Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 434 The Birth Of A New Hero?

“The Birth of a New Hero?”

“Cheverton Undead Crisis Resolved!”

“Disaster of Graugro Strikes Again!”

“The ‘Irregular’ Evan!”

“The ‘Sword Saint’ makes a reappearance! Slays Undead Dragon!”

“Necro-Terrorist Defeated! Millions Saved!”

“MVPs of the Coalition Force; ‘Irregular’ Evan, ‘Battle Priestess’ Eliza!”

“World’s youngest A rank adventurer?”

“Three of the Ten Greats put down Necromancer targeting Cheverton!”

“A new Hero discovered! Could there be more?”

“The Undead Crisis: Aftermath!”

“Who are the ‘Anomalies’?”

These were the most popular titles of all newspapers circulating in the current Great Western Empire.

Although phrased in a myriad of ways, in the end, they were all covering one incident alone.

The Cheverton Undead Crisis.

Tens of thousands of undead monsters, all controlled by a powerful necromancer attacked the Great Western Empire’s Duchy of Cheverton.

This was common news, not only in the Great Western Empire, but in many other countries on the Alpha continent.

However, after the necromancer was defeated, the world discovered that things had been a lot more disastrous than the Empire let on.

For starters, it wasn’t ‘Tens’ of thousands, but ‘Hundreds’ of Thousands of undead creatures that had been ‘rampaging’ in Cheverton.

And the Lead Necromancer, the ‘Necro-Terrorist’, or so he was called, was actually someone as powerful as an S Rank Adventurer!

Just when people were struggling to digest this news, it was then revealed that multiple cities in Cheverton had been completely decimated by the undead hordes.

Tens of thousands of Civilians had been either killed or turned into undead creatures by the Necromancer himself.

As if that wasn’t enough, it turned out that this S Rank level Necromancer had conducted such a large-scale undead attack in the past.

It turned out, that the Necromancer, was the ‘Disaster of Graugro’ who struck 25 years ago.

The ‘Desecrator of Souls’, Dominik Velak!

People who lived in the northern periphery of the Alpha continent and were alive during the incident all felt chills down their spines as they remembered the Aftermath of that incident.

The survivors of 25 years ago, knew just how dangerous that Necromancer was.

They knew just how dangerous, the ‘Nightmare of Many Who Live and Breathe’ was.

It also came as a shock to many, especially the citizens of the Beast Kingdom, as they believed that the Necromancer had been killed by ‘Beast King’ Kolvar.

However, the Great Western Empire also released news that the Necromancer had a special skill that let him revive after he was killed by Kolvar, but he had to go into hiding to recover his power, hence, the reason why he was off the grid for more than two decades.

Nevertheless, the extra details were quite irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, as all many countries wanted to know, was if the Necromancer was dead for good this time.

They didn’t want a situation where he resurfaced decades later and threatened their citizens.

And thus, the main focus returned to the person who played a pivotal role in defeating Dominik.

A young boy whom the adventurers had taken to calling the ‘Irregular’.

The Son of the Great Western Empire’s Prime Minister, Evan Eris.

When his achievements came to light, many felt it was absurd and that the Empire was using the Undead Crisis as a means to boost Evan’s popularity for some reason only they knew.

However, the tens of thousands of soldiers, adventurers, mercenaries, and knights from various countries and races, all witnessed with their own eyes that Evan did indeed participate in the battles.𝗈𝒱𝑙xt.𝑪𝗈𝔪

With so many witnesses confirming Evan’s power and contributions, the ‘popularity boosting’ theory quickly lost traction.

Stories about the boy’s actions during the entire Crisis, from the Flesh Golem attack, to ‘Operation Synchro’, and then the Falos County Incident, and finally, the Fight against the Dullahan King and the Deathlord Dominik Velak himself.

To add icing on the Cake, Dominik’s reaction upon seeing Evan’s mystic eyes was also spoken about.

The fact that the ‘Disaster of Graugro’ himself, had affirmed Evan to possess a ‘Hero’ title, was big news that even spread out of the bounds of the Alpha Continent.

As Evan had thought, it was impossible to predict just how many people heard Dominik’s magic-amplified shout, and a lot of them had gone on to spread the news to others.

Journalists who conducted interviews with the combatants heard it, Newspaper tabloids carried it, information brokers sold it, and by the end of the week, Evan’s identity as a ‘Hero’ had basically become ‘Common Knowledge’.

The title he was given by the adventurers also stuck out, and now, people either referred to him as the ‘Irregular Hero’ Evan or just ‘Irregular’ Evan.

People dug up information about Evan, and before he knew it, details about his ‘adventures’ in Geto City, Hobha and Kasteblum had spread faster than he had predicted.

Besides Evan’s newfound popularity, another thing that caught as much attention was the reappearance of the ‘Sword Saint’ Luke Bowthe who had been off the grid after passing on the title of ‘First Sword’ to the ‘Heaven Sword’ Finley Thompson.

He had made a spectacular reappearance and slayed the Undead Dragon which was believed to be the Necromancer’s most powerful undead creation, in a battle that turned the entirety of the Ruined City of Paglad, as well as everything within a few miles of it into a barren wasteland.

This showed that the Sword Saint’s strength had not waned in the slightest, indirectly reinforcing the Great Western Empire’s status as a ‘Major World Power’ Nation.

The fact that the ‘Ice Knight’ Ralphie was also present to assist the ‘Lightning Sword’ Charles showed that the Great Western Empire did not skimp out on their attempts to resolve the crisis as fast as possible, and with as much firepower as possible.

Naturally, Duke Cheverton’s battle with Dullahan King Vazgan was also a main point of focus, along with his cooperation with Evan and Ralphie against the Necromancer.

And then, there was Eliza.

A name that was very close to becoming a household name in the Great Western Empire, due to the major role she played in the battle against Dominik.

Her ‘Domain of Life’ had indeed lived up to its name, saving the lives of tens of thousands throughout the battle.

Then her performance during ‘Operation Synchro’ also served to boost her popularity, putting ‘Battle Priestess Eliza’ on the same level as the other MVPs of the Anti-Undead Coalition Force.

‘Irregular’ Evan.

‘Sword Saint’ Luke.

‘Battle Priestess’ Eliza.

‘Lightning Sword’ Charles.

‘Gravity Mage’ Tisha.

These five were the people whom the combatants of the Coalition force, as well as the citizens of Cheverton, had unanimously decided were the top major role players in resolving the crisis.

Of course, people like Heinr and Sir Czac also received their share of praise, admiration and popularity boosts, but it was still not to the level of those five.

Evan for his unexpectedly high level of contributions, strength wise, and intelligence wise as it was a fact that Evan was involved in gathering information about the Necromancer and his allies to prevent the destruction of multiple towns and cities, as well as saving all civilian lives in the Falos County’s capital.

Luke for his singular feat of slaying the Undead Dragon that almost placed all the combatants below level 200 out of commission with just its presence.

Eliza for her incredible ‘Domain of Life’, as well as her enchantments that prevented the undead from rising again. Even the priests and holy knights of the churches had to admit that her enchantments were more effective than their holy magic.

Duke Charles for his commanding abilities that defended against the undead waves during their simultaneous attacks, his battle against Vazgan, and his overall control of the situation.

And lastly, Tisha, for that one third-tier spell that wiped out thousands of undead, with the addition of the fact that she dealt with the most liches throughout the incident.

It was a bit much, but when you have more than 50 thousand people (Coalition force surviving combatants) from various countries talking about you, it was kinda impossible to NOT get famous.

On the international scene, people from various Alpha Continental Countries had expressed their relief at the fact that the Undead Crisis had been resolved and that tens of millions of Cheverton Citizens had not been turned into undead.

Some nations and NGOs also offered support to help the citizens of Cheverton recover from this Crisis, while others commended the Great Western Empire’s handling of the situation.

The Churches involved also saw large-scale religious expansions, with their influence in a few countries increasing greatly for their contributions.

Kasteblum had something similar, as Sir Czac’s combination Fourth Tier spell showed the world the level of power of their ‘Grand Mages’, and also served to improve their reputation as they were actually the only country that ‘offered’ to send forces to help.

The Guilds; Mercenary, Adventurer, Mage and Blacksmith alike, all saw multiple benefits for the forces they had dispatched during the Crisis.

Nonetheless, while the majority were happy that the undead Crisis had been resolved, it should not be forgotten that the battles fought, were wrought with casualties.

And that these casualties, numbered in the thousands.

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