Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 398 Axe Dullahan

“What? Why are you all looking at me like I’m the bad guy? The fucker was healing itself with death energy!”

Tisha flashed over to his side and whacked his head with her magic staff before speaking.

“I wouldn’t be in the wrong to offer her your head right now, you know?”

“Huh?! But why?!!”

Ignoring the banter between the two party members, Pride turned her attention to the exp she received and noticed something.

‘Even if I didn’t deal the last blow, that thing was still more than 50 levels higher than me, I should have gotten more levels.

Did Evan’s strange skill act up again?’

However, as if interrupting people was the raining fad, she was broken out of her thoughts by the axe-wielding Dullahan who suddenly flared up its aura in the distance.

“I was waiting for when you guys would remember we are on a battlefield.”

Yetu remarked as he wrapped two rubber bands around his hand and unsheathed his huge great sword, before continuing.

“I’m taking this one, any objections?”



“Have at it.”

The man nodded before taking a deep breath with closed eyes, reopening them the moment after to reveal a light glow in his distinctive red irises as he took a stance and roused his aura.


By the next second, he had already turned into a streak of reddish-brown light that shot towards the incoming battle-axe-wielding Dullahan, with the resultant force of their eventual clash going on to crater the ground under their feet for hundreds of metres and send out shockwaves that spread for an even longer distance.

And just like every other grandmaster-level battle today, it immediately became a high-speed battle that more than half of the combatants would have trouble following with their eyes.

Axe and Sword techniques released consecutively without break, rending the very ground they stood on as the two combatants engaged in a fight to the death.

After being seriously injured by an existence ‘beneath’ him, as well as having been sneak attacked by Yetu, the Axe Dullahan rediscovered the emotion of ‘rage’ that he believed he had long forgotten after becoming an undead.

However, its hot head quickly cooled down after clashing with Yetu and realising that the former Troll Emperor was no pushover.

After being ‘trained’ through continuous fights with powerful adventurers over the years, Yetu’s skill level with the great sword wasn’t exactly something that the Axe Dullahan could handle in a state of rage.

He quickly activated a skill that generated another battle-axe in his other hand, one solely constructed with pitch black death aura, just in time for Yetu to deliver three deadly slashes to his chest, and solar plexus.

The second slash was aimed at the solar plexus, but the third was aimed at the Dullahan’s fatal weakness that was hanging from his waist, his head.

Even so, as an ‘Elite’ Dullahan under Vazgan, it wasn’t so easy to destroy his head.

He spun the two axes in vicious circles, activating an axe battle skill that made the axes spin like he was swinging nun chucks.

All of Yetu’s slashes were pushed back by the axes, with the aura-constructed one cracking slightly due to the force of the former troll emperor’s attacks, however, it wasn’t something that a little aura infusion couldn’t fix.

The Axe Dullahan charged at Yetu immediately after, attempting to get up close and personal, but Yetu didn’t let him, taking advantage of his great sword’s length to keep the Axe Dullahan at a distance where his weapon couldn’t directly come in contact with him.

‘Fatal Edge.’

The Axe Dullahan’s inferno sights flickered as he sensed a skill activation, rousing more of his death aura as he crossed his axes in an ‘X’.


Yetu’s blade struck the axes, knocking the axe Dullahan backwards by a few metres. However, instead of capitalizing on the small opening he created, Yetu jumped and took distance from the Dullahan.

“This is why fighting high-level undead is annoying as fuck.”

The dark-skinned man spat out in annoyance as he reinforced the mana skin on his body, before turning his gaze back to the Axe Dullahan that had taken an attack stance.

One could visibly see the thick death aura rising up around him, with wafts of it getting infused into his weapon while the rest was wrapped around his body, with a particularly thick concentration around his head that hung from his waist.

However, to his surprise, Yetu didn’t take any defensive stance of any sort, instead flipping his sword around and stabbing it into the ground.

He then began unfastening his gauntlets and elbow guards, going on to remove every piece of clothing and armour around his left arm and leaving it bare, the kind of decision that would be foolish when fighting an undead with a death aura that was harmful against ‘living’ beings.

“What are you…!”

The Axe Dullahan’s words were cut short when he sensed two simultaneous skill activations, going on guard in preparation for some kind of attack but once again getting surprised when even ten seconds later, nothing happened.

However, before he could even say anything again, Yetu took a step forward; a step that spanned the entire distance between the two of them.

The next second, the Axe Dullahan’s entire body was slammed by a large aura-coated fist that sent it flying into the air with force so great, he was just a few metres per second short of breaking the sound barrier.


His ‘brain’ could not comprehend how the fist; one he was sure was Yetu’s, grew so large to be able to cover his whole body.

Nevertheless, he did not have the time to think about that as a part of his mind told him that he sensed two skill activations from Yetu, and he had only seen the effects of one.

Unfortunately, with the speed at which he was moving through the air, it was nigh impossible for him to stabilize himself and try to block the next set of attacks.

Ten streams of reddish-brown aura, all shaped like tiny little fists zipped through the air and collided with his body, releasing a large explosion with resultant shockwaves that knocked one of the nearby senior mages out of the air.

Lucky for them, their fellow mage noticed and grabbed them quickly, pulling them out of the path of a large sword slash that cut through the air where they were a moment later.

After internally apologising to the poor mage, Yetu turned around to the woman who was floating in the air beside him while studying his arm with a gleam in her eyes.

“You know that lich over there is heading straight for you, right?”

“I know, but the mystery of how you were able to increase the size of your arm that much and shrink it back to normal so quickly without any repercussions…. it’s intriguing.”

As she spoke, she twisted her staff and pointed it towards the incoming lich before speaking.

“Gravity Magic: Grounded Embrace.”

The bony undead who was well versed in the arcane arts, instantly realised what kind of spell she had cast, however, while being able to do so was nice and all, being able to escape the spell’s area of effect was a different ball game.

One that the poor lich wasn’t exactly good at.

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