Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 401 Adaptive Evolution’s Bullshit

The opponents of the former Troll Emperor and Gravity Mage were shocked when they realised that the two, were not aiming the skills at them.

Tisha’s orb of gravity bent the incoming attack of the lich and redirected it elsewhere, but the attack itself was not aimed at the lich.

Yetu thrust his sword forward, creating a vortex with a repulsive force that pushed away the incoming battle axe of the axe Dullahan, however, the thrust was not aimed towards the Dullahan.

It did not take the two undead a second to realise what Yetu and Tisha were truly aiming for, however, it was too late by then.

Yetu’s sword thrust right into the skull of the lich and shattered it to pieces, while the blades of wind released from his skill, sliced the lich’s bones to pieces.

Tisha’s orb of gravity crashed right into the solar plexus of the axe Dullahan, sucking in everything nearby, the Dullahan’s body included and destroying it completely.

“Oh, and an explosion for special effects.”

Tisha’s amused voice was the last thing both undead heard right before their visions were covered by the bright light of an explosion.

With both their opponents dead and completely destroyed, Tisha and Yetu silently high-fived each other while walking away from the scene of the explosion.

“Hey, Yetu.

Wanna join my party?”

“Hmm…I’d consider it.”

Such was the conversation the two were having while Evan who was standing on a void step a few kilometres away was looking at the smoke from the explosion Tisha caused.

“Gravity Magic….

Kayla, remind me to copy it later.”


The lightning spirits replied to Evan before generating a giant lightning claw with magic and shredding the head of an undead wolf to pieces.𝒐𝑽𝓵xt.𝚌𝒐𝑀

[Aha! I’m the superior wolf!!]

Looking at the wolf-transformed spirit who was currently making the worst possible imitation of a ‘howl’ that Evan had ever heard, the boy chuckled lightly before taking out a magic potion from his pocket and downing it.

He then turned his gaze towards his level and sighed softly before speaking.

“Adaptive Evolution is at it again, isn’t it, Artemisia?”

[The goddess ‘Artemisia’ looks elsewhere and whistles suspiciously.]

The current Evan was level 258, however, when one looked at the number of undead corpses around him and took into account how many more Pride would have killed, it was obvious that something was siphoning a great deal of his experience points.

‘Kuro, what level is Liz, now?’

[Hold on…]

[…She says she’s at level 224.]

‘That’s higher than I expected. Seems like she and Amelie are really killing undead, huh?’

The young hero sighed once more, before jumping off the pile of corpses he was seated on. He then turned his gaze to the next point on the battlefield that had seen the greatest amount of lightning today, the place where the Duke of the North was laying waste to multiple ‘Elite’ undead.

Sitting on his prized Warhorse, Duke Charles swung his lightning-infused blade and turned dozens of ghouls into burnt pieces of flesh with each swing, before releasing a final strike towards the grandmaster-level ghoul hiding behind all of them and reaping its ‘life’.

His warhorse didn’t just stand still and do nothing, as it used its powerful hooves to tens of undead under its feet, crushing the skulls of multiple skeleton knights and a few undead mages underfoot.

Although it was called a ‘warhorse’, it wasn’t exactly a normal horse per se, but a rare special breed of horse-like monster that the Duke had been raising ever since he was ten years old.

The peak Master level creature was capable of single-handedly defeating majority of the B-rank adventurers and monsters that inhabited the Cheverton Duchy, and it was only a small inch away from becoming a grandmaster-level existence like its rider.

Just as Evan was about to make a dad joke about horses, the boy’s newly stolen passive skill activated itself, causing him to turn his gaze towards the largest enemy threat on the battlefield.

He saw the Dullahan King who had not moved ever since the beginning of the battle two hours ago, slowly placing his helmet-clad head back onto his neck, twisting it slightly and locking it into place.

Evan knew why Vazgan did that, it was an action to activate his ‘Time Difference’ skill, a skill that gave the Undead powerful perception abilities, and a skill Evan honestly wanted to steal.

Immediately after, Vazgan grabbed the reins of his Superior Nightmare horse variant, tugging them slightly as the creature understood the actions of its master.

It slowly raised one of its hooves into the air, and then…


With a loud boom, the horse crossed the entire distance between its initial starting position and Duke Charles in a single instant.

It carved the ground where it passed, killing all the combatants in its path faster than they could even realise that they had died.

A trail of blue flames that instantly caught the attention of many was left as the Dullahan King’s mount zoomed towards the Duke of the North.

Naturally, it was impossible for someone on Duke Charles’s level not to notice this, especially if he had been keeping tabs on the Dullahan King for any sudden movements.

The instant he noticed Vazgan putting his head back on his neck, Duke Charles had already begun preparing himself for battle.

His warhorse neighed loudly before kicking off the ground with its powerful hooves and dashing straight towards Vazgan, colliding with the Dullahan King’s mount halfway through as both their riders clashed weapons.


The ground cratered underneath their feet as the first clash between the most powerful forces of both sides released shockwaves that violently knocked everything within a 500-metre radius into the air.

And that was just them testing the waters.

Tendrils of light blue lightning snaked across Duke Charles’s sword arm while wisps of dark orange aura formed a ribbon around Vazgan’s arm.

Two pairs of dark and blue coloured eyes locked gazes with each other for a moment, from both the riders and their mounts, a second before both weapons moved with barely perceptible speed, clashing against each other multiple times, with each clash releasing devastating shockwaves that ravaged the earth around them.

The two mounts stomped their feet on the ground, giving their best to withstand the pressure coming from the clash of their riders while glaring at each other and releasing little bits of blue flames and lightning against themselves.

It took a whole minute for their second clash to end, with the two grandmasters taking distance from each other while the other combatants who were still within a kilometre distance of them scurried away to avoid getting caught in the crossfire.

After all, no one wanted to be near the area where two beings capable of wiping out entire cities along with everything within it were fighting each other.

This was a sentiment shared by both living and undead beings alike.

Duke Charles looked down on his warhorse and saw its injuries, twisting his lips in displeasure before lowering his head and whispering something to the horse.

Immediately after the warhorse released a loud neigh before kicking off the ground and dashing straight towards Vazgan.

However, as soon as it got ‘close’, Duke Charles got up and used the creature’s back as a foothold to boost forward, his entire body being coated in blue lightning as he blitzed towards Vazgan.

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