Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1580: A Self Assignment

Chapter 1580: A Self Assignment

“I can finally be free from all this trouble. No more people talking behind our back, saying that we are corrupt and useless,” the man said as he took a deep sigh. “I was really worried for a second there, but you managed to turn it around, my boy.”

“I’m happy to have been of service, Major General.”

“Just call me sir,” the man said, bringing out a small bottle of some sort of alcohol before pouring it into a small glass for himself. “Do you guys want some?”

“I have work to do later, sir,” Redaime said.

“I don’t drink,” Ning said. There was no point to it. It didn’t affect him in the slightest, so all The got from such drinks was a bad taste.

“Suit yourself,” the Major General said and only poured for himself. He took a swig of the alcohol before pointing at Ning. “I wasn’t joking about the Dust stuff. No more making that, got it?”

“Of course, sir,” Ning said. “If I intended to make any, I would’ve never had any of them arrested in the first place.”

“That’s true too,” the man said. “Now that the punishment for your… ‘crimes’ is done, it’s time for the reward as well.”

“Redaime, starting today, he is a Lieutenant under you. Ning, you will work together with her in many of the upcoming missions.”

“In a few months, we will enter the dark side of Krimanax, so we need to gather a lot of Spark as soon as we can. You will have to get trained to work there. To work together with other people in a group.”

Ning was surprised he was going to be given such a task so quickly. “Aren’t I too new to all of this to be given such a significant task, sir?” he asked.

“You can’t forever be new. And you will be joining others with more experience in this so you won’t screw up. A Converter only has a select few tasks anyway, so you don’t have to worry.”

Ning nodded slowly.

“Tell me, is there anything else you want? You got a promotion, but if there is something else, I will help you. You deserve everything for what you did in your mission.”

Ning gave a slight bow. “I was only doing my mission, sir,” he said.

“No need to be humble. I’m only giving you what you deserve,” the man said.

Ning didn’t know if the man was truly being generous or just saying to appear as such. Either way, he knew what he needed, so he decided to make use of it.

“There is something I want,” Ning said. “I wonder if I can be given it.”

The man raised an eyebrow. “Continue.”

“I need a Connector and a Thinker to aid me in something,” Ning said. “It would be great if a Cultivator could be added to that as well, but I should be fine with just the first two.”

“A Thinker and a Connector?” the man asked. A frown appeared on his face. “That… is going to be difficult. It’s not that I don’t want to give you any, but with the missions coming up, I’m not sure there will be enough room to spare any of them. Why is it that you want them anyway?”

“It’s… something important,” Ning said. “I do not wish to say what it is right now just in case I give too much hope to you all, but please trust me when I say this. If I succeed in what I’m doing, it will change everything.”

The man looked at Ning for a long while. “How long do you need them for?” he asked.

“Two days,” Ning said. “Mostly just because we have to travel to some place and back.”

“Oh! Only 2 days?” the man asked. “Then that’s more than doable. Redaime, give him what he wants.”

“Yes, sir,” Redaime said.

“Haha, change everything, huh? I look forward to seeing what you’re going to do.”

Ning and Redaime left the court a while later, walking toward their section of the city. They were still working, so it was back to work with both of them.

“What are you really trying to do?” Redaime asked Ning as they left.

“I told you, I won’t be saying just yet. Once I’m certain what I’m thinking of can be done, you’ll be the first one to know,” Ning said.

“You’re damn right about that,” she said. “Who do you want?”

Ning shrugged. “I don’t know any people that are Thinkers or Connectors,” he said. “So you make the choice.”

Redaime stared at him with narrowed eyes, almost glaring at him. She had long since noticed that Ning had begun dropping honorifics from her title more and more these past few days, which she was fine with, but she still couldn’t understand why he was doing so.

“When do you want them?” she asked. “Tomorrow?”

“I am fine with today,” Ning said. “Can that be done?” Saʀᴄh the NvlFir.nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.


Redaime arrived at her office and quickly set out an order. Ning didn’t get to hear that order as she made it through the DODS.

He sat on a chair, waiting for the people to arrive. The first person to come was a young woman in her late 20s. She was tall and beautiful but had a timid posture about her.

“Captain, you requested my presence?” she asked.

“Derria, come and sit. This is Ning, you may have heard of him,” Redaime said.

Derria turned to Ning. “Chief Officer Ning, it is a pleasure to meet you. Your names had not left my ears for the past week and a half.”

“I hope my name didn’t bore you that much,” Ning replied. Even as he said that he began thinking about her name. He had heard of the name Derria somewhere, but where?

He tried to think, but he was quickly disturbed by the Captain who added to the conversation.

“Derria, you will be working with Ning on a… special assignment,” Redaime said. “I hope you are ready for it.”

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