Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1633 The Memories

1633  The Memories

Ning watched the memories as they faded one into another.

Tima was paralyzed from the neck down after the accident where her grandfather had gotten a heart attack and died while the captain wasn’t at home.

The captain stayed at home for a while, but due to their financial state, he needed to go back to work as soon as he could. As such, he brought on a caretaker to look after Tima while he was gone.

The woman that was brought in was someone in her mid-20s, who quickly began helping Tima. Since Tima’s daily needs were taken care of, the Captain returned to his work once again, going back to a job that earned him good money.

More memories flashed by as Ning took it all in. The Captain smiled widely in most of those memories, taking Tima outside to take her around the town when he had the chance.

He would take her to shops to buy her favorite food, then take her to stores to buy more clothes for her. He would take her to a nearby flower field where they would happily stay.

Tima’s paralyzed body wasn’t going to heal and she would forever be stuck this way, but for the most part, things were back to normal.

That lasted for a single year before something happened.

For whatever reason, Tima’s health began deteriorating all of a sudden. She fell sick and simply didn’t recover.

The father brought in every doctor he could find to check, but no one could do anything. He tried finding Spirit Awakeners that could perhaps do something, but they were incapable of doing anything either.

His daughter’s health simply got worse and worse and all he could do was watch.

Ning couldn’t understand why Tima’s health had begun deteriorating. It didn’t make sense to him that she, who was being treated with healthy foods by her father and her caretaker, was suddenly sick.

The only thing he could guess was that she had contracted some sort of disease, but since he was only looking at things from her perspective, he couldn’t tell if others in the town where she lived were suffering the same.

Months passed by and everything was worse. The poor girl could barely even keep her eyes open most days and was too weak to speak. She was always in a hazy state, and whenever she looked next to her, she would find her father, sad.

She would remember the days when her father wasn’t sad and felt bad that he was no longer smiling because of her. She wanted to tell him to smile, but words wouldn’t leave her. Saʀᴄh the website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

“Brother Eldson, your men are here,” the caretaker came into the room and told the man.

The man looked up, confused for a second, before wiping his face. He looked toward Tima but mistook her for being asleep as her eyes barely opened at that point.

“Right,” he said turning to leave and pausing. “Do I need to bring more medicine for her?”

The woman opened a cabinet drawer from the nightstand and pulled out a small cloth wrapped back full of tiny glass vials. “I think everything is here,” she said. “We won’t need anything else.”

“Okay. I’ll be back tonight. I may be a little late though,” he said.

“I will be here whenever you get back,” the woman said.

“Thank you,” the man said and left.

The woman walked away and came back with a pitcher and a small glass. She put it on the table and began aligning the bottles out of the bag.

Tima’s head turned slowly. She was thirsty and wanted to drink the water, but she couldn’t speak.

The woman noticed her and smiled. “You’re awake?” she asked. “Time for your medicine.”

She put a bit of the medicine into the glass, poured some water in it, and made a small slurry to feed her. Tima drank those medicines even though it all tasted nasty. She knew that if the medicines worked, her daddy would be happy, so she stuck through it.

One by one, she drank all the medicines that the woman gave. Then, the woman brought out something else from a small pouch on her body and poured it into the water.

Tima drank that too without question as she didn’t think anything about it, but Ning who was seeing it for the first time was shocked.

‘What was that?’ he thought. ‘That’s no medicine.’

He tried to think back to when she might have fed her these things, but he couldn’t remember. All he knew was that her condition had worsened, and now he saw this.

‘Did this woman…’

The memory flashed to another one and another one. Tima’s situation continued to worsen as days went by, the father knowing nothing about what had caused her situation.

Ning saw the woman bring something from her pouch 3 more times, and each time the vision became blurrier and blurrier.

Tima never suspected anything. She couldn’t talk, so even if she suspected something, she couldn’t say. Her entire focus was on her father, who became even more miserable as she remained sick longer and longer.

The man could tell that his daughter was dying, and he had done everything he could. And yet, there was not a single positive outcome. He was devastated the entire time, crying whenever he thought his daughter couldn’t see him.

Hearing her father cry made her sad. She did not want her father to be sad all the time. She wanted him to be happy. She wanted him to be the smiling father she always remembered him to be.

That was Tima’s only wish.

The memories vanished and Ning found himself standing next to the captain, with his arm outstretched next to his shoulder. The entire memory he saw, he saw in a matter of seconds.

He slowly moved back, sitting back on the tiny bed as he took in all the information he got from using Spectral Echo.

Now, it was time to give the horrible news to the father that his daughter hadn’t died of any disease or injury.

She had been murdered.

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