Rebirth Of The Villainous Crown Prince

Chapter 378 - 378 | Wang Yao Vs Ye Tian Yun

"Because I hold something that can change your fate?" Ye Tian Yun smirked, "Why am I not surprised to hear something like this? Even after reaching the peak, you want something that's in my possession."

Wang Yao shrugged, "It's not yours. You just have it for the time being."


Ye Tian Yun frowned, "So what is it then?"

He didn't even have his Emblem Of Luck, nor did he have Xiao Ming's Token Of Fate… So what was it that made Wang Yao come back in time to get it from him?

Wang Yao replied, "I am here for the Emblem System."

"The wha- Emblem System!?" Ye Tian Yun was stunned as his expression morphed into one full of shock.

'He knows about the System?'

'System, are you still planning to keep quiet?'

Wang Yao nodded his head at Ye Tian Yun. He had expected this reaction.

He knew the Emblem System was Ye Tian Yun's biggest secret.

"Indeed, the Emblem System." Wang Yao added, "It wasn't supposed to be yours, to begin with."

His words confused Ye Tian Yun even more.

He wanted to hear answers, but Wang Yao wouldn't share such details.

'I need to defeat him to get answers… but how will I do that? He's too strong…'

'System, what is the reason behind his power? His cultivation is almost the same as mine, but his battle prowess is almost equalling the Saint Realm.'

Ye Tian Yun asked, even though System hadn't replied to any of his previous calls.

This time, too, there was no reply.

'System, are you afraid of Wang Yao?' Ye Tian Yun asked.


'Oh, so you're alive. Why are you not answering my calls?'

[Host, System will get bound by the Heavenly Constraints if it tries to help you in this situation openly.]

Ye Tian Yun pursed his lips, 'Just answer me this question - is the reason why Wang Yao is so powerful because of his Emblem Of Time? Or is it something else?'

[Emblem Of Time]

Ye Tian Yun thought, 'Time?'

'He had control over time… if there's no concept of time left, both of our powers should become as per our cultivation realm. Let's hope this theory is true.'

Ye Tian Yun raised his head and found Wang Yao staring at him.

"How did your talk with the System go?" Wang Yao smiled, "I wasn't expecting it to say anything."

Ye Tian Yun was shocked by his words.

Having expected this reaction from him, Wang Yao added, "Well, don't be surprised just by this. There are a lot of things that will truly shock you later on."

Ye Tian Yun pursed his lips and tightened his grip over his sword.

Seeing this, Wang Yao shook his head, "It's useless, Ye Tian Yun. There's no point in wasting time like this. I can beat you with just a snap of my finger."

Ye Tian Yun didn't deny his words.

He wasn't going to act ignorant and forget the fact that Wang Yao had suppressed his Sword Domain with just a finger snap.

'He has the Emblem of Time. How can I defeat an Emblem head-on?'

Ye Tian Yun couldn't see any way out of the situation.

Just then -

Wang Yao suddenly disappeared, and in the next instant, he appeared right above Ye Tian Yun.


He slashed his sword downwards, which was blocked by Ye Tian Yun with his dual swords in the nick of time.

However, the impact was too much, and the ground under Ye Tian Yun's feet cracked, forming a ten-foot spider-web-like crater, with Ye Tian Yun at the center.

Before he could gain any balance, Wang Yao attacked once more, and this time, he used more power -



"Ugh!" Ye Tian Yun grunted while being pushed back a few more feet.

The difference of powers was quite clear.

Wang Yao was still standing calm and motionless, while Ye Tian Yun's breathing had quickened.

Each incoming attack had more power than the previous one, and it was getting almost impossible for him to make a counter-attack.

And the worst part was the fact that Ye Tian Yun could feel that Wang Yao had clearly not gone all out.

"Let's end this," As if reading his thoughts, Wang Yao said to him.

Ye Tian Yun frowned and gripped his swords.


In the next moment, lightning converged in the sky, and darkness welled up as Ye Tian Yun released his Sword Domain once again.

Within an instant, Black Lightning with yellow sparks covered his body!

In front of him, Wang Yao smiled and pointed his sword at Ye Tian Yun.

In the next instant - 


A malevolent aura suddenly erupted, and another Sword Domain was released!

Both Sword Domains struck each other1


Ye Tian Yun moved from his place, and then appearing right behind Wang Yao, he slashed his sword on his neck!

Wang Yao immediately turned around and blocked the incoming attack.



The ground below them cracked into spider-web design as soon as their swords met.


The pressure from the strikes blasted both of them a few steps behind.

However, Ye Tian Yun suddenly moved and took the chance to attack Wang Yao before he could regain any balance.

But just as he was about to reach Wang Yao -

"Ah!" Ye Tian Yun cried out in pain and was thrown to the side, directly hitting a broken wall.

Someone had kicked him from behind!

Ye Tian Yun pressed his hands on his broken ribs and managed to stand up after regaining some balance.

In front of him were two people.

Two Wang Yao's.

Ye Tian Yun frowned, but just then -


The wall behind him suddenly moved, and he was sent flying forward.

Another person jumped from behind the wall and stood beside the other Wang Yao.

Now there were three Wang Yao's.

Ye Tian Yun clenched his jaw and got ready to face any ambush from another Wang Yao.


Suddenly, one of the Wang Yao's spoke, and in the next moment, Ye Tian Yun felt such intense pain in his hand that the sword in his hands dropped.


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