Reborn To Love

Chapter 275 Visiting The Gu Mansion

Chapter 275 Visiting The Gu Mansion

  After Gu Yechen left, He Xinyan was silent for a long time, eating her meals inside her room and not causing any commotion. 

Yi Qiansi had visited her a few times and she seemed very calm, eating her meals and even humming sometimes to herself.

He could not tell what she was thinking about or if she was happy or sad. 

Inside her room, He Xinyan was in a very good mood as she gently rubbed her stomach and sang a few songs she remembered. 

Gu Yechen was alive and she was pregnant! That was the best news she could possibly hear! Now, all she had to wait for was for Gu Yechen to rescue her out. She was certain it would be soon.

However, it wasn’t very soon.

For the next three months, Gu Yechen and the Gu Corporation launched attack after attack at the KMK Group, but nothing worked. The KMK Group was indeed the largest and most complex system and group in all of the underworld, and it wasn’t so easy to destroy it or break through it.

Gu Yechen was getting very stressed at the idea of He Xinyan still being in Yi Qiansi’s hands, and she was pregnant with his baby! He was furious that he couldn’t spend the months of her being pregnant with her! He definitely couldn’t miss her labor!

Meanwhile, He Xinyan was trying to stay calm and hopeful but as her stomach slowly got bigger and bigger, she was also beginning to get a little nervous. 

She asked Yi Qiansi once in a while when he would let her go, but he would always say no. Then, she would ask him what he was still keeping her here for.

Whenever she asked him that, he seemed a little lost. . . almost like he did not even know why he still had her here, or for what reason he was keeping her here.

At night, He Xinyan was sitting on the bed getting ready to go to sleep when suddenly the door was pushed open. She whipped her head around cautiously, instinctively placing one hand over her stomach.

When she saw Yi Qiansi walk in, she relaxed a little but still stared at him cautiously.

”What are you doing here? I need to go to bed.” She might not be tired, but her baby might be! She had to get a lot of quality sleep for her baby so when he is born, he will be the most handsome little baby in the world!

Yi Qiansi didn’t smile as he placed his hands into his suit pant pockets and lifted his chin up slightly, “We are going to go pay the Gu family a visit.”

Several hours later, the private helicopter landed on a large patch of grass. Then, He Xinyan and Yi Qiansi entered a car. 

The city was dark already, and the only thing illuminating the streets were the dim street lamps and the headlights of the car. 

However, even so, He Xinyan felt extremely happy to be back in the country and place she was familiar with. The buildings on the sidewalks, the smell of the crisp night air, and everything. . . it was all so familiar and calming.

A while later, they came to a stop in front of the large gate that He Xinyan immediately recognized. 

Gu Yechen’s house!

They were actually here. It has been so long since she last came back here that she almost forgot how it looked. It would appear in her dreams once in a while, but her dreams were getting more and more blurry as time went on. 

The car entered the gate somehow and it drove up all the way until they came to a stop in front of the house. Her house! Was Gu Yechen inside right now? He should be. 

Most importantly, since they were here, she might be able to find some way to stay!

Yi Qiansi noticed the hope in He Xinyan’s eyes, and he looked down before opening the door, “Let’s go.”

He Xinyan excitedly jumped off the car as fast as she could, still staying careful because she was not alone at the moment. 

They walked over to the door together and He Xinyan felt her heartbeat speeding up as Yi Qiansi knocked on it.

A minute passed, maybe two. . . He Xinyan was beginning to become doubtful whether the door would ever open. Maybe Gu Yechen wasn’t home.

Then, there was a click and the door was pulled open.

Originally, Gu Yechen had a very cold expression on his face but when the two people standing outside his door came into focus, his eyes widened in surprise.

Without bothering to care about Yi Qiansi’s presence, He Xinyan took a step forward and threw herself into Gu Yechen’s embrace.


Gu Yechen was in shock for many seconds, and he almost couldn’t believe that this was real. Was he dreaming again?

Finally, he concluded that this wasn’t a dream and he wrapped his arms around He Xinyan’s waist gently, remembering that she was pregnant.

Yi Qiansi’s eyes dimmed when he saw this sight and he looked down, avoiding the two people.

The hug didn’t last long as Gu Yechen immediately pulled He Xinyan behind him and looked up at Yi Qiansi cautiously, “What are you doing?”

He did not believe that Yi Qiansi was kind enough to just let He Xinyan come back to him.

”I am here to negotiate some. . . deals.” Yi Qiansi said with a cool expression, running his fingers through his silver hair.

Without waiting, Yi Qiansi stepped into the room and walked in, taking a look around the house.

”Your house is quite nice. . . Of course, what do I expect from the Gu family?”

Gu Yechen told He Xinyan to go up into their room and wait for him there before walking back over to Yi Qiansi. As He Xinyan quickly walked upstairs, her heartbeat still beating unusually fast, Gu Yechen and Yi Qiansi entered Gu Yechen’s private office.

— Over an hour later

He Xinyan was getting very stressed and began sweating as she stayed inside the bedroom as Gu Yechen had instructed.

Because she couldn’t sit still on the bed any longer, she stood up and began pacing around the room, wondering why it was taking so long.

What did Yi Qiansi want? Did he want Gu Yechen’s life again?

He Xinyan was getting more and more worried and she was very tempted to go downstairs to see what was going on, but she still decided to listen to Gu Yechen and stay inside the room.

Another few minutes passed until finally, the door opened.

She whipped around and let out a breath of relief when she saw Gu Yechen. She immediately ran over, grabbing onto his hand.

”What happened? What did you guys talk about? I’m going to stay here, right? There is no way I am going back here. . . It is quite dumb Yi Qiansi brought me over here. I. . .” He Xinyan gulped and looked up, “Is everything okay?”

Gu Yechen smiled and didn’t respond. Instead, he leaned forward and gently kissed her on the lips, the first true kiss they had in a very long time.

He Xinyan couldn’t help but still worry, but she pushed those thoughts to the back of her head and returned the kiss. After this experience, she couldn’t help but worry about when the next one would be.

A minute passed before He Xinyan finally pushed Gu Yechen away because she couldn’t wait any longer, “So, what happened?”

Gu Yechen smiled and licked his lips, “Don’t worry, he is gone.”

”What?!” He Xinyan couldn’t believe that Yi Qiansi would just leave like this, “What did you give him?”

Gu Yechen looked down and pinched the area of skin between his two eyebrows, causing He Xinyan to worry.

”Tell me,” she said sternly.

Gu Yechen finally looked up and smiled, “Nothing.”

— An hour ago

After entering the room, Yi Qiansi shamelessly sat down in the center of the black couch inside the room and casually folded his legs together.

”I’m tired of playing with you. My deal is this. . . You destroyed everything my parents and I had. I have decided to be nice. . . Give me the Gu Corporation and ruin the Gu family with your own hands. Then, I will stop bothering you once and for all.”

Gu Yechen furrowed his eyebrows together, “I destroyed the Yi family?”

Yi Qiansi scoffed, “Don’t pretend like you don’t know anything or remember anything now. 17 years ago. . . I lost everything.”

Gu Yechen knit his eyebrows together and sat down across from Yi Qiansi, “Are you talking about the collapse of the Yi Company and the death of your dad and mom?” 

Yi Qiansi’s face darkened upon hearing the mention of his parents, “Yes. . . so you do know.”

Gu Yechen crossed his legs together and sighed, “I looked into what happened to the Yi family a few years ago. And I was correct. . . So you really have been mistaken.”

Yi Qiansi narrowed his eyes, “What do you mean by mistaken? Gu Yechen, don’t try to play tricks or lie to me. I know everything.”

Gu Yechen leaned forward, “Do you?”

Several seconds of silence passed.

”The Gu family did not do it.”

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