Reborn To Love

Chapter 21 Perfect Cookies

Chapter 21 Perfect Cookies

  This picture was of her and Gu Yechen!

He Xinyan stretched her phone out and showed it to Gu Yechen, “Isn’t this us?”

Gu Yechen took one look at the phone before nodding his head. He Xinyan looked at the picture again and suddenly started smiling.

Gu Yechen raised one eyebrow, “Why are you smiling?”

He Xinyan ran over to Gu Yechen and showed him the picture, “Isn’t this picture cute? Look at the height difference between us, it’s perfect! And the angle of the picture looks like I’m leaning onto you. Ah. . . when will this true sweet love come to me?”

Gu Yechen took a quick glance at He Xinyan and stopped himself from saying, ‘I can give it to you.’

He Xinyan quickly downloaded the picture and saved it as her home screen, “This is probably the closest I will get to a sweet love story.”

Gu Yechen’s face slightly darkened as he wondered if he was invisible. . . Or was he not attractive enough?

The person who posted the image pointed He Xinyan out and the comments were all talking about the guy next to her and who he was.

Gu Yechen sent He Xinyan home after the meal and he was in such a good mood that he decided to not go to the company after He Xinyan was gone.

Even Chen Xiao was let off the hook and was allowed to go home and enjoy his precious weekend.

The next morning, He Xinyan entered the kitchen and rolled up her sleeves. She tied her hair up into a bun and stuck a chopstick through it professionally.

”Young miss, what are you doing here in the kitchen?” The chef ran over to He Xinyan and eyed her up and down. The pink apron was a little too big for her and her bun was slowly falling apart.

”I’m here to make cookies!”

He Xinyan wasn’t the type of person to rip off another person’s money although the thought of it was quite intriguing. She didn’t have much to give to Gu Yechen since he didn’t really lack anything, so she was going to make cookies for him!

After the chef had left the kitchen, He Xinyan pulled out the recipe and gathered all of the ingredients.

Crack the egg. . . Add the sugar. . . Mix. . . Is there supposed to be eggshells in the mixture?

Add the flour. . .

He Xinyan quickly turned off the electric mixer as she turned around to cough. Why did the flour fly all over the air?

After she had finished all the steps except baking, the kitchen had turned into a mess. Flour covered the walls and tables, and several ingredients had spilled onto the table and ground.

”Perfect!” He Xinyan smiled at her masterpiece and put it into the oven.

An hour later, He Xinyan was on the way to the Gu Corporation. She entered the cold building and walked to the front desk.

”Hello, miss.” The front desk lady politely bowed towards He Xinyan and asked, “Are you looking for someone?”

”I’m looking for your CEO, Gu Yechen.”

The front desk worker took a step back and her eyebrows slightly furrowed, “Do you have an appointment?”


”Sorry, ma’am. I can’t let you in if you don’t have an appointment.” The front desk lady sat back down in her chair, making it clear that there was no further discussion necessary.

He Xinyan sighed before pulling out her phone.

’I’m in your front lobby but the worker won’t let me in. . .’ She included a crying emoji at the end of her text before sending it over to Gu Yechen.

Ding! In the middle of an intense meeting, a phone rang. At once, everyone in the room stiffened and silently cursed at whoever forgot to close their phone.

The next second, the man sitting at the front of the glass table picked up his phone.

. . . Take that back. . . Nobody just cursed. . .

”Meeting adjourned.” The man stood up and walked out of the room, leaving a table of confused people. The shareholders in the room looked at each other silently before they slowly left the room one by one.

The front desk lady looked up at the woman still waiting on the couch and sighed. Should she go shoo her away? But that would be rude. . .

The next second, a flash of black appeared in front of the woman and her view was blocked. The worker narrowed her eyes and took a second look at the person that just arrived.

Why did he look familiar?

Bang! The heavy chair tipped over and created a loud sound as it slammed onto the ground. The front desk later ran over to the couch with wide eyes and stammered, “Gu. . . CEO Gu!”

Gu Yechen looked at the worker for a second and knit his eyebrows together. Without replying, he grabbed onto He Xinyan’s hand and led her over to the elevator.

The worker watched as they disappeared and sat down onto the couch. That woman. . . He Xinyan!

”Why did you come over?” Gu Yechen asked inside the elevator. He Xinyan didn’t respond right away as she stared at her hand, which was still inside Gu Yechen’s long and slender fingers.

Gu Yechen followed her gaze and looked down at their touching hands. He hesitantly let go of her hand and sighed. When can he hold onto her hand in public with her consent too?

He Xinyan felt the sudden emptiness in her hand and frowned slightly. His hand was really large and warm. . .

”I’m here to pay you back!”

Gu Yechen lifted one eyebrow, “Pay me back? For what?”

”Well. . . You ended up paying for everything yesterday, so I have something for you today!” A cute smile appeared on He Xinyan’s face as she looked up at Gu Yechen, making his heart melt.

Where was his camera?! Chen Xiao! Camera!! He wanted to save this smile and keep it to himself. He didn’t want her to show this smile to anyone else.

The elevator door opened and He Xinyan walked out first so she didn’t see the gentle smile on Gu Yechen’s face.

Gu Yechen used his fingerprint to open the door into his office and He Xinyan walked inside. She had been into her dad’s personal office before, but it was only half the size of this one. . .

The room was designed with brown and black colors, and there was a full-length glass to the front, letting in the sunlight and city scenery.

”Your office is huge!” He Xinyan walked around before sitting down on the black couch to the left of the room.

Gu Yechen sat down next to her and asked curiously, “What do you have for me?”

He Xinyan smiled and pulled out a glass jar, “Cookies!” She opened the lid, “I made them myself! Ah, this is my first time making cookies, so they might not taste so good. Actually. . . this is my first time making anything, but I think I’m pretty talented. Do you want to try one?”

Gu Yechen took the round cookie out of He Xinyan’s hand and took a bite. He raised one eyebrow as he slowly took another bite.

This cookie. . .

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