Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 395 Distraction Tactics

“You sure?”

“Yep, I’d be fine.

Worst case scenario and I can just teleport away.”

Evan’s reply to Tisha’s words made Eliza instantly realise that the young hero had plans of remaining in the same area of the battlefield where grandmaster-level existences were clashing, but she could not even voice out her objection as Tisha instantly shot up into the sky while carrying her.

After waving at his obviously pissed-off girlfriend, Evan then turned towards the A rank Mercenary who was giving him a strange gaze before speaking.

“Alright, let’s begin the distraction tactics.”

What Evan planned to do was quite simple.

He was going to mess with the Dullahans that the A rankers were fighting against, distracting them from their actual opponents and hopefully giving said opponents a chance to inflict fatal blows.

In that case, he would receive a little bit of experience as it would be counted as him ‘participating’ in the battle.

“Going off to kill lower levelled enemies on my own would be more effective but the faster the grandmaster level Dullahans are taken out, the better.

As such, that is why I would be interfering in your battle from time to time, is that okay with you?”

Such was the question Evan asked the flame spear-wielding Dullahan as he sat on a void step floating in the air.

Even the A rank adventurer from Tisha’s party who was battling him had his jaw drop in shock as he most definitely didn’t expect Evan to start explaining what he was planning on doing to the opponent.

Meanwhile, the Dullahan was staring at Evan with narrowed eyes, trying to guess what his true aim was.

However, Evan didn’t leave him guessing for long as the Dullahan’s sharp senses instantly picked up on something, turning his body to the side and thrusting his spear forward towards the ’empty space’ beside him.


The sound of metal blades clanging rang out as the Dullahan’s spear tip collided with the twin blades belonging to the A rank mercenary who had hidden himself with a stealth-type skill and was trying to sneak up on him.

However, in that short moment, the great sword-wielding adventurer kicked off the ground and dashed forward with his large weapon, swinging it towards the feet of the nightmare horse that tried to leap into the air with its skill.

“Stay on the ground for a bit, will ya?”

Evan spoke as he activated shadow magic and created long tentacle-like appendages that wrapped around the horse’s legs and dragged it back to the ground.

While its rider was a grandmaster, the horse most certainly wasn’t on that level, as such it was relatively easier for Evan to pull it to the ground.

The unexpected obstruction left the horse startled for a second, enough time for the grandmaster level A ranker to close the distance and slice the horse’s feet off with his large great sword.

In that exact same instant, the flames surrounding the Dullahan’s body suddenly went out as they were doused with water from an unknown source.

The clouds in the sky also darkened, with the mercenary parrying the spear thrust of the Dullahan with his twin daggers before jumping backwards while the great sword-wielding adventurer dashed out of the area.

From the darkened clouds, three bolts of golden lightning dropped down like judgement from the heavens, crashing onto the torso and head of the Dullahan.


There was a loud explosion of flames and lightning, followed by a pained scream that made Evan smile lightly.

‘Got him.’

The A rank adventurer and mercenary didn’t hesitate to dash back into the cloud of smoke, coating their weapons with aura as they both simultaneously attacked the Dullahan who was still recovering from the effects of the elemental damage caused by the mixture of water, flames and lightning.

Evan’s gaze moved as he saw the three grandmasters move so fast that they looked like streaks of light shooting through the air, clashing repeatedly and exchanging blows capable of turning a level 150 to paste as they moved.

He then turned back to the mount of the flame Dullahan that had its legs cut off by the A rank adventurer and was laying on the floor weakly.

Although the Dullahan was the target of two lightning bolts that dropped from the sky, the third one was reserved for his nightmare mount, and it most certainly did its job of temporarily immobilizing the monster.

“Not that it would be able to move even if it wasn’t paralyzed. After all, it doesn’t have legs anymore.”

Evan remarked as he had Milena douse it with water once more before having Kayla drop two more bolts of lightning on the creature.

He then descended to the ground and stabbed its head with his sword, ending its life and then turned to Milena right after as he asked.

“Hey, after this is all over, let’s enter a proper contract.

What do you say?”

The high-ranked water spirit was momentarily surprised upon hearing Evan’s words, before turning her gaze to Kayla to gauge the lightning spirit’s reaction.

[Huh? Does Master want to contract with Milena?! For real?!

That’s like Awesome! Super Awesome!!]𝒐𝑽𝓵xt.𝚌𝒐𝑀

Kayla’s reaction was quite expected as Milena had realised within the past few days that the great lightning spirit wasn’t like other great spirits she had met.

‘At least, Lady Undine definitely would readily agree for her own human contractor to contract with another spirit of another element. Not that she’d ever agree to contract with a human in the first place.’

Naturally, the trio of hero and spirits weren’t just standing around and having this conversation as hundreds of undead were charging towards them with ferocity, intending on reaping the ‘life’ out of them.

Evan who had levelled up by 2 was slicing through undead knights like butter with his lightning and flame-infused sword, while Kayla was exploring her inner pyromaniac as she simultaneously set dozens of undead ablaze each time that she swung her hands.

Milena snapped her fingers and created tens of pressurized water spears that shot forward and bore multiple holes of varying sizes through the bodies of any undead in the area.

Immediately after doing this, she turned to Evan who was about to summon a Grand Fireball on a swarm of ghouls and doused them in a bit of water right before the ball of flames hit.

Amidst the explosion of steam that obscured the vision and senses of all undead within a hundred-metre radius, Milena gave Evan her reply.

[Okay, I agree.]

Right after saying this, the water spirit’s eyes lit up with a blue light as she activated one of her skills.

[Cage of Hail]

Countless small icicles of hot ice formed within the cloud of steam, all pointed towards the undead monsters in the area.

With a snap of her fingers, the icicles launched themselves towards the undead, with more being created each moment as the surrounding cloud of steam rapidly sublimated, forming more icicles that launched themselves towards the undead, resulting in a near never-ending barrage.

◇ ◇ ◇

All of what Evan, the adventurers and the spirits were doing, were just happening in one part of the vast battlefield as the other parts of the battlefield had battles that were far more intense than the ‘leisurely stroll’ Evan was having.

Explosions of varying magnitudes rang out, with clouds of dust, smoke, flames and other elements rising up into the sky.

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