Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 360 Operation Synchro VII (Position B’s Side)


A loud explosion resounded right after Greed spoke, with the high demon pointing towards the explosion and speaking.

“See what I’m saying?”

The A-rank adventurer he was speaking to only sighed, before raising an eyebrow and turning towards the right.

“Hm? It feels like high-level undead just joined the fray over there. I sensed a powerful presence.”

“Could they be reinforcements for the undead? It’d explain why the undead from those other positions were missing.”

“Could be.”

Right after the A-rank adventurer replied, he sensed a huge burst of aura from beside him, followed by an eerie bone-chilling energy that wrapped around Greed’s body.

“I call dibs on them.”

Immediately Greed spoke, he kicked off the ground and dashed into the distance, with the man sighing in exasperation once more as he watched the high demon go.

“Who the heck is that guy?”

One of the high-ranked knights jogged up to the A ranker and asked, receiving a reply that he would have definitely not expected.

“His name is Greed.

He’s one of the Prime minister’s son’s party members. I think their party was called ‘Anomaly’ or something.”

“Both his and the party’s name are strange.

But to think he was in a party with Lord Eris. Well… considering Lord Eris’s absurd strength for his age, I’m not too surprised.”

“You’ve met him?”

The knight nodded in affirmation, before crafting an energy spear with magic power and throwing it towards a flying undead.

As the spear collided with the monster and exploded in the distance, he turned towards the A ranker and replied.


The rumours about him did him no justice. He’s far more powerful than they stated. Enough to make even the Duke feel on guard around him.

Even his other party members are no joke. Especially that black-haired woman who’s always reading a different book every time I see her.”

“That’s probably Greed’s sister.”

“They’re siblings? I guess the strange naming is a family thing then.”

The A ranker only chuckled lightly before patting the knight on the shoulder and saying a few more words, dashing towards the direction where Greed was making the undead feel useless with his idiosyncrasy.

The high demon was really taking advantage of his absurd amount of physical strength, going on to use his idiosyncrasy to further enhance said strength which he then used to send the undead creatures to the afterlife.

Even wraiths that had incorporeal bodies weren’t safe from him as his demonic energy-infused fists were capable of harming them.

He even succeeded in beating a Dullahan till it was nearly ‘dead’, then using his Emperor of Greed skill on it to make it a thrall which he then sent after its fellow Dullahans.

The A rank adventurer who arrived after Greed did this had his jaw drop in shock as it looked like Greed just ‘tamed’ the undead to him.

Greed noticed his shock but ignored it and turned towards a direction where a platoon of skeleton mages were launching magic while surrounded by a bunch of skeleton knights.

He lightly jumped up on the spot to warm up, before taking two steps forward and kicking off the ground on the third step, jumping into the air and landing in the midst of the skeleton mages faster than they could even realise he had jumped.

And of course, he decided to do a ‘superhero landing’, just because he could, ignoring the fact that he was one of the few existences on Aidos who was on the opposite spectrum of being a hero.

His fist slammed into the ground and released shockwaves that knocked all the skeleton mages into the air, turning them into easy targets for another adventurer who used ice magic to freeze them into chunks of ice.

Greed then took the liberty of punching these ice blocks and shattering them, ignoring the fact that he was breaking the confidence of the adventurer who used the ice magic.

“b-but my ice can withstand buildings collapsing on them…and he isn’t even punching them seriously….”

“Forget it, he’s an abnormal one.”

The high demon felt like he heard a conversation along those lines, but he was more focused on the incoming Dullahan.


Calling out the same of his sword with an outstretched hand, the great sword of greed responded and launched itself into the air, flying towards him while piercing through the bodies of some low-level zombies.

The instant the sword entered his hands, he infused it with his earth-attributed magic power and coated the sword with rocks, shaping it into a longer, wider blade to extend its reach.

He then rose it overhead and slashed downwards, in the direction of the Dullahan and its mount, forcing the undead creature to jump out of the way to avoid the hit.

Sadly, it did not succeed completely as Greed’s sword slash completely ‘deleted’ one of its legs from existence, making it a sitting duck for the second sword slash of the giant sword.𝓞𝑽𝗅xt.𝗇𝓔t

The earthen sword extension crumbled after all the power within it was used in killing that Dullahan, with Greed sighing softly as he stabbed the blade into the ground once more.

“Mehn…I feel like eating a pizza or whatever that Aidosian snack is called?”

ꕥ ꕥ ꕥ

While Greed was thinking about food, the adventurers, knights and mages in Position G had a part of their minds set aside to take in the shock of what they were seeing while the rest of it concentrated on their individual battles.

The reason for that, was because there were two small girls who looked no more than twelve years of age, with red and golden hair respectively, raining down flames and lightning on the undead monsters.

“Where in the world did those two little girls come from?!”

“…I hear that they’re the Prime minister’s son’s spirit companions.”


Aren’t only the super high-ranked spirits capable of taking on humanoid form?! That means the guy has two spirits of that level with him?!”

“Nahh… they’re three.

You weren’t in the guild that day when the Crown prince’s Fiancée showed up, there was a small cat-shaped spirit too.”

“Shouldn’t it be rare to get suitable contractable spirits? How does this dude have three with him?”

Such was the conversation between a group of B-rank adventurers from different parties, who were hunting down a huge level 285 giant ghoul.

Mid-fight, flames and lightning suddenly engulfed their weapons, with them turning to see the golden-haired spirit giving them a thumbs up before blitzing towards another direction to rain down more lightning on the undead.

They looked at each other in silence, before turning to the giant ghoul and reducing it to a pile of burnt flesh within the next minute.

As for the golden-haired spirit in question, she was busy exploring her inner pyromaniac, laughing eerily as she burned the undead monsters using her Electroflame skill.


She punched forward with her fist, as a gigantic fist-shaped construct of lightning blocks punched a tall Dullahan off its mount and onto the ground.


After this, she slammed her empty palm downwards, causing the lightning block-constructed fist, to open up like a giant palm and slap the ground in front of it, with the Dullahan and his mount being the unfortunate victims.


The blocks reforged themselves into a giant pair of scissors that ‘snipped’ the Dullahan in two from its torso.

[I win!]

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