Reborn as the Genius Son of the Richest Family

Chapter 200 - 200: Meeting with the Orc Chieftains

Michael was suddenly awoken from his relaxing sleep by Sheina, who came knocking at his door.

He found this weird because she would have been training in the sparring grounds by now.

He opened the door and let her in.

“Lord Michael. I have received news from the Orc Chieftains,” Sheina reported. “They are now requesting a meeting with all three leaders, you, the Orcanine Chieftain, and the Orcupine Chieftain in one place.”

Michael thought it was about time that they finally decided to meet with him. He had been waiting for quite a while, but they had always postponed it for some reason.

It wasn’t because they hated the Reborn company or else they wouldn’t have continued to give gifts of Kakao beans to them regularly.

He only found out a while later from Fudge that the Chieftains were trying to gain his favor first before going on a meeting with him.

They thought that if he liked their tribe instead of the other one, then it would be more likely for him to give them his support and eventually kick the other tribe out of the forest.

Of course, Michael wasn’t going to let that happen. Both tribes were important in his chocolate business, as they were the only ones who could protect the sacred Kakao trees from the eventual earthquakes that would plague this territory.

“Okay, set the date,” he said to Sheina, who bowed and left his room.

A while later, she came back to him and told him that the Orcs agreed on a meeting tonight set in a neutral part of the forest.

“They requested the meeting to be completely confidential. Should I reject their request?”

Michael shook his head. “No, this is good. If they have their own guards with them, then it would be more likely for them to fight it out against each other.”

He could already picture what would happen if both Orc tribes were allowed to bring their own people. He reckoned that the meeting would turn into nothing but a screaming match between the two Chieftains tribes.

“Alright, Lord Michael. But just for your safety, we will be posted near the meeting place undetected from anybody. We will be asking sir Fudge for his help on this one.”

Sheina’s voice was one of insistence. She would not take no for an answer regarding his safety, even though there was no danger to be had in the meeting.

The Orcs may be brash and loud, but they were not violent beings in nature.

Michael didn’t argue with Sheina and let her plan it out. All he had to do now was to prepare for the meeting.

He had to make sure that he had enough leverage for the Chieftains to agree with his plan for their tribe’s unity.

A few hours later, the sun had finally set on the horizon, leaving just a sliver of light from the moon shining down on the forest.

Even though darkness was supposed to fill the ground, there were actually torches placed around the trees, which guided Michael toward their meeting location.

The flickering flames of the torches gave the atmosphere in the forest a more tribal feel. Michael thought he was walking into one of those popular survival TV shows in his previous world, where people would get kicked out of the show through a voting period.

He just hoped that none of the tribes would be kicked out of this meeting.

As he walked closer to the meeting place, he sensed two distinct auras of Life mana in front of him.

One was burning hot Life mana, while the other was a cool and calm Life mana. Both of them were strong in their own right but were completely different from one another.

As he stepped into the open meeting place with a huge bonfire in the middle, the two Orc Chieftains finally took notice of Michael, and Michael took notice of them.

The Orcupine Chieftain looked just like the other Orcs in his tribe, but his quills and spines looked a lot sharper and a lot more solid than the rest of them. Michael could tell that those could puncture through solid metal without much problem.

The Orcanine Chieftain, on the other hand, was a lot bigger and buffer than normal Orcanines. The mane around his neck was a lot bushier too, with his wolf ears completely decorated in golden paraphernalia.

It was clear from their stature alone that they were the strongest Orcs in their tribe.

The two Chieftains looked just about ready to shout to one another before Michael arrived. And once he did, they turned to him and showed him the best smile they could ever physically do.

“Welcome, human!”

“No, I welcome you.”

A thunderous lightning flashed between the two Orcs’ eyes as they glared at each other.

“Ahem… I requested this meeting between you Chieftains so that you could settle your differences, not reignite them,” Michael declared.

“Settle my differences with this coward?!” the Orcanine Chieftain sneered. “There is no such world in which I would ever do that.”

“See how arrogant he is, human? It would be better if you align with our tribe instead of them,” the Orcupine Chieftain retorted.

As Michael feared, the two Chieftains were so caught up in their rivalries that the meeting couldn’t even last for a minute before it escalated into a screaming match.

Should I throw in my secret weapon? Michael thought to himself.

He was about to throw a bar of chocolate in their feet, when all of a sudden, Michael heard a whisper from the shadows.


Michael looked at the tree nearest him and saw a peculiar violet snake wrapped around one of its branches.

“Fudge, what are you doing here?”

“Master! I was able to find something interesting in their tribes. They hid it quite well, but I think I know the answer as to why the two Chieftains hate each other so much!”

He leaned in closer to the snake, intrigued at this game-changing information.

“They used to be blood brothers who swore to protect a relic from the ancient times that was said to hold untold power. They said that their ancestors received this as a gift from the dwarves until they lost it….Master. They used to own Mithril!”

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