Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1598: Digging the Relic

Chapter 1598: Digging the Relic

Ning’s group slowly made their way toward the Relic that was stuck in the ground, covered in dust and Spark. Even as they got close to it, there wasn’t much they could see.

Ning could only see a section of the item, fully metal except for glass which reflected the sunlight. That was the thing that glimmered.

As they walked, Ning began noticing some other things scattered around the crater. They were hard to notice at first, but when they got closer, it was easier. Large metal shards were all around the area, mostly covered in Spark.

“Careful. Make sure to not cut your suit in the sharp metal,” the leader said, communicating through the Connector.

Everyone carefully made their way to the relic at the center of the crater and finally arrived in front of it. The leader gave an order for the carver to pull it out of the ground and remove all dirt.

The Carver did as asked, pulling the relic out of the ground as all Spark fell to the side. The relic was now half a meter off the ground and fully visible.

A round of confusion swept past the people as everyone tried to figure out just what they were looking at. Ning looked at it too, not understanding what it was.

It was a large metal box with a glass panel at the front, mostly cracked. Ning looked at the entire thing and realized that there were two sections to the relic.

There was an outer section made of Newt-Metal that was more of a shell for the inner section which was the actual relic. It was a rectangular box, covered in metal.

‘That is newt-metal,’ Ning thought. ‘How fast must this have been going for the entire thing to break apart so easily?’

If Ning knew one thing about newt-metal, then it was that the thing was damn near indestructible. So it was quite surprising to see it in pieces all around.

A question went through the entire group through their Connection, with everyone being asked if they knew what they were looking at.

Ning looked at the thing, and the best he could come up with was that this was some sort of machine with the glass at the front being some sort of screen.

But these people didn’t have screens. They had DODS, which directly put the image into their eyes. Why was there a screen then? Where did this come from?

Whatever the case, they needed to take the Relic back to the city first.

The leader must’ve asked the Carver to do something since the Carver began moving the relic around before stopping. A short pause later, messages came flooding in through their connection.

“The Relic is too heavy, so we won’t be taking it back,” the leader said. “We will teleport it directly to Wream, and then clear up the metal shard in here before leaving.”

The message wasn’t particularly liked by everyone as they wanted to see what the relic was, but it couldn’t be helped. Protecting the Relic was much more important than anything else. Ning sighed but didn’t stop them.

The Teleporter of the group grabbed a fistful of Spark and downed it in a single gulp. The Cultivator was already by his side to heal him even as he used his powers and sent the massive object away.

The relic disappeared from where they were, most likely safely arriving in Wream.

The Cultivator moved to help the Thinker as well who had to take in a lot of Spark to Divine the answer for where to send the relic too.

A message came to Ning next. “Can you help us convert the metal? Our Converter alone might not be enough.”

Ning shrugged and nodded, replying affirmatively through the connection. They went around the place with the Carver at the front and raised the ground enough so that the metal shards were seen through the ground.

Ning and the other Converter walked past it, while attached to everyone else, and began converting it into either dirt, water, or air as they pleased.

Going around the massive crater was a tedious job, but they managed to finish it quite quickly before it was time to return.

They made their way back the same way, slowly treading through the long distance back toward their city. By the end of it, every single person there was tired from having walked over 12 kilometers just today.

They teleported back into the tunnels and made it past the many guarded hallways before arriving inside. They detached their tubes and went to change their clothes.

Ning took a bath in the changing room and came out wearing a casual shirt and pants. Saʀch* Th website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

“How was it? Did you like it?” the leader came by as Ning walked out.

“Yeah, I quite liked it,” Ning said. “Thanks for taking me with you.”

“No, problem. Anything for you, man,” the leader said.

“Yeah, I was quite saddened that we didn’t get to see what the Relic exactly was, but I suppose we will find out soon when we get to Wream,” he said.

“Yeah, we’ll find out a bit over a year later,” the man said.

Ning nodded. He said goodbye to the many people there and made his way to report to Franc about his discoveries.

Franc did nothing more than take in the info and send him away. He didn’t seem very interested in the relic at all. At least, Ning could believe that he would be sent on more team expeditions outside.

Ning made his way back to his room as night fell, but as he lay on his bed, he simply couldn’t find any motivation to sleep at all. His heart was like that of a child, too curious and excited to


“Oh, to hell with this!”

There was no reason he had to wait. Those people could come later and find out on their own. For now, he was going to see what the relics were for himself.

And so, he teleported away from his room, making his way to Wream.

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