurene has now surpassed me in strength by a long shot, and if it wasn’t for my unique skill, I doubt I’d stand a chance against the current her.

If she uses Venus, then I’m done for.”

“What about me then? I took advantage of Evan’s appointment as heir to focus on powering up, eventually becoming a Master Level.

But since his little escapade last year, I’ve been stuck dealing with successor lessons, my growth has stunted slightly.”

If anyone who was Arnold’s age knew he considered his case of still being Level 200 at 15 years of age to be ‘stunted growth’, they might flip out in rage at him.

“I’m just like you, except my case is worse.

Even with my unique skill, the current Evan is capable of defeating me with relative ease.”

“He’s that much stronger?”

“More or less.

Besides that, he seems to have acquired a very troublesome ability. One that was the reason he was able to kill the Demonic Hand’s executive permanently.”

Hearing that, Richard recalled the details of the Demonic Hand’s executives’ revival methods, narrowing his eyes as he instantly arrived at a conclusion from Arnold’s words.

“Can he use the power of a world law doctrine? Maybe that’s his ‘Irregularity’?”

Arnold nodded in affirmation before explaining further.

“Brenda told me about it. Her knowledge about gods and her special powers allows her to do something similar for a limited time.

The instant she set eyes on Evan after he returned from Cheverton, she was able to tell that he had had something like hers, and his is much more dangerous.

Her exact words were ‘There’s no way I can mistake the law of destruction’s crimson red!’.”

“…. the dude just keeps getting worse.

Why the hell can’t they just stick with their Mystic eye skills?!

Laurene went on to get that strange Myriad Casting skill, and now Evan has something that lets him use the doctrine of destruction’s power.

Just Great.”

The Crown prince clicked his tongue repeatedly in annoyance as he spoke, taking a deep breath to calm himself before stepping back into the hall.

He returned a minute later with two drinks for himself and Arnold, downing his almost instantly before continuing.

“We’re in for a real hard time here.”

“Sure, we may be. But ours pales in comparison to what Folmar, the ‘First’, is going through.”

“Huh? You are in contact with him?”

Richard questioned with light surprise, not being aware of this fact.

“Spoke with him a few days ago. The news of Evan’s Hero status is spreading fast.

Anyway, the thing is that Folmar told me he was beginning to consider relinquishing his title.”



Evan is an Irregular with an astonishing growth speed and controls the power of destruction and has a wide arsenal of skills of magic.

But so is ‘she’.”

Arnold silently sipped his drink after speaking, while Richard had an incredulous look on his face as he was just informed about another Hero also being an ‘Irregular’.

“The new generation ‘First Hero’.”

“Yep…the 17th child of the ‘Elven Emperor’ Zaos, Abigail Lowe.

According to Folmar, she can be described in two words; ‘Superwoman Monster’.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound too good.”

“No shit.

From the way he described things, she’s an older and stronger version of Evan. She’s currently more difficult to handle than Evan is.”

Just when Richard was nodding in affirmation to Arnold’s words, he noticed something off and turned back to him in question.


“Don’t forget that Evan is the one with the ‘Leader’ title.

Abigail may be troublesome, but Evan is even a greater potential threat than she is, especially because of his ‘Hero Authority’.”


“Then again, we should not forget that all this is only relevant on the slim possibility that Evan, Laurene, Abigail and the other heroes we do not know of turn against Aidos.

Hopefully, they do not.”

In response to Arnold’s words, Richard’s expression turned grim as he spoke.

“I would love to say that there’s a 0% chance of my sister turning against Aidos, but the future is not something I can predict.

Besides, the very fact that ‘Hero Killers’ exist means that there’s a possibility, no matter how slim.”

The Crown Prince picked up his suit jacket and collected his empty glass before turning around and walking towards the door as he spoke.

“I’d keep Laurene under close watch, and if it seems like anything that’s gonna make her switch sides is about to happen; then I’d try my best to stop that thing from happening.

Dutybound or not, Laurene is still my beloved younger sister, willingly taking any action that can cause her harm, regardless of the reason, is at the bottom of the list of things I plan on doing.”

He opened the door and scanned the hall for Myra’s position with his eyes before completing his statement.𝓞𝑣𝒍xt.𝗰𝚘𝑚

“If it even makes the list in the first place.”

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