Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 377 Zacular I

Goosebumps sprung up all over Evan’s skin as he looked at the ground and remembered his own words to the Duke and the rest of the dignitaries he recently met with.

— He can conceal the huge amount of death aura characteristic of high-level necromancers, as well as the Demonic Energy that he possesses, making it he can be easily mistaken as a normal human being with high levels of proficiency in dark magic.–

At that instant, he realized what was happening and he screamed out to all those present.


As he shouted, Evan was already taking distance from where Count Falos was standing, all while simultaneously pulling out his communicator from his pocket and shouting into it.

“Duke! Bad News!!

Scratch Plans A to C. We’re going with plan D!

Send them here now!

It’s worst-case Scenario 2!”

Evan looked up at the sky, at the winged humanoid figure floating in the air a bit over a hundred meters above where the Senior mages were, before completing his words.

“Zacular is here.”

The instant those words left Evan’s mouth; a heavy thick demonic aura descended upon the entire area.

The A rankers and knights who didn’t understand what Eliza meant earlier instantly realized what the girl was talking about.

But them realizing it was one thing, being able to do something about it, was a totally different ball game.

The ground quaked heavily and two giant hands inscribed with demonic runes, belonging to an enormous undead creature stretched out from the strange darkness on the ground and grabbed a shocked senior mage and an A-rank adventurer.

Without even a second’s delay after grabbing their bodies tightly, the creature used its outrageous strength and clenched tightly.

Two black three-ringed magic circles manifested at the back of its two palms as it attempted to crush the bodies of its two targets in its hands.

There was a bizarre sound with screams ringing out in the air, but the creature wasn’t done with them just yet.

Before the magic attacks from the other mages and the sword slashes from the knights reached it, it slammed its two hands together, causing the bodies of its two unfortunate victims to slam into each other.


The sound of the creature’s palms resounded across the area just as its large hands were suddenly slashed into pieces and set ablaze by multiple flaming projectiles.

Even so, the two unfortunate victims of the undead could not be saved, and the reason couldn’t be any more obvious.

The existence who had been floating in the sky and overlooking everything below, flapped their wings and shot downward at breakneck speeds, grabbing the necks of the two barely conscious humans, before beelining straight towards the ground and slamming their already damaged bodies into the cold hard ground.

Half a second later, the winged being dashed forward while dragging their heads on the ground, stopping after a hundred meters before abruptly pulling them up.

Afterwards, the two had their bodies slammed together once more, before being tossed in opposing directions.

The entire area was silent, save the echoes of the distant battles between the soldiers and the newly arriving undead forces.

The surprise attack was successful, and two level 300 existences had been put out of commission immediately after the battle began.

It was now that they were finally able to properly view the appearance of the being who achieved this feat.

He was a man of above average height, with messy dark brown hair and was wearing a grey untucked short-sleeved shirt, over a pair of simple black trousers and similar coloured shoes.

He wore a pair of lightly tinted sunglasses that prevented one from noticing the true colour of his eyes.

Seeing him, Evan grit his teeth in annoyance as this man’s appearance here, was one of the worst-case scenarios he wanted to avoid.

‘Xakon, Thoruul and Lensa; Those three were merely low-ranked demons.

This guy….is on a different level from them.

Middle Ranked Demon.

Even though he’s on the lower ends of the middle rank, he’s still a middle-rank demon after all. A tough opponent for us currently.’

Count Falos’s confidence was obviously because of the presence of this man, who despite being the recipient of the combined hostility of 10 grandmaster-level existences, only smiled as he stepped forward and spoke.

“Rise, My Servants.”

From the darkness on the ground, dozens of powerful undead knights and Dullahans emerged, flaring their death aura’s wildly and causing cold sweat to form on the faces of the A rankers present.

As for Evan, he appraised all the Dullahans present and frowned deeply as he noted that they were all Knights of Theoregrim.

‘Vazgan’s undead.’

He then spotted one particular Death Knight who had a skill he remembered, with his eyes widening as he instantly deduced one of the reasons for Zacular’s presence here.


Ralphie didn’t dilly dally any longer, shooting off the ground and beelining straight for Zacular while punching two undead knights so hard that their powerful armours shattered.

However, Count Falos, who had been standing in silence all this while, instantly moved with faster speed than before, arriving in front of Ralphie and blocking his attack from getting to Zacular.

Nevertheless, the blue-eyed swordsman didn’t falter despite having his attack blocked, stomping his foot on the ground as he activated his body enhancement skill and grabbed Count Falos’s hand.

He then spun around faster than the demonic fused count could even compute and flung the man towards a random direction in the air.


Even Zacular was momentarily shocked as he didn’t expect Count Falos to be suddenly thrown away, however, his shock vanished in the next second as Ralphie shot straight towards him.

A pool of darkness formed at his feet, with an arm of rotting flesh belonging to an undead knight stretching out from it and tossing a longsword into the air, a sword Zacular grabbed and swung upwards to meet Ralphie’s incoming slash.


The other adventurers and knights weren’t just watching the show, moving to clash with the summoned undead servants of Zacular and Vazgan.

However, three of the grandmaster-level undead took a strange set of actions. They showed no intention of battling the A rankers present, instead, they shot out towards different directions, taking advantage of the distraction caused by another undead knight’s AOE skill.

As the entire estate turned to rubble, Evan activated limit break and dashed towards one of the undead knights, perforating its body and slicing it to pieces with multiple blade cannons, before shouting at one of the A rankers present.

“Where’s Tisha?!”


“Tisha went after the Leader Knight to attack that Dullahan that appeared earlier.”

The reply Evan heard made him frown as he thought of the Death Knight that he saw earlier, before shouting back at Tisha’s party members and some of the high-level knights present.

“Leave this place to the mages.

Go after Tisha and the Brigade Captain!

They’re the undead’s assassination targets! That’s why those three left!!”𝑶𝚟𝐥xt.𝒞𝑜𝑀

Evan’s words were without evidence to back them up, but the current situation and the strange actions of those undead monsters made didn’t allow the knights to doubt him.

Two of Tisha’s party members, both of which were A rankers, along with two of the platoon leader level knights instantly took action, pushing their opponents away and shooting off to chase after the Death Knights.

At the exact same time, Evan felt impending danger and blinked out of the way, avoiding the sword slash of a level 300 Dullahan who turned towards him and spoke with a rusty voice.

“You…How do you know that?”

“What made you think I was going to tell you?”

“Then I wou-!”

The Dullahan could not complete its statement as it suddenly dropped to its knees weakly, a moment before a gigantic arm construct of energy grabbed its body and flung It up in the air.


Its airborne body was bombarded by multiple tier three magic spells, courtesy of the mages of Kasteblum, who were already preparing another set of Tier three spells to end the creature’s life.

At that same time, Count Falos who had been flung to heaven knows where by Ralphie, flew back into the battle and knocked the masked man to the ground, before speaking to Zacular.

“Apologies, Lord Zacular.

I would hold this man off, you can focus on your main purpose for being here.”

“Hmm…Try not to die too quickly. I’d help you when I’m done, I guess?

I’m off to kill a paladin.”

Count Falos nodded lightly before flapping his wings and shooting forward towards Ralphie and clashing swords with him, grabbing the man’s sword arm and pulling him up into the air immediately after.

Without hesitation, Count Falos flung Ralphie back to the ground before he could act, but Ralphie didn’t obediently crash onto the ground like Count Falos would have wanted.

He flipped in the air and landed on his two feet, crouching slightly before filling his sword with magic power and jumping up into the sky.

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