Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1609: Arrival

Chapter 1609: Arrival

Using the bathroom was the only thing people left their seats mostly. The only other time was when they felt like their leg needed some movement.

Food and drinks were brought to them by the various cadets who were responsible for passing around what the Soakers and Cultivators had made. Most of the food was simple fruits that were just enough to sustain them until they arrived at Mexol.

8 days had passed by now and the journey was on the final stretch. At the front of the ship, people could already see Mexol in the distance.

In less than a day, they will have arrived.

The ships that were the furthest to the front would arrive even sooner, so they had already begun maneuvering their ships to prepare for landing.

Their ships were beginning to turn so that the thruster end was what pointed toward the planet.

Krimanax was directly behind them, so it became the point that they focused on every time they needed something to apply its gravity on them. They could have used the sun as well, but that would’ve added to their landing time as they would’ve had to maneuver to a proper spot to land.

As for where they were going to land, they had long since decided to make it the desert.

They had seen in the movie that a large portion of one of the continents had been left devastated when the heat had increased, turning the area into a desert plain. So, nothing grew in that region, and most people tried not to live there.

The plan here was to land close enough to the desert so they could be the most certain that there would not be any people or city that would be affected by their arrival.

With so many mountain-sized ships, there weren’t many places to land on Mexol, unlike any of the moons.

Ning felt the gravity ship around the ship he was on as the ship began to spin slowly, the down facing the planet. The thrusters of the ships had long since been stopped, so the ship had begun decelerating, giving them gravity as they turned.

Ning left his ship, moving outside to see to the landing.

He first went over to the planet where he checked to see if everything was ready. Everyone knew that the people would be coming, but no one knew that they would be landing in the desert area, so there wasn’t anyone gathered there to welcome them.

That was fine. They would soon find out about them anyway. Ning made sure there was enough space around the desert for all of the ships to land, and once he was certain, he waited for the first ship to arrive. Saʀᴄh th NvlFir(.)nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

The massive bulbous white ship, made entirely of Newt-Metal slowly descended from the sky. At the same time, many flying vehicles had begun arriving close to the desert as they had noticed their arrival.

The ship landed on the ground so very gently that one could be fooled into believing that the entire thing was a giant balloon. When the ship landed, no one left just yet.

Not even the people that had arrived from the outside to meet them left just yet. They had received the information about the arrival of the many other ships.

The next ship came down from the sky, flying down in the same bulbous ship. With Krimanax as the source of gravity that affected the ship, the ship weighed barely anything when it came down toward the ground.

Ning could hear sounds of shock from the people that were gathered in the distance. They had known how large the ships were in the past, those ships had mostly been destroyed.

Since they had to leave the ships outside in the horrible climate while they struggled underground, most of the ships had been destroyed beyond recognition.

What remained was kept in a museum in parts. Seeing the thing for real right in front of them was an incredible moment for all of them.

More and more ships came, one after another, landing side by side. The Thinkers had done all the calculations that were required, so not a single mistake was made during any of the landing process.

Dozens of ships came every few minutes until the last one landed nearly 8 hours after the first one had arrived.

Ning went back to his ship and waited before it was time to leave.

There was an eerie silence in the ships as everyone prepared to disembark, but no one was given the order to. They all had to wait before they knew it was time for them to leave.

Outside, a few people had teleported out of the ship. Ning went too, invisible, to see how the next few moments would go on.

The Major General, along with 3 Majors, and 8 different Generals walked toward the group that had gathered. Every single one of the General and Majors was ready to use their Spark should the reason arise, but for now, they were merely keeping themselves attentive to the situation.

A group of men walked from the other side, coming to meet them in the middle. The person who walked forward to talk was an older man with few hairs on his head.

He had a small tablet in his hand and a book on his side.

“Welcome, friends. I hope the journey wasn’t difficult,” the man said. The language he spoke was not his own. To him, the language was a part of history he had learned.

As the foremost person in the knowledge of this language, he had been chosen to communicate.

“Our journey was satisfactory,” the Major General spoke. “I pray the destination is even more so.”

The old man seemed gleeful, hearing the language that he spoke to the same that was spoken by the other man. There were a few irregularities, but compared to how the language had developed in Mexol, it appeared it hadn’t changed that much in the moons.

Realizing this, the old man began speaking even more.

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