Reborn To Love

Chapter 300 The End

Chapter 300 The End

γ€€γ€€In the darkness, he sat down on the bed and laid down next to her, kissing her on the forehead gently before closing his eyes.

”Good night, my wife.”

The next morning, He Xinyan was woken up by Gu Yechen very early in the morning before the sun was even up.

”Didn’t you say you wanted to see the sunrise in Country H? Come on, it’s happening soon.”

He Xinyan rubbed her eyes a little frustratedly, but upon hearing about the sunrise, she immediately got out of bed.

She put on a large jacket since it was quite cold in the morning even though it was summer. They walked out onto the balcony, which didn’t have a railing in the front.

They sat down on the edge of the wooden balcony, their legs hanging off. The gentle sound of the waterfall could be heard as it provided water to the lake beneath them.

In front of them, there was a green mountain that was temporarily hiding the sun from their sight.

He Xinyan yawned as she rested her head onto Gu Yechen’s shoulder, closing her eyes as she took in the beautiful morning sounds.

The birds chirping. . . the water falling down. . . The soft sound of Gu Yechen’s breathing. . . The leaves rustling not too far away. . .

He Xinyan took in a deep breath of the fresh and crisp morning air. She did not know how long she had “closed her eyes”, but when Gu Yechen woke her up, a small portion of the sun was rising above the mountain already. 

She grabbed onto Gu Yechen’s arm, still resting her head onto his shoulder.

As they watched silently, He Xinyan suddenly said softly:

”We have been married for almost 4 years already. . .” 

Gu Yechen tilted his head slightly, looking at her, his eyes and expression more gentle than the water flowing beneath them, “Yes. . . and there are many more 4 years to come.”

He Xinyan smiled, watching as the sun slowly revealed its face from behind the mountain, casting beautiful red, orange, yellow, and purple shades onto the world around them.

”Do you still remember the first time we met?” He Xinyan blinked slowly, her breathing very heavy.

”I’ll never forget.” Gu Yechen placed his arm around her waist, pulling her in gently as he also leaned his head onto hers.

”It has been 5 years since we first met, right?”

Gu Yechen replied proudly, “5 years, 3 months, and 26 days.”

He Xinyan smiled, looking down at the green trees on the mountain, “Do you love me once you saw me? Love at first sight?”

Gu Yechen closed his eyes, thinking for a few seconds, “I liked you when I first saw you. I don’t know if it was love right away. However, the love came quickly after.”

He Xinyan also closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them again, the fatigue of the early morning heavily resting on her body and mind, “I still remember when we got married, many people said we were a match made in heaven.”

”We are,” Gu Yechen said confidently.

He Xinyan smiled, “We were meant for each other? You believe that?”

Gu Yechen nodded his head very seriously, “Of course! You are the perfect and only person for me.”

He Xinyan’s smile widened as her arms around Gu Yechen’s elbow tightened, “I love you, Gu Yechen.”

Gu Yechen was silent for a few seconds from the surprise confession. Then, a very warm smile appeared on his face, “I love you too, He Xinyan.”

The sun slowly rose above the mountains, revealing its golden petals that stretched outwards into the beautiful world. 

He Xinyan and Gu Yechen both opened their eyes, staring at the brilliant flower that warmed up the entire world around them. 

That sunrise so ordinary, yet so extraordinary.

He Xinyan looked up at Gu Yechen and their eyes met. 

It represents the invitation to a brand new day. . . with you. 

— Final Author’s Note

I’m not crying, I swear I am not crying πŸ™

This will be a long author’s note, but I really hope you will read it ^o^

’Reborn To Love’ is my second novel here on NovelFull, and is also my longest and most successful book so far. 

I really enjoyed writing every single word of this book and I love the plotline, characters, and everything about this novel. However, above all that, I love every single one of you (yes I know this is getting cheesy).

I cannot express with words how grateful I am for each and every one of you, and how much I appreciate all of your love and support. Although I love writing and I love this novel, I know that I definitely wouldn’t be as happy and motivated to write every day if it weren’t for all of you.

Every second of this journey has been amazing, and I am so so sad to have to end it. I will miss this novel, I will miss He Xinyan and Gu Yechen, I will miss writing ‘Reborn to Love’, but most importantly, I will miss all of you.

However, I am certain that this is not the end, but just a new beginning. *Time to insert shameless self-promotion* Please please please go check out my new novel, ‘The Wife of Hades’! I really hope to not have to say goodbye to any of you, but instead “see you again”!

I am certain that our paths will cross again in the future, and even if they don’t, I am still so grateful to have had you as a reader and friend. 

Now this is getting really long and if I don’t stop myself, I can go on forever and forever.

I am trying to stop myself from crying while writing this, because I know this is not the end. Still, I will greatly miss writing this story and meeting our characters every single day. 

I really do hope to see you around in the NovelFull world in the future (hopefully in my new novel hehe)! πŸ™‚ Thank you guys so so so so so so so so very much, and I love love love you!!! 

Love you

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