Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 384 Gossip At The Guild I

They were all drinking and chatting with each other while talking about various things that had happened over the course of the past few months, ever since the undead crisis began.

Their conversation topic eventually went on to discuss the up-and-rising adventurers and knights, with a few others surrounding their table to listen in on their gist.

It was at this point in time that a certain blonde-haired teenager walked into the guild with a black cat in her arms, only to be noticed by one of the A rankers in Tisha’s party who had inadvertently glanced at her.

“Isn’t that little Eli?”

“Hmm? Eli?”

Another A ranker turned his gaze in the direction of the blonde teenager, recognizing her and shouting out.

“Oh! It’s the Warrior Priestess who beat the shit out of that undead Chimera!”

His loud voice attracted the attention of a few others who turned towards her, with many recognizing her from the rumours, while some others who were at Position H during the simultaneous attack began cheering for her.

Suddenly having the spotlight shown on her, the blonde teenager, Eliza, was momentarily stunned, until one of the soldiers walked up to her to thank her for protecting him and his company from the undead mages who nearly slaughtered them during the recent attack.

Next, an adventurer came up to thank her for the enchantments, and within a minute, the girl was surrounded by people either expressing their gratitude, or wanting to be friends with her.

It took the intervention of a few guild officials to draw her out of the crowd and pulled her up the stairs to the offices.

Of course, the cheering didn’t stop until she was completely out of view, only increasing in intensity when she waved back at them with a bright smile.

“Look at all of them crowding her so quickly.”

“Dude, you weren’t with us during the Synchro attack, you should have seen the way she beat the fuck out of that Chimera.

And she did it while maintaining three enchantment spells at once.

The girl was badass!”

The A ranker who alerted the guild of her presence spoke as he slugged his beer, asking for a refill before continuing.

“She’s earned herself a spot on the Top Powerful Female adventurers list.”

“And on the Top Beautiful ones list too!”

The second statement was followed by a smack to the head from his fellow A ranker, Tisha, who took a seat next to him with a tray of food in her other hand.

“This idiot, that’s all you think about.”

“What? I appreciate beautiful things AND beautiful people. If is see someone who’s pretty, I don’t hesitate to say it.”

One of the female Mercenaries who was nearby rolled her eyes and replied to his statement.

“If you suddenly run up to someone at full speed and scream that out to them in public on your first meeting as you did to me then they might punch you through more than just a wall.”

There was a small laughter from the others on the table, before another Knight glanced in the direction Eliza disappeared into and spoke.

“Still…for a support-type mage, her close combat skills are far higher than you’d expect.”

“No shit dude.

Especially when she picks up that weird staff like spear of hers.

I saw her snap the thing on her knees once and just when I thought she broke it, it turned out the staff had a feature that allows its user to split it into two and use it for short-range melee combat.

That weapon solves half the problems staff and spear users face.”

“Sounds like a handy weapon.”

“I don’t think just ‘handy’ is enough to cut it.”

They continued chatting about Eliza’s recent feats, with some of the soldiers at position H chipping in and talking about the girl’s actions with Amelie towards the end of the battle, where they made level 150 undead monsters drop like flies.

“And she’s pretty too.”

“Shut the fuck up, you idiot.”

After another successful smack to the head, the female mercenary sighed before speaking.

“Don’t even try anything with her, she’s like half your age. Also, she’s taken.

I heard she’s with that spirit contractor guy…”

“You mean, Evan?”

“Ah, Yeah. That was his name.”𝑶𝑽𝐋xt.𝓬𝗈𝗆

“Don’t forget to add a ‘Lord’ in front of that next time; he’s a high noble, you know?”

One of the knights spoke up as he placed his meal on the table and sat down, with the other knights who were present concurring with his words.

“Gee…I will. Stop glaring at me already.”

The adventurer rose his hands in ‘surrender’ upon receiving the simultaneous glares of all the knights at the table, with the others at the table bursting into laughter upon seeing his ‘pitiful’ state.

“Still, why the heck would the Prime Minister’s son decide to leave home and become an adventurer?”

“Is that what you find strange? How about the fact that he went from F rank to B rank in less than a year?

Isn’t that speed too crazy?”

One of the peak B rankers asked out loud, before sniffling and murmuring something about a kid he’s older than by nearly ten years is almost as strong as he is.

“And his strength is the real deal too. That much was obvious after the Synchro attack; saw him punch an undead wyvern to death with a single hit.

I’m still dumbfounded till now.”

The man’s amazement was visible on his face as she sipped his drink, with one of the Mercenaries looking at him with a dumbfounded gaze and asking.

“You’re tryna tell me a fourteen-year-old kid did that?”

“Yep. Also, he may be younger than that.”

“He’s even younger?! Ha! I don’t buy it.”

“Hold your tongue or you might just get arrested for defamation of a noble.

You weren’t present at Position A during the synchro attack, so you didn’t see him in action, but all of us who were present there can attest to this face.

Can’t you all?”

Multiple voices of affirmation came from the other adventurers and soldiers who had surrounded the table, making the mercenary fall silent upon hearing them.

“The boy doesn’t go along with the common sense you’ve known all your life.

Not to talk of his other party members, those two are strong in their own right, enough to give a few veteran B rankers a run for their money.”

“Although it pains me, I have to agree on that.

The one who’s a C rank, Greed, was it? I heard he’s only still C rank because it hasn’t been more than six months since he joined the guild and he hasn’t done enough quests to become B rank.

However, when it’s just strength alone, he’s definitely B-rank material.”

“True. Wait…isn’t that him over there?!”

With that, all the heads on the table turned towards Greed who was laughing manically as he stuffed another adventurer’s golden bracelet in his magic pouch, with those familiar with him sighing in exhaustion as they spoke.

“He got another victim.”

“Yep. Another one fell into his trap.”

“Dude really lives up to his name.”

They mourned the ‘loss’ of another adventurer to Greed’s money traps before going back to their talk. Over the course of the conversation, some of the original groups of knights and soldiers left the table while others joined in the discussion.

They discussed other things until they somehow arrived at the topic of why the Mages of Kasteblum bothered to come to Cheverton in the first place.

“According to rumors, it was because of E-Lord Eris.”

“Huh? Wasn’t it the Church they said he got to come? Even that high-rank paladin and Bishop Harris who’s been here since the beginning of the year seemed to be on friendly terms with him.”

“Well, I heard he was responsible for both.

He was part of the party that received both groups when they officially arrived and they greeted him like he was a major player in their presence here.”

“The kid sure has a lot of connections.”

“Probably his father’s authority. He IS the son of a Prime Minster, after all.”

“You guys are quite silly. You do realize we got Mages and Paladins here with us, we can just ask them about it instead of making speculations.”

“”Oh…we could do that.””

Hearing Tisha’s words, all the adventurers and soldiers who were discussing simultaneously responded before turning their gossip-hungry gazes towards the Mages and Holy Knights present.

Some adventurers even formed a human body wall behind them to prevent them from leaving, while one of the Knights ordered extra drinks for them.

“Well…for starters, we could say that it probably had a lot to do with Lord Evan, I guess.”

Under the gazes of dozens of adventurers, soldiers and knights, one of the Senior mages spoke up before sipping her drink and continuing.

“I happened to be in the Chief Grand Magus’ office when he came over once and-“

“Hold up! Wasn’t it supposed to be the Vice Chief Grand Magus he was close with?”

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