Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1578: Experiments and Ideas

Chapter 1578: Experiments and Ideas

Ning spent the majority of his time inside his house. The only time he left was two times a day to go to the cafeteria to get some food.

He didn’t need to eat. He simply needed to show his face so that the people who were secretly keeping a watch on him knew that he hadn’t left the city just yet.

If not for them, he could have spent all day and night inside his room, just experimenting.

Ning’s first few experiments were on the crystals, trying to figure out if there was a way to get rid of them without using Conversion.

What if the other powers of Spark could remove it as well?

He tried water and fire to test out how the crystal stood up against a Soaker and Burner pouring their respective element into a person’s stomach.

Ning found out a few things about the crystals after trying them. The first thing he realized was that the crystal was not soluble in water. He tried mixing the two together, but the mixture was heterogeneous. In fact, the crystals were surprisingly buoyant enough that they clumped on the surface of the water, like a layer of wax.

Under fire, the crystals turned to smoke, immediately sublimating with no remnants. Ning tried to repeat the process in a closed experiment but found that the crystals quite literally vanished when they were burned.

They were turned into energy when burned with no matter remaining behind.

Soakers were useless against the Spark crystals. Burner were useful, but by the time they burned someone’s crystals away, they would also significantly burn their organ.

Maybe someone would be willing to take that pain in order to have a Cultivator heal them afterward, but Ning thought it would be better to have a Converter get his hands on that instead.

After all, the issue with both the Converter and the Burner was the same. They needed to use their power below the surface of a man’s stomach and that was difficult without seeing what they were doing.

Ning experimented a little with that as well, trying to see if he could convert things beyond a few materials without converting the material he was touching.

He started by wearing a glove and then moved on to having more physical barriers. For the first few times, he turned his glove into air when trying to convert a stone beyond the glove into it, but that was only for a while.

He quickly learned how to do Conversion while wearing a glove and then moved on. Next, it was time to have a larger barrier between him and the target, and for that, Ning used a simple wooden block he had crafted through the system.

He experimented with it a bit and came to realize that he could in fact convert things beyond the wooden board. However, to do that, he needed a visual confirmation of the object beyond the wooden board. Saʀᴄh the ovlꜰir.nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

If he couldn’t see the object with the wooden board in the middle, his conversion failed.

That wasn’t a good result. He needed to do better.

Ning tried and tried and tried. And while he failed many times, he managed to learn from all of those failures and came to understand the reason behind his failure.

It was because he didn’t believe in himself.

It was such a simple understanding that at face value seemed almost idiotic to mention, but that turned out to be true.

Ning had to believe in himself.

He didn’t have to believe in himself that he could do what he was seeking to do. But rather, he needed to believe in himself that there was an object beyond that pane of wood that he couldn’t see through.

Once he began to believe, he could begin converting objects.

Things were still not great yet. While he could convert things at a distance, beyond objects, he was still not capable of turning just a section of the organ into something.

Without seeing, he could only turn a thing into something else, entirely. There were no subtleties to his conversion, no expertise.

It was akin to having to kill one’s enemy hiding behind the door. Because you couldn’t see where they were at the door, instead of using the door, Ning used a rocket launcher instead.

Only this enemy had a hostage behind the door so Ning couldn’t shoot with something this explosive. If only the door was open, he could see where everyone was and shoot the right target.

‘Should I really involve a Cultivator in this?’ Ning thought. It might be dangerous to the person to have their stomach cut open for the Converter to see the tiny organ and turn only the surface of it into water or some other harmless object.

“I definitely can’t convert the entire organ by mistake. That would be disas-” Ning paused. “Wait!”

Ning thought for a moment as a very weird, but possibly working idea came to his mind.

“What if instead of just turning the crystal at the surface into something, I turn the entire organ at once? Then I won’t have to try and figure out what parts of the organ to turn and what to keep regular.”

And Ning’s plan didn’t involve turning the organ into rock or glass at all. He planned on converting the entire organ at once, and he was going to convert the entire organ back into the organ again.

“That… can definitely work,” Ning thought. A feeling of glee filled his heart as he realized that what he had come up with was perhaps the greatest idea to heal the Sparkless in the city.

He couldn’t do it alone at all. This healing wasn’t one that was meant to be done alone. He needed 2 other people that he had to find.

It was unlikely that he was going to find them on his own. So he had to wait. A few more days went by and finally, a knock came on Ning’s door.

He was being summoned to the Major General’s court once again.

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