Reborn To Love

Chapter 277 Boy Or Girl?

Chapter 277 Boy Or Girl?

  He Xinyan and Gu Yechen went to sleep after midnight. 

Well, Gu Yechen couldn’t fall asleep the entire night. He still couldn’t believe that his Xinyan was finally back by his side. . . It had been about a year since their marriage already, but now, they were truly finally back together. 

Although He Xinyan also really wanted to stay awake, she couldn’t fight the fatigue side effect from being pregnant, and she ultimately fell asleep.

The next morning, when He Xinyan woke up, it was almost noon already. 

The first thing she saw after waking up was Gu Yechen’s face. He had his eyes closed and his breathing was slow and even.

He Xinyan smiled, moving a little closer to him. Her stomach was quite small for a woman 5 months pregnant, so she could still comfortably sleep on her side. 

She lifted one arm out of the blanket and rested it onto Gu Yechen’s face. He woke up immediately from her touch, and he suddenly sat up, looking around nervously.

”Yechen!” He Xinyan called surprisedly, wondering why he seemed so nervous.

Gu Yechen looked back and he gulped, letting out a sigh of relief. He immediately pulled her up into his embrace, “You’re here. . . It wasn’t a dream.”

He Xinyan felt her heart twist up in pain from his words, and she held onto him tightly, “Don’t worry, don’t worry. I’m here. . . Both me and the baby.”

Gu Yechen finally relaxed a little after hearing her words, and he pressed his lips together tightly, closing his eyes, “I missed you so much.”

”Me too. . .” Only in the morning time, with the sun up and the warmth around them, did it really feel like they were finally and truly back together with each other.

”I’ll go make breakfast,” Gu Yechen proposed as he pulled away, but He Xinyan immediately grabbed onto him.

”Can you just lay down with me. . . We can get breakfast later! We still have to tell mom and dad that I am back. . .”

Of course, Gu Yechen couldn’t reject any of He Xinyan’s requests, “Okay.”

Together, they laid down on the bed again even though the sun was way up in the sky already. Due to her big tummy, He Xinyan faced the other direction and Gu Yechen hugged her from behind, resting his hand on her stomach.

”We should go to the hospital and do a check-up,” Gu Yechen said softly.

He Xinyan nodded her head, “Yes. We can go tomorrow.”

They talked for a very long time about many things that they usually wouldn’t talk about, and they both did not want to get up and separate.

However, He Xinyan and the baby were both getting hungry, so they finally got up to eat a late lunch.

”Ahh!!!!” Xu Mengya screamed when she saw He Xinyan, and at once. . . almost like a dam had broken, tears began flooding down her face.

”Oh, my Yanyan!” Xu Mengya immediately pulled He Xinyan into her embrace, but didn’t expect Gu Yechen to immediately pull her away.

”Be careful of the baby!” Gu Yechen said angrily.

”Oh, oh. . .” Xu Mengya’s eyes widened, “Yes, yes! Yanyan, you’re pregnant! Oh my! I have to go home and find my secret recipes and medicines I took when I was pregnant to give birth to that stupid guy.” 

She ran around a little confusedly, her brain still a little in shock and surprise.

He Xinyan chuckled and grabbed onto Xu Mengya’s hand, “It’s okay, mom. You can do that later.”

They sat down at the dining table to eat the meal Gu Yechen had cooked together, but of course Xu Mengya couldn’t eat. Her head and mouth were filled with questions!

”What happened? Where were you?! That stupid guy wouldn’t tell me anything and I was worried sick. What happened during the honeymoon? You -“

”Mom, let her eat. I’ll tell you,” Gu Yechen said a little helplessly. He then told the story about Yi Qiansi once again. Xu Mengya did not remember Yi Qiansi or the Yi family anymore, but Gu Hanyu remembered.

”The Yi family. . .” Gu Hanyu narrowed his eyes slightly and sighed, “I actually looked into it when the Yi Company went bankrupt. It was very weird how it suddenly just collapsed. So there was someone behind it. . . The Yi family’s son thought it was us?”

Gu Yechen nodded his head.

Xu Mengya sighed and placed one hand onto He Xinyan’s hand, “Oh, so it is actually the big and small devil’s fault that you were taken away for so long! I’m so sorry that you got dragged into this.”

He Xinyan shook her head, “Don’t worry, Auntie Xu. I am fine now.”

Xu Mengya pressed her lips together and looked down, placing her hand onto He Xinyan’s gradually enlarging stomach, “I wonder if this little one is fine! Oh, I can’t believe that I am becoming a grandmother soon!”

”And I can’t believe I will be a mother soon. . .”

They ate lunch together and then Xu Mengya and Gu Hanyu returned home because Xu Mengya was insistent on going back to look for the magical pregnancy medications she took.

Meanwhile, He Xinyan and Gu Yechen decided to go to the hospital to do a check-up. Although Yi Qiansi had a doctor that did frequent check-ups on the baby, they had never gone to do one themselves, just the two of them.

Inside the hospital room, the ultrasound imaging was displayed on the screen. There were still about 5 months until the estimated period of labor, but the basic frame of the baby was pretty clear by now. 

Gu Yechen grabbed onto He Xinyan’s hand a little too harshly from excitement as he stared at the black and white image on the screen.

”It’s moving,” he said excitedly.

He Xinyan laughed, “Of course it’s moving! It’s a living baby!”

Gu Yechen was so excited his legs were shaking. 

Although the doctor had other patients to go to, Gu Yechen insisted on looking at the baby for almost half an hour before He Xinyan got tired and the two of them finally left the hospital.

They did not ask the doctor about the gender of the baby since they wanted to keep it as a surprise, but they walked out of the hospital discussing the gender.

”A son!” He Xinyan said firmly.

”No, a daughter!”

”No, a son!”

Gu Yechen did not want to argue with her, so he sighed and reluctantly said, “Okay, okay. We will know in a few months.”

”Hmph!” He Xinyan crossed her arms together, praying internally that the baby would be a boy. To be honest, she was also a little selfish and jealous. If it was a baby girl, then she wouldn’t be Gu Yechen’s favorite girl anymore!

Just like how Gu Yechen didn’t want to see her kissing another boy, He Xinyan also did not want to see Gu Yechen kissing and hugging another girl, even if it was her own daughter!

So, we will all wait and see whether it will be a boy or a girl.

After visiting the hospital, they did not return home right away. The two of them wanted to spend as much time with each other as possible, especially after their separation. 

Gu Yechen had completely forgotten that he was the CEO of the Gu Corporation, and he did not even bother to tell his workers he wouldn’t be going to work. They could figure it out themselves.

The two of them walked into a shopping mall to go shopping for the baby. 

They walked into a shop that only sold baby supplies and clothes, and a worker immediately walked over.

”Welcome to XX Baby Shop! Are you looking for anything in particular?” The young female worker couldn’t help but take a second look at the man standing next to the pregnant woman, because he was way too handsome! However, the woman next to him was also very pretty. . . so they were a good match.

The worker came across many upper-class pregnant women working in this shop, but most of them were either getting out of shape or their skin was getting worse due to the pregnancy. However, this woman who seemed quite young to be pregnant still had perfect skin and every part of her body was skinny except for her stomach, which was also quite small.

”No, we are just looking around. Thank you.” He Xinyan smiled before pulling Gu Yechen away because she realized that the young female worker seemed to have some bad intentions. She had peeked at Gu Yechen three times already!

Maybe it was because pregnant women were easily sensitive, but He Xinyan was more salty and jealous than before.

They walked over to the boy section of the store and He Xinyan began looking.

”What if it is a girl?” 

He Xinyan obviously didn’t want it to be a girl but she couldn’t ignore that possibility. If she only bought boy clothes and it was a girl, then all of the clothes would go to waste!

He Xinyan frowned slightly. If they waited until the baby was born then that would be too late!

However, her problem was easily solved by Gu Yechen.

”It’s okay. We can buy both.”

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