Chapter 144 - 144: Refreshing conversation
Michael stared at Yuna, speechless. Seeing his favorite K-pop idol reincarnated into the same world as he was made him almost lose all functions.
Meanwhile, Yuna finished her song and bowed to the audience. Her experience as a singer showed in this moment, allowing her to gracefully exit the stage without anyone knowing that she was flustered.
As she walked off the stage, she looked up at Michael and gestured for him to follow her.
Michael floated down and followed her backstage, where they could finally talk alone.
She quickly turned around, leaning forward with her hands on her back.
“Are you from my old world?” Yuna asked him in English.
[She is asking you a question, Michael.]
Only when ChatJK3 rang out in his head did he finally break out of his stupor.
“Uh…yeah. Sorry, I’m just confused. You’re Yuna Kim?” he asked, still trying to reconcile the image of the K-pop idol to the girl she was now.
Yuna shook her head. “No, I’m a Montgomery now. The Yuna Kim you mentioned is dead.”
Michael looked at her and only now realized something. If she reincarnated into this world the same as he did, then that could only mean that she died in their previous world.
And he knew better than to ask for the circumstances of her death.
But there was something that he found weird though.
Even though she reincarnated, her face still looked the same as her face before, only younger. If she was older, then he would have thought she had somehow transported herself to this world without dying.
Meanwhile, he gained a new body and a new face completely different from his old one.
Is this because my death is accidental? Michael asked ChatJK3, but his personal AI assistant had no answer.
“I love what you’ve done with this place,” Yuna said, looking at the modern buildings around them. “I would have also wanted to make electricity, but I don’t know anything about that.”
Michael was the same as her. He knew nothing about the mechanics of how an automobile or a toilet worked. It was all thanks to ChatJK3.
“I had help,” he replied to her.
Yuna stopped walking and looked back at him. “Probably a gift from the goddess, right? I have one myself too, but it’s more focused on…fighting. Sometimes, it feels like too much of a cheat, you know.”
“Yeah, I understand what you feel,” Michael said smiling. It was refreshing to talk to someone who knew exactly what he was feeling.
No matter how much he loved his parents Lylia and Bart, he couldn’t bear to tell them that he had reincarnated from another world. He was afraid that they would think that he wasn’t their son, only an alien taking his place.
“Did you reincarnate as a baby too?” he asked her.
“It was SO boring!” she complained. “I was this close to telling my parents that I could speak just so that I could entertain myself from their reactions.”
Michael chuckled. He thought of that too. “I kept myself busy gathering mana.”
Yuna walked up to him and playfully shoved him with her finger. “You cheat. My talent lies in physical arts, so I couldn’t do anything as a baby. Ugh. I wish the goddess had just given me a talent just like yours.”
Michael smiled and smugly nodded his head. “Yup. The goddess owes me quite a bit, so she had to make my life a lot more comfortable. I was able to make a working shower when I was five years old.”
Yuna crossed her arms and pouted. “I’m so jealous!”
“Oh, yeah. And I made some soap…”
Michael and Yuna began talking about their experiences in this life, all the hardships and the happiness.
Despite being from two completely different backgrounds—one being a normal nerdy guy stuck in his room all day, and the other being an extroverted K-pop idol worshiped by millions—Michael didn’t feel awkward talking to her at all.
I guess that’s the reason why she’s beloved by all. She’s really easy to talk to, Michael thought to himself.
“You have to make ice cream!” Yuna said, almost begging Michael. “Please. You have to. It’s your responsibility as the only one who could make it.”
“I am planning to,” he said, gently appeasing her.
“Hey, no making fun of me. It’s been living in a medieval world for too long, and you’ve been living quite a comfortable life here in your nation,” she said, eyeing him down.
“That’s why I’m planning on expanding my company to the Queens region,” he explained to her. “I want to start selling faucets, concrete, and maybe even electricity there.”
Yuna’s eyes widened. “Yes! You should totally do that. You know what, I’ll even help you free of charge. Our family is quite famous for our connections, you know?”
“Really?” he said, with his eyebrows raising.
“I haven’t been doing nothing these past ten years, you know. I’ve been immersing myself in the political landscape of the entire continent to the point that I know all the major players in the territories.
I think I can help you. Of course, with a price. Maybe a boxful of ice cream would suffice,” Yuna said with greed, her eyes already filled with ice cream cones of cookies and cream.
Michael thought for a second. “That would actually help me a lot. We’re just about to finish our preparations on our highway road leaving for the Queens region.”
It was at this point that Yuna realized something about Michael.
“You know, you said that it’s your cheat skill that does everything for you. But, I don’t think that had anything to do with the fact that you could ally with the Dwarven Kingdom,” she said genuinely.
“Everything I’ve learned about the dwarves tells me that they don’t care about material things. Dragons offered them hoards of gold. Elves offered them magic. Humans tried giving both.
None of them succeeded. But you alone did. How did you do it?”
Michael shrugged his shoulders. “If I’m being honest, I didn’t do anything at all.”
But, Yuna knew that wasn’t true. Just the fact that demi-humans were so accepted in every society in the Kings region told her that Michael had fostered something that the dwarves liked so much that they were willing to open their doors.
No matter how Michael said that he was just a normal guy, Yuna thought differently.