Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 367 Operation Synchro XIII

All the spirits simultaneously flared their auras wildly, causing a suffocating pressure to descend upon the area.

The hundreds of spirits instantly shot towards the incoming wave of undead creatures, with some revealing their physical bodies while others chose to remain in spiritual forms.

Most of the ones who revealed their physical bodies were animal-type spirits, all of which looked like ferocious tigers, lions and even gorillas.

These large-bodied spirits were the first to clash with the undead, ripping apart the weaker ones within seconds while ganging up on the more powerful undead to pummel them to death.

Various kinds of elemental magic, skills and special abilities were flying everywhere, consigning dozens of undead monsters to oblivion within mere minutes.


The skies darkened as a loud roar resounded across the battlefield. Evan gazed up at the sky and saw a large pillar of water rising up into the sky, casting a shadow on the ground which the shadow spirits used to their advantage.𝒪𝑽𝑙xt.𝗇𝓔t

The top of this pillar of water then reformed into the head of a sea dragon with a particularly large set of sharp teeth, before launching towards one of the wyverns carrying a Death Knight in the air.

“As expected of a high-ranking water spirit.”

Naturally, there was no way the wyvern would just sit back and let itself get hit. It turned its body in the air and manoeuvred to dodge the water dragon spell, showing its high level of proficiency in flight.

But sadly, it didn’t account for the fact that the water dragon could change its direction mid-flight should it miss.

Right after the wyvern dodged it, the dragon head abruptly changed directions and shot towards the wyvern with even greater speed, crossing a hundred metres of distance in just two seconds and biting onto the bodies of both the wyvern and its Death Knight rider.

Nevertheless, the powerful death knight let out a muffled roar as it released multiple bursts of death aura, finally managing to destroy the water dragon after the third burst of energy.

However, the moment it did, a huge spiked pillar of earth shot up from the ground and into the sky, impaling its defenceless back and piercing a hole through its torso.

The water that was falling to the ground gathered up in the air and turned into a huge javelin with a ribbon of water attached to it, launching towards the impaled death knight immediately after.

“This is quite exhausting.”

Evan remarked to himself as he finished another magic potion and threw the bottle on the ground, burping lightly before activating void steps and jumping onto the foothold of aura.

‘I can’t use any magic right now because of the high-ranked spirits.

Temporary contracts are exhausting affairs.’

The boy then ran up the first three void steps, before using the fourth one as a springboard to kick off into the air, shooting straight towards the bone wyvern who just lost its rider.


With a small shout and a lightning-clad fist, he punched the head of the unsuspecting undead wyvern, burning through the little flesh left on it and shattering its skull.

|Experience Required for Evolution: 86%/100%❌|

The wyvern’s skull shattered into bone pieces as the notification popped up in front of Evan’s eyes.

“Hmm…so this wyvern was worth 1% experience, huh?

How much would the others be?”

While he was asking himself this question, a few A rankers and senior mages who saw his actions had their jaws drop in shock.

“Did this kid just kill that undead wyvern in a single hit?!”

“…I think he just did.”

“You guys can be surprised at his power later, but for now, focus on the Death Knight trying to kill you.”

Tisha’s words knocked them back to their senses and they all moved away to dodge the large beam of light fired by the other Death Knight.


As one section of the cliff surrounding them was reduced to the same level of the valley at the bottom from that casual attack, Evan had moved on to the next unfortunate wyvern target.

Mid jump, he slashed two undead gryphons into pieces, generated a rain of swords that perforated holes all over the body of an unfortunate Dullahan on the ground, and then landed on one of his void steps right behind his target wyvern.

The undead creature attempted to knock Evan to the ground with its tail, however, that was precisely what the young hero was waiting for.

He grabbed the tail of the undead wyvern, holding his breath to endure to rotten smell while creaking more void steps to prevent himself from falling to the ground.

Once he stabilized his footing on the combinations of four aura footholds, he created four more to surround them and began spinning his body around.

The veins on his arms bulged as he spun the undead wyvern with his full strength, inadvertently knocking a few other undead knights and gryphons out of the sky as he kept on spinning and spinning until he was oscillating so fast that he looked like a blur.

He then flung the undead wyvern with all his strength, falling off his void steps in the process as he watched the undead creature crash into the other Death Knight and its wyvern mount.

“Elemental Projected weapon: Explode.”

With those words, a golden red chain that was messily wrapped around the wyvern’s tail glowed brightly for a moment before exploding mid-air.

Not wanting to waste this opportunity, the A rankers launched a combination of attacks on the Death Knight who had just eaten a mouthful of an aura explosion that knocked it off its wyvern ride.

As for Evan, his fall was broken by a trio of wind spirits that flew up to him and used magic to keep his body afloat.

“Thanks, guys.”

[You’re Welcome!]

[Welcom Welcom!]

“Just take me to the ground, I think I’d leave the aerial battles to you guys.”

[kay kay!]

Evan looked at the system time while enjoying the ride to the ground, releasing an energy blast to deter a gryphon that charged at him while thinking that this was going to be one very long day.

◇ ◇ ◇

Unbeknownst to Evan, while he was being carried to the ground by the group of wind spirits, he was being watched by two pairs of eyes from afar.

“And here I thought the Duke would participate in person. Looks like he really isn’t in Bultom anymore and has returned to the Duchy’s capital.”

One of the two men who was sitting on a small rock while juggling a few stones in his hands spoke as he scanned the battlefield with his eyes, noting all the powerful figures present.

“Only A rankers, no one on the S rank level here or anywhere else.

Even still, the ones here would be able to take out those Death Knights given enough time. Especially with those spirits helping.

What a waste.”

“A waste indeed.”

The voice of the second figure standing beside the man rang out in response to his words. Hearing this, the man crushed the rocks in his palms before dusting his hands and glancing at the figure beside him.

It was a man with a large build, standing at almost seven feet tall and wearing full black steel-looking armour and giving off an extremely intimidating vibe.

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