Reborn To Love

Chapter 199 Remember

Chapter 199 Remember

  The next morning, He Xinyan and Gu Yechen ate breakfast together before going to work. As they ate, Gu Yechen looked up casually and asked,

”The man that saved you in Country X is called Yi Shao, right?”

He Xinyan took a sip of milk, “Yes. Why?”

Gu Yechen smiled, “Nothing.”

He Xinyan finished eating the rest of the bread and stood up, “I’m going to go to work. Goodbye!”

She picked up her bag and was about to leave when Gu Yechen stood up and walked over to her, “Did you forget something?”

He Xinyan pressed her lips together before lifting her heels off the ground and quickly kissing Gu Yechen on the lips.

For a long time now, Gu Yechen would “force” He Xinyan to kiss him before she left for work in the morning. He Xinyan would still forget sometimes, but it had basically become a habit now.

”Goodbye!” He Xinyan waved goodbye before leaving the house.

At work, He Xinyan had just finished reading through a bunch of complicated pages, and she leaned back against her chair with her eyes closed to get some rest.

However, her brain naturally wandered to think about things that are not related to rest.

Like. . . whether her plan was going to work or not?

Once Bai Jiawei was fired from the position of chairman and put into prison, the company would go to her, right?

However, Bai Jiawei still had all the stocks He Yuxin had transferred to him! He Xinyan furrowed her eyebrows together. If she had no shares of the company, she wouldn’t be able to climb up even if she was Bai Jiawei’s daughter!

He Xinyan suddenly opened her eyes.

Did she have any shares?! He Xinyan pressed her lips together and tried to think back to when she was only a few years old.

Her mother died when she was very young, and she only remembered that she had sat in a room with Bai Jiawei and another guy, and the unknown guy had read her mother’s will to her and Bai Jiawei.

She was still very young back then, so she did not understand a single thing written on the will, much less remember what was on it!

Bai Jiawei had told her all these years that the will said that her grandfather left the company for her, and it would go to her once she was ready and he could retire.

Of course, He Xinyan trusted Bai Jiawei in the past, and she never questioned him. However, she didn’t know if she could trust him now.

He Xinyan jumped up from her chair. How could she forget?! During all this time, she completely forgot to check the will and see if something was wrong! Well, technically, she had forgotten a will existed all along!

He Xinyan hit her palm against her head and pressed her lips together. She should risk it. . . This risk was worth it! If there was indeed something on the will that benefitted her, then it would be even more helpful to her plan!

What if it didn’t say anything about having to wait until Bai Jiawei retired?!

He Xinyan smiled excitedly just by the thought of it, even though she knew it wasn’t very likely. Then, there was one more reason to add to the list of why Bai Jiawei should get out!

But where is the will?!

Bai Jiawei definitely has a copy, since he was in the room with the lawyer when the room was announced, and he was able to keep a copy that he signed.

It was definitely somewhere safe. . . Bai Jiawei wouldn’t keep something of that importance anywhere.

He Xinyan stood up and grabbed her bag.

The “safest” and the most likely place was his bedroom.

He Xinyan sped down the freeway and back to the He mansion. She has to be quick. Work was supposed to end in about 15 minutes, and Bai Jiawei usually takes 20 minutes to get home.

So, she had about 30 minutes to find it.

Bai Jiawei has 31 percent of the He Corporation’s shares, making him the largest shareholder. However, what if some of those shares were hers?!

He Xinyan never thought of that possibility because Bai Jiawei never mentioned it, and based on He Yuxin’s love for Bai Jiawei, it was likely that she gave all her stocks to Bai Jiawei.

However, He Xinyan was beginning to doubt Bai Jiawei’s words now.

If only she had remembered earlier!

He Xinyan rushed into the house and saw a worker nearby.

”Do you know where Li Huiran is?”

The maid walked over, “Um. . . I think she went out for afternoon tea a while ago. She might be back soon.”

He Xinyan nodded, “Okay, thank you.”

Perfect! That made things much easier for her.

He Xinyan quickly ran up the stairs and quietly entered Li Huiran and Bai Jiawei’s bedroom. She locked the door before walking in and scanning the large room.

First, she checked the nightstand on both sides of the bed, but there was nothing suspicious inside. She then entered the closet. There were two rooms, one belonging to Li Huiran and the other belonging to Bai Jiawei. 

She entered the room belonging to Bai Jiawei and flipped through everything. There was nothing inside the closet, and He Xinyan was beginning to get a little impatient.

She didn’t know when Bai Jiawei or Li Huiran would be returning, and either of the two possibilities was equally bad.

He Xinyan left Bai Jiawei’s closet and looked around the rest of the room with no result.

She didn’t want to stay here any longer, so she left the room first so if Bai Jiawei or Li Huiran were to return home, they wouldn’t see her inside their bedroom.

He Xinyan walked down the stairs, and as she went, she suddenly remembered another possible location Bai Jiawei would put something important.

His home office! His office at the He Corporation was also likely, but she wouldn’t be able to get in there right now.

He Xinyan looked around and decided to take another risk by entering Bai Jiawei’s office. She would have to be really quick.

He Xinyan quickly slid into Bai Jiawei’s office and locked the door. 

She turned on the lights and looked around at the piles of papers and other things that belong in an office. He Xinyan walked over to Bai Jiawei’s desk and flipped through the papers and folders on his messy desk. They were all random information about the He Corporation.

He Xinyan rarely entered Bai Jiawei’s office, so she didn’t know where he normally kept things.

She then looked through all the bookshelves, but there was nothing there. He Xinyan felt her heart racing as she decided to come back another time. It would be bad if Bai Jiawei found her here in his office.

He Xinyan was about to leave, and her hand was on the doorknob already, when she suddenly heard footsteps outside.

Her eyes widened and she quickly scanned the room, before her eyes landed on the desk. She immediately unlocked the door and ran over to the desk, hiding behind it.

The desk had an opening for the legs, but the other side reached the ground, so He Xinyan crawled under the opening, hiding inside there.

She heard the door open and someone walked in. It had to be Bai Jiawei!

The footsteps got louder and louder when there was suddenly a voice from outside, “Jiawei, come and eat dinner!”

”Oh, coming!”

Indeed, it was Bai Jiawei! There was the sound of papers ruffling on the desk before more footsteps and the sound of the door closing.

He Xinyan let out a breath of relief. She slowly stretched out her body to get back up, but her shoulder hit a hard wall.

”Ah!” She immediately grabbed onto her arm and frowned. She peeked over the desk to make sure no one was in the room anymore before she glanced at what she had hit. The table was brown, but there was a black. . . box under the table!

He Xinyan was so scared that she didn’t notice it until now. She immediately crawled out of the table to take a better look at the box, and noticed that it wasn’t just a box. It was a safe! The safe was quite large, and it fit perfectly under the table, so it almost looked like it was a part of the table if it weren’t for the color difference.

It needed a code that consisted of all numbers, and He Xinyan immediately began trying different combinations.

Bai Jiawei’s birthday, her birthday, Li Huiran’s birthday, Li Yuyan’s birthday, all 0’s, 123456. . .

He Xinyan slammed her fist onto the ground and stared at the red letters. What if nothing was inside this box? What if there was something inside, but it wasn’t what she needed? What if it was what she needed?

If it was what she needed, it would be her mother’s will.

He Xinyan suddenly thought of something and she entered in another code.

Click! The safe opened. 

He Xinyan opened her mouth slightly as she held onto the safe door. The code was. . . the date of her mother’s death. This further suggested that the safe held exactly what she needed!

He Xinyan excitedly opened the safe and saw a single black file folder inside.

She took it out of the safe and opened it. There were two pages, both in sheet protectors. 

At the top and center of the first page, in bold black letters, wrote:


— Author’s Note

Yes, I know I know. Our dumb Yanyan was very young when she heard her mother’s will being announced, so it is natural for her not to remember the details very well. She just remembers that there was a part about when Bai Jiawei retires, it will move on to her. So, please be considerate with Yanyan, because she has a goldfish memory. However, she remembers now! So, the show can go on! 

And, this is the last chapter in the 100s!! ^o^

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