Chapter 159 - 159: Sweet offer
Michael returned to Orcus Town with multiple bars of chocolate wrapped in giant leaves.
He landed in the middle of the market and was immediately swarmed by the locals of Orcus Town. Even the Dragonborns crowded over him, with Sheina a little bit upset that he didn’t tell anyone that he was going off on his own.
“Lord Michael, we’re your personal bodyguards. You can’t go off on your own without at least informing us.”
“….i’m angry too…,” Umisu muttered shyly.
Michael raised his hands guiltily. “Sorry. But, I was able to make something good in the forest. Here, have a taste.”
Sheina, the white-scaled serious Dragonborn with a lot of pride, wasn’t receptive to Michael’s attempt at placating them. Thankfully though, Umisu was a little bit more curious as she slowly peeked at the strange black bars in Michael’s hands that were emitting an intriguing scent.
“It’s a tasty snack called chocolate. Want to have a bite?” he asked all of them.
The children wouldn’t say no to a gift. They quickly lined up in front of Michael and waited as they gave them each a single bar of chocolate.
At first, they thought that the chocolate tasted similar to wood. After all, its color was strangely similar to that of bark.
But with a single whiff, they immediately sensed the sweetness hidden inside the chocolate.
As they took a bite, their eyes widened with amazement as if a whole new world had just opened for them. They never knew food could taste this sweet! The chocolate seemed to have melted inside their mouths quite easily, making them crave for more.
“Woah! Sweeeeet!”
“I want more!”
Jaku and Zion also took a chocolate bar from Michael, fascinated at what strange new things Michael had concocted this time.
And with their changed physiology as a Dragonborn, their senses were heightened to an even greater degree, allowing them to taste all the little nuances in the chocolate. It was rich and earthy while also being bitter and sweet.
“Amazing…” Jaku commented, taking another bite.
“Bro Mike! I want more! Do you have more?” Zion said, with his chocolate bar already eaten halfway through in one bite. “Sis, you gotta try this.”
Umisu and Sheina both finally took a bite out of a chocolate bar.
“It’s good, right? Do you both forgive me now?” Michael asked them.
Sheina was silent, trying hard not to show a smile on her face as the chocolate melted in her mouth.
“…yes…can i have more…,” Sheina said, becoming even more shy than Umisu.
It became quite a sight to see as Sheina’s white scales began to turn pinkish-red as she became shy and embarrassed.
“…me too…I want more…I want more…MORE PLEASE!” Umisu passionately shouted.
“Don’t worry. I have enough for everybody,” he said to them, flashing multiple chocolate bars as if they were cards.
Meanwhile, Beth was approached by one of the kids and was shown a chocolate bar with a clear bite mark on its side.
“Miss Beth, do you want to try it?”
She looked at Michael, confused. He didn’t explain anything and simply offered her a chocolate bar of her own.
And just like the kids, just a single bite was enough to overwhelm her taste. It tasted sweet, even more than sugar!
Sugar was already a precious and rare product in the Golden Road, with its price being raised sky high for its demand. But this dark bar was even tastier, richer, and sweeter than any product that was sprinkled with sugar.
She could only wonder how the Golden Road of old would react to such an exotic product. She was sure that this would cause a commotion even overseas!
“Intrigued? Guess what I used to make that,” he asked her.
“Well, part of it. But the main ingredient is this,” Michael said as he took out a single white cacao bean in between his fingers.
“That’s Kakao! But that’s supposed to be bitter!”
She and the rest of the Orcus Town locals would have never thought that such a sweet snack would come from an almost worthless fruit they had just thrown away in the past.
Beth was filled with hope thinking that Kakao beans could be used to make chocolate, but was quickly disheartened once she remembered that the earthquake decimated the forest.
“Bro Michael!” one of the kids motioned for him. “How do you become so cool? I also want to make chocolate and fly and have lots of food and—and—and—and all sorts of things!”
Beth ruffled the kid’s head. “It’s probably his awakened talent,” she explained.
“Can I also awaken my talent?” she asked him innocently.
Beth showed a pained expression. “Unfortunately, we need to visit a church for that. And it costs a lot of money.”
It was even more unfortunate to think that the kid was just about to turn eleven years old, meaning the window for his awakening was coming to a close.
“There is one way that I could help not just you, but the entirety of Orcus Town,” Michael revealed.
Beth questioned Michael with her eyes. “What do you mean?”
“You could become part of our Nation of Reborn.
If you join us, then we can help you renovate Orcus Town into a bigger and better place. We will give you access to water and food so that you will never go hungry ever again.
And as citizens of our Nation, then you are entitled to have a talent awakening of your own. It doesn’t matter if you’ve missed your chance. I can still help you reach your peak.
If you would allow us, we would reconstruct all the broken buildings and structures to make them more resilient against earthquakes, where you no longer have to worry about the roof collapsing at night.
And most of all, we can rebuild the glory days of Orcus Town by recreating a new Golden Road! What do you say?”
Beth and the other locals of Orcus Town looked at each other. And slowly, their eyes moistened with emotion.
After experiencing everything that the Reborn company could offer, they knew that joining their nation was everything they could have ever asked for.