Reborn as the Genius Son of the Richest Family

Chapter 51 - 51: Poison slime

Michael cast a 2-star spell called [Dark Vision], allowing him to see even in the blackest of darkness.

But even if he didn’t, he could clearly see the creature lurking in the distance. It was creeping towards him, trying to initiate a surprise attack.

It was unfortunate for the monster that Michael could see its mana particles as clear as day.

Before Michael could even do anything, the creature suddenly shot out a ball of violet acid towards his body.

But as soon as it made contact with his Absolute Unity Defense, it dissipated into nothingness.

Seeing its attack rendered useless, the creature finally jumped out of the darkness and threatened to smother Michael with its body.

But just like before, the invisible protective bubble around Michael deflected the creature away, forcing it to crash into the wall.

After a moment, the creature regained its shape and continued its assault on Michael. It didn’t stop even though its attacks couldn’t penetrate through his defenses.

This gave Michael enough time to observe the creature’s true appearance.

It looked just like the sketch, with its two blob hands and a lower body like a snail’s feet.

Its body was made entirely out of a strange violet liquid that seemed to ooze dangerous fumes at all times.

ChatJK2, can you analyze what kind of creature I’m facing?

[According to the bestiary in the Magic Library, this creature is most likely a mutated poison slime.]

[Mutated Poison Slime]

— Species: Slime

— Difficulty: ★★★

— Element: Poison

A difficulty of a three-star means that only a three-star mage can take care of them. Good thing I’m a 4-star mage, Michael thought to himself.

Since his Superior Golden Nose told him that the slime had a good potential for awakening, Michael didn’t want to have a hostile relationship with the creature.

It would be ideal if he could talk to the slime.

So, he approached the creature with his hands raised, showing that he had no intention of hurting the creature.

“I just want to talk,” Michael said out loud.

Even though he knew that the creature couldn’t understand his words, he held onto the hope that the slime was smart enough to know his intentions just from the tone of his voice.


[Would you like me to translate?] ChatJK2 suggested.

You can do that?

[A slime’s physical body and consciousness are made entirely out of mana. This means that with the Supreme Skill: Mana Gathering, it is possible to discern what the slime is thinking from the vibrations in the poison mana in its body.]

This is what Michael wanted. If the creature was smart enough to have its own consciousness, then it could be reasoned with.

Translate its words, please.

As the slime mumbled unintelligible noises, Michael suddenly heard another voice dubbed over the slime’s voice.

[Humans…kill…me no want…to get hurt again…] the slime said,

Michael felt pity for the creature. It didn’t seem like a dangerous monster at all, unlike what they reported about the slime.

ChatJK2, can you translate my words into something the slime can understand?

[Understood. I will vibrate the poison mana in your body…]

Michael felt the poison mana in his cores move up to his throat, right next to his voice box. And as his throat moved to talk, the poison mana shot out of his mouth like a visible sound wave.

“I mean you no harm,” Michael said to the slime.

Upon understanding his voice, the creature jumped away in shock.

[Sorcery… humans… strange… dangerous!]

The slime couldn’t understand how the human was speaking its language. And this fear led it to act irrationally. It attacked Michael with a lot more intensity despite his pleas for peace.

The slime submerged itself into the water in the tunnel, absorbing all the contaminated river water in its body.

Then, its mouth formed a cannon-like shape with a long barrel aimed straight at Michael.

The water shot forth from the slime, threatening to drench him in dirty water full of viruses and bacteria.

But as usual, the large stream of water splashed away from Michael as it made contact with his defensive bubble.

[Human…strong!] it uttered in complete fear.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Michael said as he slowly walked towards the slime.

But he didn’t notice that this seemed to have had the opposite effect. From the slime’s perspective, Michael was walking towards itself with such casualness that he ignored the slime’s greatest attacks as if it were nothing.

Even some humans and mages had to dodge away from this water blast. But not Michael.

[No…stay away….me no wanna die!] the slime screamed as Michael cornered it in the depths of the cavern.

When the slime thought death was coming, it didn’t hesitate to pull out its most lethal attack.

Its slimy body started to glow a violet hue, using up all the precious poison mana in its body for this final strike.

Slowly, thin needles made entirely out of poison mana appeared in the air, numbering only in the high one-digit number.

But as the slime used up all the poison mana in its body, more and more needles appeared in the air, almost covering the entire cavern with poison needles.

The slime’s body, which had been as big as a washing machine, was now as small as a basketball after sacrificing the poison mana in its body.

[human…no move…or me kill…]

Despite the slime’s warning, Michael still took a step forward.

As soon as his feet landed on the ground, the slime ordered the thousands of poison needles to converge on Michael’s body.

This would have turned a human’s body into skewers and poisoned them at the same time.

But Michael was no normal human.

He raised his hand, motioning for the needles to stop.

And horrifyingly enough, the needles stopped just a few inches away from Michael’s protective bubble.

The needles started to shake as the slime felt its control over the poison needles slip off from its grasp.

It was taken away!

Michael spun his finger, and the poison needles followed his order, turning around to face the slime instead.

This was the true power of his Supreme Skill: Mana Gathering!

It allowed him to take control of all mana, whether it was his or not.

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