Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 431 Volume 3 Teaser 1

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Sanctum of Transformation

Capital City Acron

Beta Continent’s Holy Empire

Unknown Date

A fairly tall teenage-looking boy with a shaven chin and short white hair, had his arms spread out as half a dozen servants quickly helped him remove the ceremonial robes he was wearing.

In less than five minutes, he had changed back to his usual clothing, a cassock underneath white priestly robes with a zucchetto atop his head,

On the back of his robes, a large golden rose was embroidered with fine silk, shimmering under the light as he walked through the halls of the giant Basilica, that bore the name; Sanctum of Transformation.

“What a coincidence.”

The boy spoke with a wry smile a golden inscription briefly lit up on his dark irises for a second before they returned to normal.

“Did you say anything, Lord Nicholas?”

“No…continue with your reports.”


Reports incoming state that the dragons’ reactions to the news of the incident in the Alpha Continent’s Beast Kingdom have been anything but calm.

Some of them are even threatening to start a war on humanoid races in response to this, while some other humanoid races are taking advantage of the momentum to attack and persecute Dragonkin across the continent.”

“In other news, it seems that one of the Executives of ‘that’ organization has suffered great wounds at the hands of the main perpetrator of the incident…their vital status is currently unknown.”

Hearing the words of the deacons walking beside him, the white-haired boy, Nicholas, chuckled lightly as he spoke.

“It’s only been a year and he’s already gone after another one? He’s still as high profile as ever, huh?”

“Hmm? Are you perhaps acquainted with ‘him’, Lord Nicholas?”

“I might be…. there’s a 50/50 chance.”

The Deacon was confused upon hearing his reply, but Isaac only waved him off and dismissed them all, before moving into his private garden.

Staring at water pouring through the fountain, he sighed softly and said to no one in particular.

“I really hope it’s you…”

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Harlston Palace

Capital City Harlston

Beta Continent’s Draidan Country

Unknown Date

‘Living Legend’

A title that was given to the ‘few’ Legendary Level beings that existed on the planet Aidos.

Seated on the main throne in this majestic palace, was one of these Living legends, the ‘Chief’ of the Dragonkin’s country of Draidan.

And from the expression on his face, one could tell that he was very, very displeased.

“The actions of that brat on the other continent have made the humans here grow quite arrogant.

To think they believe they can try and take over our proud Dragonkin territory.”

“Hmm? What brat?”

Answering his mutter, was a young male voice, its speaker being a boy in his late teens with snow-white skin and was pretty enough to be mistaken for a girl.

He had long smooth flowing black hair that reached his waist, with two curved horns that had intricately designed patterns jutting out from the sides of his head.

The Living legend looked up at the boy and a small smile appeared on his face, his mood brightening up at the appearance of his adopted son.

After telling the boy about the current happenings in the Alpha continent related to the dragons, a wide grin appeared on his face as his slit pupils narrowed slightly.

“I see…so it’s him again, huh?”

His long red scaled tail waved around in the air and tapped the ground a few times as the boy briefly sunk into his thoughts, an idea popping into his head as he turned towards his adoptive father and spoke.

“Those humans getting arrogant about our territory…send me to the frontlines of the battle.

I’d handle them.”

A look of surprise appeared on his adoptive father’s face, but that did not last for long as the man suddenly revealed a wide grin, with his sharp canines jutting out as he nodded and gave his affirmation.

“No problem, boy.

I’d give the official decree, immediately.”

“Thank you, Father.”

After saying his thanks, he turned around and sauntered out of the throne hall, a golden inscription flashing across his black pupils as he thought to himself.

‘Let’s see who can rack up more achievements before we meet.’

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Barthmont Palace

Capital State Goras

Alpha Continent’s Beast Kingdom

Unknown Date

A red-haired teenage boy walked out of one of the numerous rooms in this large castle, closing the door behind him and heaving a light sigh as he leaned back on it.

He was dressed in a simple red shirt that matched the colour of his eyes, along with black jeans and leather boots, and he had artifact bracelets on his both arms, each of them having multicoloured gems that shone with the brilliance of high-quality magic power.

The boy started making his way down the hallway after a few seconds, but the moment he reached an intersection, the two ears reminiscent of a lion’s that sat atop his head twitched slightly.

“Who is it?”

He turned his head slightly to glance at the corridor on his right, silently circulating his aura throughout his body as he narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

However, when he saw who it was that emerged from behind the pillar in the middle of the hallway, he lowered his guard and gave a light smile before speaking.

“So, it was you, elder sister.”

“Hmm…you’ve gotten better. Normally, you would not have been able to sense me with this level of stealth.”

The boy only shrugged his shoulders in response, not taking his eyes off the brown-haired older woman who closed the distance between them in a single ‘step’.

“I heard what happened in Lacertilia.”

“Oh…that. What about it?”

He resumed walking across the hallway towards his initial destination as he replied, with his older sister matching his pace as she answered.

“That was a very dangerous situation. That beast was a whole existence level above you. You could have died.”

“If I fought it on my own, maybe. But I had allies, as such, there was a lesser danger to my life.”

The boy ran a hand through his hair, sighing softly for a moment before continuing.

“I understand you and Second to fourth sisters’ desire for my safety, but you have to understand my own desire to get stronger as fast as possible.”

“And what is the reason for this desire of yours?”

The boy stopped and turned towards his sister, his lips curling up into a grin that showed his sharp canine teeth.

In his eyes, a golden inscription flashed for a brief moment, however, the look of surprise on his sister’s face showed she saw the inscription completely.

“Why don’t you take a guess?”

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Demonic Hand Base

Franta City Outskirts

Alpha Continent’s Great Western Empire

Unknown Date



A loud explosion rang out, accompanied by the death throes of an unfortunate demonic human, as his charred remains dropped down onto the cracked ground.

Similar screams could be heard all around as dozens of demonic hand lower and mid-ranking members all tried to flee for their lives, only for their bodies to be pierced by projectile magic of varying elements.


Casually walking through this scene of chaos, was a teenage girl with straight, chestnut-coloured, long hair that was tied up into a ponytail.

She was wearing a black polo neck jumper, with a similarly coloured pair of shorts and leather boots all underneath a long blue jacket that matched the colour of her eyes.

Wearing a blank expression on her face and gazing at everything around her with disinterest, she silently walked through the large hallway of the base, with one hand behind her back, while the other was poking the black orb that floated in the air in front of her.

Hovering nearly two metres above her head, were seven two-ringed magic circles, with colours and elements identical to the seven orbs that floated behind her.

The projectile spells kept coming out of these magic circles, each one having nearly twice the amount of power that the spells were normally meant to, and each one not failing to end the lives of a demonic hand member with a few fatal hits.

A few metres behind her, was a group of armoured knights, all having incredulous expressions on their faces as they saw one demonic hand member get hit by five jagged ice spears, in the heart!

The man’s lifeless body dropped to the ground, with one of the knights sighing as he turned to his superior knight who was a powerful grandmaster-level existence and asked.

“Are we supposed to be protecting that?”

The look on his face, as he pointed to the teenager slaughtering everything in sight, was basically asking if their presences here were even necessary.

Even the grandmaster had to admit that the knight definitely had a point, however, he did not verbally agree with him and instead reprimanded him.

“Don’t be silly. What if an enemy on your level appears? She would no-Hmm?”

His senses picked up on something and he unsheathed his sword, with all the other knights and mages having similar reactions as they noticed the peak master-level existence rapidly heading towards the girl.

Just when they were about to move to end his life…

“Stand down.”

A translucent barrier of flame and lightning elemental energy appeared in between them and the princess, with the grandmaster stopping his dash right before hitting it as he sensed that the energy in the barrier would definitely be able to bypass his durability.


The enraged shout of a demonic fused senior member rang out as the being charged towards the teenage girl, only for her to casually swing her hand down diagonally, from top right to bottom left, then from top left to bottom right.

There were two flashes of light, followed by a sudden silence that lasted a good five seconds.

On the sixth second, the body of the demonic fused being split apart into four different halves, before falling on the ground into a pool of blood.

Once again, the voice of the Knight from earlier rang out once more.

“Remind me again, we’re supposed to be ‘protecting’ ‘that’?”

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