Reborn To Love

Chapter 187 New Vice President

Chapter 187 New Vice President

  The next morning, He Xinyan woke up early to get ready for work.

Gu Yechen woke up at the same time and helped her brush her teeth since she was still half-awake.

After changing, Gu Yechen walked over to her, holding a black tie in his hands.

”What now?!” He Xinyan looked up at him and pressed her lips out.

”Mrs. Gu, please help me with my tie.”

”You don’t know how to do it yourself?” 

Gu Yechen grinned, “No.”

He Xinyan opened her mouth and closed it several times. Whatever! She shouldn’t be surprised by this shameless person.

She took the tie from him and straightened it out, “Bend down a little.”

Gu Yechen obediently leaned forward a little so He Xinyan could reach his neck. She wrapped the tie around him and began tying it.

He Xinyan pressed her lips together and her face warmed up slightly because of how close Gu Yechen’s face and body were to her.

She tied it once and then pretended to not be pleased with it, so she untied it and did it again.

As she did it the second time, Gu Yechen smiled slightly.

”You did it twice so you could stay closer to me for longer, right?”

He Xinyan’s face immediately turned red from being exposed, and she quickly finished the tie.

”No! Stop overthinking!” She glared at him before grabbing her bag and leaving the room.

Gu Yechen straightened his tie with a smile before also leaving the room.

He Xinyan left the house after eating breakfast and drove to the company. 

When she arrived, another car pulled up next to her. She stepped out and immediately saw Li Yuyan glaring at her.

He Xinyan tilted her head slightly and smirked. Li Yuyan was indeed shameless. She could still bear coming to the company after losing the CEO competition so badly. He Xinyan thought Li Yuyan wouldn’t have the audacity to do that.

”Hmph!” Li Yuyan rolled her eyes and walked into the building with her head held high.

He Xinyan couldn’t help but laugh slightly and Li Yuyan’s stupid actions, and she also entered the company building.

”Hello, President He.”

”Good morning, President He.”

All of the workers already knew about He Xinyan being the new CEO because it was indeed an important event. 

She smiled at them as she entered the elevator and rode up to a new floor where her office would be.

She walked in and sat down before getting to work.

About ten minutes after she arrived, Wu Minger also entered her office.

”Xinyan!” Wu Minger quickly walked in with a smile.

”Wow. . .” He Xinyan stood up and looked at Wu Minger, who had changed out of her normal casual outfit into a black suit.

Wu Minger was her assistant now, and although she wasn’t very skilled, He Xinyan trusted her, and that was what mattered.

”Come with me.” Wu Minger followed He Xinyan outside, where she was introduced to the other workers and sat down in her spot.

Many of the other workers came over to introduce themselves, because the CEO’s assistant was quite a respected position.

They knew that if they wanted to have a good relationship with the new CEO, the CEO’s assistant was one of the routes to accomplishing it. 

Wu Minger organized her things and quickly got to work. Although she wasn’t very smart in the business field, she could learn!

Her brother also worked in business, and he talked a lot about his job at home. Wu Minger opened her computer and went to work.

After lunchtime, Wu Minger suddenly burst into He Xinyan’s office.

”Yanyan – I mean, President He!”

”You can just call me whatever when we are alone.” He Xinyan looked up and frowned, “What is it?”

”I just heard from someone who sits next to me that your stupid stepsister got promoted to vice president!”

He Xinyan raised one eyebrow in surprise, “What?!”

”I know right! It is spreading all over the company right now! Do you not know?!”

”No. . .” He Xinyan knit his eyebrows together, “It seems like Bai Jiawei made the decision independently.”

”What are you going to do?” Wu Minger slammed one hand onto the table. How could that stupid white lotus be the vice president?!

”It’s okay,” He Xinyan smiled as she stood up. “You can go back to work. I’ll go talk to my dad about it.”

Wu Minger nodded gravely and slowly walked out of the office.

After a few minutes, He Xinyan also left her office and rode the elevator up to the top floor. She knocked once on the chairman’s office door before walking in.

”Hi, dad,” she said with a fake smile.

Bai Jiawei wasn’t very pleased that He Xinyan didn’t wait for his response and barged in, but he tried his best not to show it.

”Yanyan! What are you doing here?”

He Xinyan pulled a chair out and sat down, “I heard that Yuyan got promoted to vice president! Is that true?”

Bai Jiawei blinked a few times and licked his lips before saying, “Yes, that is true.”

He quickly explained himself, “Isn’t that nice? She can work under you and learn from you!”

He Xinyan smiled sweetly, “No, that isn’t nice.”


”Dad, did you discuss it with the other board members yet?”

Bai Jiawei gulped, “Well, I did with some of them.”

”Oh, really?! But not me.”

Bai Jiawei furrowed his eyebrows together, “Xinyan, I know you are the CEO now, but I am still the chairman. I think I have the right to appoint the vice president -“

”Of my company,” He Xinyan interrupted. “Dad, if I remember correctly, this company is mine. My grandpa left it to me, and you are only temporarily ruling it for me.”

Bai Jiawei’s face darkened, “Xinyan, what do you mean? Are you saying that once you have the ability to rule the company alone, you will just kick me out?! How can you do that to your dad?!”

He Xinyan scoffed. Dad? A dad wouldn’t try to kill his child. If only she had evidence. . . But that didn’t matter now, because she wasn’t dead. She can always find other evidence.

He Xinyan was certain that Bai Jiawei had done a ton of other horrible things in his life.

”Or course not, dad! How can you think of me like that? Once I take over the company, you can retire and live the rest of your life comfortably.”

Bai Jiawei frowned. He didn’t want that! He wanted this company! It was his! He had ruled this company for so long! He couldn’t let He Xinyan just take it away from him.

”Xinyan, your grandfather and mother did say that you will take over the company once you are ready and I am at the age of retirement. You aren’t ready yet!”

”What if I say I am?” He Xinyan raised one eyebrow, “I think it is up to me to decide whether I am ready or not to take over my own company right?”

Bai Jiawei’s face paled, “Xinyan, you can take over the company once I am at the age of retirement. You still have a long life ahead of you! No need to rush!”

”Oh, really? I don’t think so. After I almost died. . . in an accident a while ago, I now know that time is limited. I am not promised a long life. I am only promised what I have now. In a way, the accident helped me! Don’t you think so, dad?”

Bai Jiawei gulped and immediately looked away guiltily, “Ha. . . ha. . . sure. . .”

He Xinyan grinned and stood up from the chair, “For my company, I don’t want Li Yuyan to be the vice president. I don’t think she is experienced or smart enough for that position. And, you didn’t even discuss it with all board members. I don’t think that is very smart of you.”

Bai Jiawei’s face turned red slightly from anger. He Xinyan is getting more and more out of control! How could she talk to her dad like that?!

”So, I hope to see that Li Yuyan isn’t the vice president by tomorrow. I am being generous by allowing her to be in this company, so I hope you – I mean she, doesn’t get too greedy.” 

He Xinyan smiled sweetly before turning around and walking out of the door.

Bai Jiawei’s face was red from anger, and he slammed all the folders on his desk onto the ground once He Xinyan left.

”Ughh!!!!” Bai Jiawei jumped up from his chair, causing it to fall back onto the ground.

Why didn’t she die?!

He Xinyan returned to her office and sat down in her chair.

Bai Jiawei did remind her of something. Her mom did say that Bai Jiawei was going to stay the chairman until he was at the age of retirement.

If Bai Jiawei had evidence of that, then He Xinyan wouldn’t be able to kick Bai Jiawei out unless she had evidence that he committed some evil crime that harmed the company.

This made it much more complicated.

In the past, He Xinyan thought that she would be able to get the company once she proved she was ready, and by then, she could have Bai Jiawei get out since she would be in power. 

However, now, Bai Jiawei had a shield. Unless he did something wrong, he couldn’t get kicked for another five to ten years! 

He Xinyan had to find evidence of something he did so the board will all vote to kick Bai Jiawei. If the board of directors didn’t agree to kick Bai Jiawei, he would still be able to stay. He Xinyan needed to find something that was bad enough so the board would all agree to fire Bai Jiawei. 

He Xinyan pressed her lips together and leaned back against her chair.

However, the door to her office suddenly opened.

Author’s Note:

It came to my attention that many readers can’t see the author’s note, so I will include any important author’s notes at the end of the chapter from now on ^o^

*I hope that ending section made sense! Many of you have asked in the past why He Xinyan couldn’t just take out her mother or grandfather’s will, or the evidence of her grandfather and mother transferring their company shares to her. This is partially why! He Xinyan’s mother had included that Bai Jiawei would give the company back to He Xinyan once he was at the age of retirement, which is still in the future! And, Bai Jiawei would obviously not want to retire! I hope this answers some of your questions.

hint hint Another important reason that I will reveal in the future is that He Xinyan has goldfish memory, and she completely forgot about something important written in her mother’s will! This will be important in the future ^o^

So, her grandfather transferred his shares to He Xinyan’s mother when he died. . . and He Xinyan’s mother wrote something about her shares in her will. So. . . Oh no! I said too much!

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