Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1584: Divine

Chapter 1584: Divine

Derria stared at Ning for a while, taking in every word that he said. Her eyes slowly narrowed as she realized that maybe Ning truly understood what he was talking about.

It was not the words about Sparklessness or the claims that he could cure it that moved her heart. It was his words about the sweet connection that she did not want to lose.

No one understood what that sweetness felt like unless they were on the verge of losing it. Ning understood that. How? She couldn’t figure it out, but she could see that he wasn’t being completely truthless.

He knew what he was talking about, and that persuaded her enough to take the chance. There was a chance here that he could fail and in doing so leave her Sparkless.

But on the tiniest chance that he was right and he could heal Sparkless, then that would revolutionize Sparks and the possibilities surrounding it as a whole.

If there was a chance it was true, she had to help him here. She had to take the chance. Derria nodded in the end. “I’ll do it,” she said. There was still a lot of fear inside of her even at this point, but she had to put it aside at the moment so she could be of some use.

Parima watched the entire thing and asked, “Am I there to just let you know what lieutenant Derria… uh, divines?”

“Yes. I need a direct connection to her. You should be used to working with Thinkers, right?” he asked.

Parima nodded. Thinkers and Connectors worked closely, so Parima had a chance to work with many Thinkers in the past month, including Derria.

“What should I do?” Katie asked. “Do you need me to do something?”

“No,” Ning said. “Just lay on the bed and let me use my powers on your body.”

Katie frowned. “Will it work?” she asked. “Using powers inside other’s body is…”

“Is possible. Just needs a bit more energy than usual is all,” Ning said. He had seen firsthand the leader of the Dust Makers turn him into stone. The possibility was there.

Soon, Katie lay on the bed, taking deep breaths at all times. Ning sat by the bed with a vial of Spark in his hand. He looked toward Parima and nodded.

Parima took her own vial of liquid Spark and downed it at once. Soon, she began connecting with the three people around her.

She easily connected to Derria and Katie, but in Ning’s case, she couldn’t feel him at all. That was only for a moment though as Ning’s mind was connected to her as well.

She didn’t probe too far in. She just kept to the surface, trying not to listen to their thoughts. A thought passed through to her immediately, asking Derria to start whenever she was ready. She passed along that thought to Derria that traveled to her instantly.

In terms of pure communication, this was the fastest method anyone had ever established as the communications here happened at the speed of thought itself.

Parima didn’t even have to think to transfer what information to who. She worked on instinct alone at this point.

Ning got back information from Derria saying that she would do it any moment and that he should be ready.

Ning nodded, sending information to Katie to calm herself down as they were going to begin. Soon, everything became silent and they waited for Derria to do her thing.

Derria stared at the massive vial of Spark in her hand, taking in deep breaths as she tried to control her fear. The thought of going through that whole thing once again brought great fear in her, but the hope that Ning had proposed to her was too much for her to give in to the fear.

She just had to take the leap of faith as the place where she was jumping seemed so incredible

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She took one last breath and then gulped down the massive amount of Spark at once. The Spark entered her body and quickly turned into energy, the energy that overflowed in her body.

She felt the discomfort of having too much Spark in her body at once, the thing that she feared the most.

‘Control your fears!’ words came through her connection to Parima and she quickly did as she was told. She held in her scared feelings and quickly divined the exact thing Ning wanted to learn about.

A vast amount of power disappeared in her mind at once as the answer appeared to her out of nowhere. The moment it came to her mind, Parima saw the answer and passed it along to Ning.

Ning got the answer next and was tremendously surprised at just how profoundly clear the answer was. He knew just where this organ was, just how deep in the body it was. He knew the thickness of the crystals that surrounded it and just how much power he would have to use to convert it.

Ning took in Spark and felt the energy course through him. Then, he placed his hands on Katie’s stomach and…

A panicked scream came from Derria, causing Ning to lose focus for a moment. He turned around, confused. Then information came through their bond.

Derria had once again consumed a bit more energy than she needed to, and now it was backfiring. She couldn’t think fast enough to make use of the Spark and she could feel her connection to it disappearing by the moment.

She was becoming Sparkless.

‘Quick!’ Ning thought. ‘Eat some more and tell me where your organ is.’

There was no time. Before she fully turned Sparkless, he needed to know that information. Derria panicked a lot in her fear, but her Spark-powered mind was impressively quick to think about everything that she needed to do. She had already taken in Ning’s words and long since processed them.

It was just a matter of acting now.

She took out another vial from her pockets and decided to take another leap of faith. She downed the vial and made another Divination.

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