Reborn To Love

Chapter 271 Yi Qiansi's Story (5)

Chapter 271 Yi Qiansi’s Story (5)

  The man turned around and looked down at Yi Qiansi. Then, he bent down so he was looking up at Yi Qiansi. Then, he smiled. . . an unknown smile that Yi Qiansi couldn’t read.

”Do you want to come with me?”

Yi Qiansi took a step away from the man, “Who are you?”

The man raised one eyebrow, “Let me introduce myself again. My name is Snow. . . Have you ever heard of the KMK group?”

Of course, Yi Qiansi has heard of the KMK group. It was probably the largest terrorist and underground group in the world, and no one knew who they were, where it was, or even. . . what exactly it was. 

The group touched in so many areas that people couldn’t even know exactly everything the group did. Besides that, the KMK group had people all around the world.

Maybe your best friend was actually part of the KMK group. . .

Almost everyone knew about it and feared it to some extent. They would appear once in a while with a huge attack to remind people of their presence.

”Are you -” Yi Qiansi almost fell back. Not too long ago, the KMK group had bombed a large building not too far away, and he still remembered his parents talking about it.

The man smiled, “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you.”

”So you -“

”I am the leader of the KMK group,” a sparkle flashed past the man’s eyes as he said this, and it seemed like he was very proud of his identity.

”You. . .” Yi Qiansi gulped and his eyes darted around as he began to think of where to run.

”Don’t run away. I am here to help you,” the man immediately saw through Yi Qiansi’s plans, “I know you don’t want to go to the orphanage, and your parents helped me several years ago. I would like to repay their kindness, and I am sure they wouldn’t want their only son to end up in an orphanage.”

Yi Qiansi didn’t really trust the man anymore, but the man’s words struck something in his heart. He did not want to go to the orphanage.

Noticing the hesitation, the man took another push.

”I do not have a child, so I will raise you as my own child, which will definitely be better than an orphanage. I will give you a great education and help you. . . take revenge for your parent’s deaths. . . the Gu family.”

Hearing the final three words, Yi Qiansi’s eyes widened as he looked up. When he looked into the man’s determined but also anticipating eyes, he knew a decision had already been made inside his head.

”But the KMK Group. . .”

The man smiled, “Don’t worry. I won’t make you participate in what the KMK Group does.”

Yi Qiansi’s eyes sparkled before he nodded his head, “I’ll go with you!”

He did not want to end up like those other kids, inside an orphanage, where he won’t have any clue what his future will be like.

A bad education, alone, and no hope for the future. . . The only purpose in life: waiting for a family to maybe end up picking you to go be their “child”.

Yi Qiansi would much rather go with the KMK Group’s leader. He could see a much brighter future choosing this path. . . Even if it had something to do with the infamous KMK Group.

And, what finally convinced him was being able to get back at the Gu family. . . They destroyed his family, so he was going to destroy theirs.

The next day, Yi Qiansi had packed his stuff and left the cramped apartment, leaving everything and all the memories behind, bad and good.

He arrived at the international airport with Snow, looking out the window the entire ride. Memories of him walking down the street with his mom and dad, eating ice cream, or going to school, all came back.

When they drove by what used to be the Yi Mansion, Yi Qiansi placed one hand up to the car window, looking at the building longingly.

”When you grow up and become powerful, you can buy that house back.” Snow said when he noticed Yi Qiansi’s reaction, as a smile crossed his face.

Yi Qiansi nodded his head as his hand slowly slid down the window after the building was completely out of sight. 

Good memories and bad memories. . . He was going to leave them all behind and start a new life. 

After this experience, Yi Qiansi had learned. Power equals life. Money equals strength. The Gu family had both, so they were able to ruin the Yi family’s life and strength.

At this point, Yi Qiansi didn’t actually care if he had to join the KMK Group anymore. . . He was determined.

One day. . . One day. . . He was going to come back here more powerful than all others, and take revenge and get back what was his. 

They didn’t end up going to an airport, but instead, they drove to this large patch of empty land. They came to a stop in front of the grass and got off. 

The man did not help him carry his luggage, so Yi Qiansi ended up carrying his one suitcase himself. However, that did not really matter since he did not have much stuff with him anyway, so it wasn’t heavy.

In the middle of the grass, there was a helicopter already getting ready for take-off. Yi Qiansi took a long look at the helicopter and thought that it was weird they were riding a helicopter to Country X, and not a plane.

The man had told him the KMK Group Headquarters was in Country X, and it would be the first time he would ever go to Country X.

They boarded the helicopter and began the ride over to Country X. 

The entire ride didn’t take a long time and they landed on a mountain near the ocean. He knew it was near the ocean because he could hear the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

They got off the helicopter and Yi Qiansi looked up at the large. . . castle in front of him.

”This is the KMK Group headquarters?” Yi Qiansi asked in awe. He did not know a lot about the KMK Group since he was still a child, and it wasn’t like the KMK Group was taught about in school.

All he knew about it was the few times he heard his parents talking about it.

”Yes, welcome to your new home.”

Yi Qiansi looked up and saw Snow looking at the building with a very proud and arrogant expression. However, the next second, he leaned forward, looking at Yi Qiansi with a very genuine smile.

”I am also a businessman. I am not a charity. I make deals or trades. Since I am giving you a new home, a new guardian, a new opportunity, a new hope, and a chance for revenge, of course, it is only natural for me to ask for something in return, right?”

Yi Qiansi blinked a few times. He had not known about this “trade” when Snow first talked to him about “adopting” him.

However, Yi Qiansi understood that it was only natural he also agreed to give something back since it was true. . . This man in front of him was basically giving him a new life.

Yi Qiansi nodded his head, receiving a smile from Snow.

”Good!” Snow stood up straight and grabbed onto Yi Qiansi’s arm. Together, they walked into the palace. Yi Qiansi followed the man down several hallways. 

The walls were painted black and the hallways were all empty. They were dimly lit and no natural sunlight was able to enter the palace. 

They stopped in front of a large room and Snow pulled open the door, walking inside with Yi Qiansi. When they entered, the room was completely dark.

Then, there was a click as Snow opened the lights, and the room lit up.

There was a desk in the front with several files piled on it. To the left, there was a whole wall filled with guns, pistols, rifles, machine guns. . . Guns of all different sizes and types.

Then, underneath the guns, there was also a rack of knives. They were glistening inside the room, and it was clear that they were probably cleaned very often.

To the right of the room, there was a couch and then above the couch, there was a coat rack, but it wasn’t coats hanging from the racks.

Instead, there were several whips. 

Yi Qiansi couldn’t help but get a little nervous looking at Snow’s collection of weapons, and he gulped as he took a step away.

Seeing his reaction, Snow chuckled softly.

”Don’t worry. By next month, I promise you that you won’t be scared of those anymore, because. . . You will be the one using them.”

Yi Qiansi gulped and said inside his head, ‘I don’t want to use them.’

Snow sat down on the couch and stretched out his neck, “Since you have agreed to come, don’t try to leave anymore.”

Yi Qiansi began having a bad feeling inside of him, but he tried to ignore it. He had always known that no matter what road you chose, since you chose it, you would have to finish it.

No matter how hard or difficult it was, even if you were crawling, there was no going back.

And since he had chosen to come with this man instead of going to the orphanage, then he would have to listen to this man.

”I do not have any children, so I have decided. You will be my heir.”

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