Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1602: Mexol's History

Chapter 1602: Mexol’s History

“Did it regrow?” Ning wondered as he looked at the planet, seeing the largely glowing dark half. It was a weird thing to look at as it almost looked as though tons of regions on the planet’s surface glowed brightly.

“How many Life Quartz did they leave out before going to the moons?” Ning wondered. That was the only thing he realized was possible for there to be so many glowing crystals out there, considering that the crystals didn’t grow.

Ning couldn’t make heads or tails of what he was looking at.

One thing was for certain and it was that the plant seemed to have regained its luster after the humans had left away.

Ning flew down toward the planet and had to stop as he saw something zooming in his direction from the right. It wasn’t coming toward him, but just moving in his general direction.

It was a large piece of metal box with large metal flaps around it.

‘A satellite?’ Ning wondered as he looked at the thing. It all looked so new. How many years had it been out here in space, after the humans had abandoned it?

He ignored it and flew toward the planet. As he flew down and came closer and closer to the planet, when the light from the Life Quartz was large enough for him to see things more clearly, he saw that there were more regions than just the large mountains where the Life Quartz was located that glowed within the night.

There were regions all around the land that glowed bright, which made Ning wonder if this was the patches of Life Quartz that the people wanted to leave out to get their planet’s situation under control.

Ning continued flying down toward one of the patches of light and was slowly shocked when he realized that the light he saw was not coming directly from Life Quartz left out in the ground, but rather from inside the billions of buildings that were on the ground.

“How is this possible?” Ning couldn’t help but ask himself. “How is there light inside the houses?”

Without sunlight reaching the Life Quartz, they should have lost their light within a year or so. And these had to have been inside the buildings for centuries at least. He couldn’t understand how they were still glowing.

“Unless…” he thought and directly teleported onto the surface of the planet.

He landed on top of a large roof and heard the sounds that surprised him. There was the sound of a gentle breeze in the night, the sound of a wolf howling loudly. But there was also the sound of soft conversations and electronic noises coming from a few houses.

Ning looked at one of the large stone buildings in front of him and through the window he saw a couple sitting on their couch, watching something on a large screen.

A couple. Humans.

“They’re alive?” Ning asked, shocked. What was going on?

“They can’t be alive,” Ning said to himself. It wasn’t just his guess, but something the system had told him. As a last-ditch effort, the humans that could survive were sent away to the moons while the ones that remained slowly died off.

So Ning couldn’t understand why there were humans within these houses when the system clearly said they everyone who remained on the planet had died.

Ning flew off from the building he was on, becoming invisible, and went through the entire city to make sure there were humans. It was night time and many were asleep, but there were enough awake that he saw them and realized that there were plenty of humans alive on the planet.

Without hesitation, Ning pulled up the Interface and searched for the current population of the planet of Mexol. The number came back at over 6 Billion.

There were 6 billion humans alive on the planet of Mexol right now when every single human should have died a long time ago.

“Unless…” Ning thought. “Unless everyone did die, and these humans are not the original residents.”

Ning quickly pulled out the Interface and searched for the entire history of the planet of Mexol. It cost him a bit of Energy to buy this much information, but he didn’t care at this moment. He paid the price and the knowledge flowed into his brain.

Ning skipped over the beginning of Mexol and how humans came to be the dominant race on the planet. He also skipped over how humans screwed themselves by over-mining Life Quartz, leaving their planet in danger from their sun’s heat.

He finally reached the section that he wanted to know about. saʀᴄh th N0ᴠFre.nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

When the planet’s Life Quartz was mined and taken away from the equator, most of the heat that came from the sun had nowhere to be stored and instead directly began heating up the


Soon, climates changed and disastrous natural phenomena followed. Very soon after that, humanity began dwindling at a terrifying pace until there were no more than a few million of them still remaining.

That was when multiple spaceships were created to send about 8 thousand of them toward the moon. These included the best of the best they had, someone who could begin life anew in the other world.

The take-off of the large ship was successful with enough Life Quartz, and they were gone. No one knew if they would be safe out there, but the ones that remained had other things to be

worried about.

They began spending their lives in places where they could be safe from natural disasters, but with the heat rising, there was nowhere that was safe.

Soon enough, every single person was dead, and most of life itself was extinct. That was it, humans were dead, most plants were dead, and even animals were dead.

But then… why were there humans on this planet?

The answer for that came 400 years after humans first left the planet. 400 years later, humanity returned from the moon and settled back on the planet.

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