Reborn To Love

Chapter 260 Murderer

Chapter 260 Murderer

  Right in the center of her chest, the blade she once held in her hand pierced through it, blood still dripping out like water from a fountain. . .

One second of silence.

Another second of silence.

”AHH!!” He Xinyan hurriedly crawled away from the door and from Shen Xiner’s body, stopping a few feet away from Shen Xiner, her entire body shaking.

Even when she had seen Gu Kexin dead, she wasn’t scared. 

However, seeing Shen Xiner’s dead body was extremely frightening, probably because. . . because she had killed her!

She had murdered someone!

He Xinyan felt her heartbeat speed up as she gritted her teeth together tightly to stop them from chattering. 

This was the first time in her entire life she had killed someone with her own hands.

What would happen to her? What would happen to Shen Xiner?

What would Yi Qiansi do when he found out? 

At this moment, He Xinyan really wanted to run into Gu Yechen’s warm embrace, but she knew she couldn’t. She took a deep breath and forced herself to come down.

This was not murder. It was not.

It was self defense.

Shen Xiner had come and wanted to kill her, and she only responded with a natural act of self-defense. . . And, she had accidentally killed her.

He Xinyan stared at the hand she had held the knife with and saw that it was shaking. How could she just aim so “perfectly” and out of all the possible places she could have stabbed, she stabbed her chest?! 

He Xinyan closed her eyes and took another deep breath. However, as she did so, there was a click and the door suddenly opened.

She flinched in surprise and her heartbeat skipped a beat as she looked up alertly.

Standing right outside the door, Yi Qiansi wore a black silk bathrobe, revealing his pale chest and lower legs. 

His hands were casually placed into his pockets as he looked down and saw Shen Xiner leaning against the wall without any sign of life. 

He didn’t seem very surprised as he walked in, stepping right over Shen Xiner, almost like he didn’t even notice her.

He stopped in front of He Xinyan, bending down to the ground so their bodies were at the same level.

”Are you okay?” Yi Qiansi asked, noticing that she was shaking slightly.

He Xinyan nodded her head and moved back a little further to keep a distance from Yi Qiansi.

”Why are you here?” He Xinyan asked.

Yi Qiansi opened his mouth and closed it again. He couldn’t say that there was a CCTV camera in the room and he opened it before going to sleep to see if she was asleep yet and saw Shen Xiner inside the room.

”I – A worker heard you screaming and told me.”

He Xinyan didn’t think much about it and she nodded her head, “She – She attacked me and I accidentally killed her.” 

She said, trying to sound calm.

Yi Qiansi didn’t even look over at Shen Xiner as his eyes moved down to He Xinyan’s arm, which was dripping blood down onto the ground, “You’re hurt.”

He Xinyan seemed to just notice as she also looked down at her arm and scrunched her face up from the sight. Her lower arm and her hand had several cuts, and the one on her arm was very deep.

Yi Qiansi frowned and stood up, walking out of the room.

He Xinyan heard him say, “Call the doctor,” before he came back into the room.

He bent down again and lifted He Xinyan off the ground with both hands, carrying her princess style. He Xinyan’s eyes widened as she felt her body getting lifted off the ground.

”Let me down! Stop! Let go of me!” She was a married woman! How dare he do this?!

Yi Qiansi’s eyes dimmed, “Stop moving. You are just going to make your injury worse.”

He walked over to the bed and gently placed her back down onto the bed. The bedsheets immediately turned red from the blood, the frightening color slowly spreading.

He Xinyan glared at Yi Qiansi angrily but didn’t say anything. He was trying to help her but she was still angry at him for carrying her.

If Gu Yechen knew about this, his vinegar tub would explode.

She couldn’t let that happen!

A few seconds later, the doctor ran into the room and gasped when he saw the dead body on the floor.

”Here!” Yi Qiansi called coldly.

The doctor carefully stepped over Shen Xiner and ran over to the bed, immediately going to work.

A few minutes later, He Xinyan’s entire arm was wrapped with a cast, but it didn’t help the pain. Her brain had ignored the pain earlier because she was in shock about killing someone, but now it was coming back.

It was unbearable, piercing through her skin and into her bones. 

A bead of sweat rolled down He Xinyan’s forehead as the doctor finished wrapping the cast and stepped away.

”The cut is very deep and it should take a few weeks up to a month to heal. Be very careful with it and try not to move your right arm or hand too much. It is very important you do not get the cut wet. Try not to take a shower if you can, and if you do, you will need to be very careful.”

He Xinyan nodded her head and took a deep breath, trying to not focus on the pain.

After the doctor left, Yi Qiansi looked down at her with a slight frown, “Are you okay?”

He Xinyan didn’t look at him and nodded, “I’m fine. You can go to sleep.”

Yi Qiansi sighed as he placed his hands into his pockets, “You don’t have to worry about Shen Xiner’s death. . . I wanted to kill her a long time ago. She doesn’t listen. . .”

He Xinyan looked up at him and couldn’t tell if he was trying to comfort her, because what he said only made her more afraid of him.

”Why is Shen Xinere her?” She asked.

Yi Qiansi smiled, “Everyone Gu Yechen ever hurt or threw away is here. . . I collect these people.”

He Xinyan frowned, “What type of hobby is that? I’m curious, how do you know Gu Yechen?”

Yi Qiansi grinned softly and looked down, “You don’t have to worry about that. He is dead anyway.”

”He isn’t! You don’t know anything!” He Xinyan glared at Yi Qiansi angrily.

He looked down at her and knit his eyebrows together, leaning forward slightly, “Why are you so persistent in believing that he is still alive?”

”Because he is, you liar!”

”And how would you know that?” Yi Qiansi frowned.

He Xinyan rolled her eyes, “Because I believe in him and not you. I know he is alive. He won’t leave me alone in this world!”

Yi Qiansi stared into He Xinyan’s firm and hopeful eyes for several seconds before he pressed his lips together and stood up straight again, turning around.

”Don’t worry about Shen Xiner. You should get some rest. Good night.”

He slowly walked out of the room and a second later, two men walked in. One dragged away Shen Xiner’s body while the other cleaned up the mess.

After they were finished, they locked the door and left.

The world was silent again.

The next morning, He Xinyan woke up from the pain in her arm and when she opened her eyes, she gasped in surprise.

Right to the side of her bed, Yi Qiansi sat there in his chair with his legs crossed.

”Good morning,” he said with a smile.

He Xinyan glared at him before rolling around, facing the other side, “Why are you here? You really aren’t busy, are you? You seem to have a lot of time on your hands.”

”Do you want to go out and take a look at your sunflowers? It isn’t raining today.”

At the mention of her sunflowers, He Xinyan became a little interested. After several seconds, she shrugged, “Sure. Let me get ready first.”

Every morning, she followed a worker to a bathroom nearby to get ready and before bed, she could also go to take a shower. Inside, there were several skincare supplies from very famous brands and everything she needed.

After getting ready, she followed Yi Qiansi outside. The sunflowers were nowhere to be seen since the seeds had just been planted, but she could already visualize how beautiful it would look with the dirt filled with a patch of bright yellow flowers.

She watered the dirt with the arm she didn’t hurt and after a while, they returned back to the castle. She woke up late so it was 11 already, about time to eat lunch.

He Xinyan was going to return to her room to eat, but Yi Qiansi stopped her.

”Do you want to eat lunch together in the dining room with me today?”

He Xinyan’s eyes widened, “I can leave my room?”

”Well, I thought about it, and. . . I can let you move freely around the castle during the day if you wish.”

He Xinyan obviously nodded her head, “Yes, yes!” She did not want to stay in that confined room anymore. If she was able to come outside, then at least she had a higher chance of maybe being able to escape or get in contact with the outside world.

Seeing her smile, Yi Qiansi grinned softly and they walked over to the dining room. 

He Xinyan had thought that the food would be ready already, but there was no food on the table at all.

”Where is the food? Aren’t we here to eat lunch?”

Yi Qiansi chuckled and crossed his arms together, “Yes, but we are also here so you could fulfill your promise to me.”

He Xinyan looked up at him, “What promise?”


hello readers ~

The original plan was that my new story would be out in 2 days. However, things have changed.

Recently, I have been very unmotivated to write both this story and my new one 🙁 As I was writing my new story yesterday, I realized that I couldn’t possibly keep writing it without getting dead bored. Even as the author, I feel bored and kind of lost of where I wanted the story to go. So, I have decided to cancel, or maybe postpone that story.

Instead, I have a new idea for another Contemporary Romance story, so I will begin working on that. I will let you guys know if something comes out of it!

Love you

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