Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 407 Domains Of Life And Death

“Evan…is there anything else you didn’t tell us about him?”

“Huh? Nope.”

“Are you sure? Because as far as I can remember, you most definitely did not tell us anything that can explain why my Unique skill is currently resonating.”

After having experienced Series skill resonance with both Amy and Joanna, Eliza now understood the feeling of skill resonance, and that was precisely why she was able to understand what had been happening ever since Dominik arrived on the battlefield.

No one noticed this, but Eliza was actually the first person to realise that the Eighth Finger was incoming, as her skill started resonating the moment the man got in range.

The problem now, was that the skill that was resonating was not her ‘Breath of Life’ skill, but her other, far more powerful Series Skill.

And Evan’s reply to her question, basically confirmed the terrifying conjecture that she had just arrived at.

“That’s obviously because the one who wields a skill that’s the exact opposite of yours. He’s the one who possesses the ‘Child of Death’ Series skill.”

“So basically, he can do with Death essence, everything I can do with life essence?”

“Yes, and he’s far much better than you are at it.

That’s why I had the Paladins come over to assist you in countering him.”𝗈𝓋𝐋xt.𝒸𝑂𝑀

Evan casually replied as he scooted over to beside the Duke and pulled up the Eighth Finger’s status that he had appraised earlier.

When Evan activated his appraisal skill, he did so at the same time that he let his sword float in the air, banking on the 50% chance that Dominik would misunderstand that the skill he had activated was the one that made the boy’s weapon float in the air.

The reality was that it was an effect of Evan’s weapon control skill, a passive skill that did not need an activation sequence, however, the Eighth Finger obviously did not know this and assumed wrongly.

But even so, Evan had found the Eighth Finger’s actions weird.

‘I mean, he did that whole Supervillain landing and all, just to stay put and watch us get into position to battle him?

He even stopped the undead from moving to attack anymore. That’s not the kind of thing he would do. Zacular not being present is also suspicious.’

Evan, as well as the Duke and all the others, felt something was wrong with the Eighth Finger’s actions, and the moment Evan saw the appraisal results, he realised exactly what it was.

“I thought it was strange that he stood there and listened to my bullshit, but seeing this explains why.”

|Name- Dominik Velak

Race- Demonic Human

Gender- Male

Age – 25(79)

Level- 409 (516)

Existence Level – Grandmaster [Intermediate] (Epic)

Titles- Eighth Finger of the Demonic Hand, Dominik The Abominable, Disaster of Graugro, Nightmare of Many Who Live and Breathe, Desecrator of the Dead, Desecrator of Souls, He who Peruses the Doctrine of Death.

Class – Deathlord

Health – A (S)

Energy – S- (S)

Strength – A

Agility – S-

Durability – A+

Intelligence – S-

Condition- Slightly Exhausted, Weakened.

Magic Tiers- Death Tier 3(4), Darkness Tier 3, Non-Attribute Magic Tier 3.

Skills- Necrokinesis, Death Magic, Hollow Magic, Barrier Bullet, Expansive Space (Borrowed Skill).

Unique Skills- Child of Death, herald of death[X]. |

The man’s status revealed a lot of things, starting from the fact that he was not a normal human, but a varying breed known as ‘Demonic Human’.

It also showed both his real age and the age of the current body he was inhabiting, along with his original existence level which was the Epic Level, and his level which was 516.

Said levels were lost when he met death at the hand of the Beast King 25 years ago, however, it could be seen that he had recovered to a certain extent in the past 25 years.

As for his skills, his Necrokinesis was quite self-explanatory, as it was one of the main driving forces behind his necromancer abilities along with his unique skill.

The skill he borrowed through his contract with Zacular was also displayed, things that despite having been told by Evan beforehand, the Duke and Sir Heinr were still shocked to see.

Nevertheless, Evan’s main focus was not on these things he already knew about, but on the man’s condition.

Slightly Exhausted and Weakened.

Both Evan and Duke Charles had found it weird that the Eighth Finger had not attacked around the same time as Vazgan earlier in the morning, and was only arriving hours after the battle had begun, but with those three words, they could instantly infer what the reason was.

‘Someone or something had kept the Eighth Finger occupied for the past few hours, and whoever or whatever that was, they were enough of a threat for him to not even send Zacular to go forth while he handled it.

And they were also capable of reducing the Eighth Finger’s stat values…and even his Magic Tier.’

Evan thought about people with Reduction manipulation-type powers that had feuds with the Eighth Finger but all the names he could think of were of people who were not from, and in the Great Western Empire at the moment.

“His vitality and energy values are lower by a few ranks.”

“Indeed. Whoever did this must have had his health value as the focus, reducing it by a whole rank. They also dealt with that irritating death magic of his.”

Evan nodded in response to both Duke Charles’ and Heinr’s words, before adding his own.

“The reason he just stayed still is that he is trying to recover, even if it is just a little bit.”

Duke Charles narrowed his eyes as he concurred with Evan’s words, but he honestly appreciated the break as he had expended far too much power dealing with Vazgan earlier.

The time the Eighth Finger was using to recover, also served the same purpose for him, allowing him to recover a little bit of energy.

The only downside to this, was the fact that despite having gravely wounded Vazgan, the lack of level-up notifications showed that the Dullahan King was still ‘alive’, even though he was definitely not well.

In fact, Zacular had been silently trying to use his own death energy to help expel the life energy and divinity traces from the Dullahan King’s body while the three of them were having this ‘conversation’.

However, this was noticed by the airborne Grand Mage who silently launched a huge spear of flames in the direction of the silent Deathlord.

In response, Dominik rose his hand and activated his barrier bullet skill, releasing a huge translucent sphere of pure magic power that collided with and cancelled out the spear of flames.

Grand Mage Czac had been part of the forces who stayed in reserve for the eventual arrival of the Eighth Finger, and now the necromancer had arrived, the Grand Mage and all the other combatants of the Coalition force had mobilized themselves and gotten into battle-ready positions.

“Attacking without a word?”

“Words are unnecessary, necromancer.”

“…Indeed, they are.”

After that short dialogue between Czac and Dominik, the latter nodded his head in agreement, before suddenly flaring up his energies and activating his unique skill.

Stomping his leg on the ground with enough force to crack the earth under his feet, he called out the name of the dreadful ability that turned thousands of people to undead within the past few months.

“Domain of Death.”

A wave of murky dark energy spread out omnidirectionally from under his feet, turning the ground black as it swept towards the area where the coalition force’s combatants stood.

The motionless undead instantly resumed their movements the moment the network of energy that was the domain spread under their feet, with them roaring and chattering their teeth as they resumed their attacks.

“Liz! Now!!”

Evan screamed out to his partner who did not hesitate to use the thing that she and Evan had been working on for the past few weeks, something the girl noted was exactly the same as what the Necromancer in front of her just used.

‘He knew about this ability because of him, huh?’

Those were her thoughts as she rose her hands before stabbing the spear tip of her staff into the ground and rousing as much life energy as she could.

“Domain of Life!!!”

From the point where the staff stabbed into the ground, a bright green wave of energy spread out omnidirectionally, burning the feet of the undead caught within its range while rejuvenating the bodies of the living beings standing in its sphere of influence.

A light frown adorned Dominik’s face as he saw the network of magic energy that was almost the same as his, except that this his was far more refined and this one was powered by life energy instead.

eαglesnᴏνel He watched as the two domains inevitably clashed with each other, releasing waves of energy that knocked back those near the point of collision.

The two domains did not spread any further, however, that was only for a moment as in the next, the bright green domain of life was easily overpowered by the dark murky domain of death.

This was only expected, as the gap in the level of power and skill proficiency of the two individuals was far too removed.

It was something Evan had expected, and something he had prepared for.


The Superior Holy Knights did not need to wait for Evan’s shout as they took action instantly, finally understanding why Evan had told Heinr to order them to stay out of battle.

They could tell that Dominik’s domain of death was anything but good and could not allow their allies to be caught within it.

Rousing their holy magic and meagre divinity reserves, the paladins all channelled their energies towards Eliza, temporarily empowering the girl and enabling her to force the domain of death to stop spreading out and even recede a little bit.

‘Since we cannot fight it with quality, we can only do so with quantity!’

Those were the words Evan said when he informed them of his plan, and those words could be used to explain the current scenario where the Eighth Finger’s superior domain, was being held back by the weaker Child of Life skill user, empowered by the combined holy magic and divinities of a dozen paladins.

“First it was a fucking Laneford, now the child of life wielder?!

Can you life attribute users just stop messing with me?!”

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