Rebirth Of The Villainous Crown Prince

Chapter 371 - 371 | The Two Mysterious Men

"Heaven Oracle Sect has quite a daring disciple!"

Everyone in the city heard the voice, and in the next instant, the landslide froze!

It had simply stopped moving!

As if time had stopped on the mountain!

Everyone came to a halt and stared at the monstrous wave of land and rocks that had suddenly stopped in mid-air!

From mortals to cultivators, everyone was stumped.

This was a horrifying yet breathtaking scene!

They wanted to know who could perform such a miracle!?

Qin Wentian, who was waiting for death to swallow him, was shocked after hearing the shout!

And was even more stumped when he saw the whole landslide suddenly stop as if frozen in an instant!

If the arrays had become disabled, he would have definitely found it easier, but to freeze an exploded mountain in air, was not a feat that a normal person could achieve.

Also, from the words spoken by the voice, it was made very clear that this hidden expert knew what had caused all this.

He knew about Qin Wentian and his deeds!

'Even those people didn't know I had planted arrays in the mountain; how could someone else know?'

Of course, 'Those people' here were the people of Jia Lei Clan and the Gracious Sword Sect disciple who had marked the whole array system throughout the city.

After Ji Yi's assassination, Qin Wentian had made up his mind to bury the whole city with her - thus, he even planted bombing arrays on the Silver Mist Mountain above the Siver Mist CIty.

To this day, he was still confused why the enemy had spared him, but he was not going to let this opportunity go to waste.

While the few people in the city were investigating the arrays, Qin Wentian had changed his whole plan and had even removed the arrays within the city from the equation.

'They had no use since I was going to bury everything and everyone anyway.'

'But now… looks like I failed to do even that.'

*tap* *tap*

*tap* *tap*

*tap* *tap*

Suddenly, the noise of footsteps brought Qin Wentian out of his thoughts, and as he stared in front of him - two middle-aged men slowly came to view.

'They are not from here…'

It took him only one glance, and Qin Wentian confirmed that these two were not from the Lower Heavens.

They had a whole different air around him. It was royal, and the aura around them was full of authority.

Both of them were not walking side by side; instead, one of them was just a few steps behind, clearly indicating who was the senior among them.

Suddenly he sensed the aura coming out of the second man.

'Saint Realm!?'

Fear and shock overwhelmed him within an instant. This was the worst time to encounter an enemy Saint Realm cultivator.

Qin Wentian was ready to give up on his life, but a Saint Realm cultivator can prolong his life easily.

Only the peak characters of the Middle Heavens had reached the Saint Realm!

Even his master was just in the lower tier of this Realm, yet he was one of the Grand Elders of the Heaven Oracle Sect and had a large influence over the Middle Heavens.

Even though Qin Wentian couldn't judge the exact tier of the second man, he was sure that this person was a lot more powerful than his master.

As for the first man who was walking in the front… Qin Wentian couldn't even sense his cultivation.

If he swept his spirit sense, it was as if he was punching the ocean.

'This guy is clearly the leader… to be ranked higher than a Saint Realm cultivator…'

Qin Wentian gulped.

'Is he above the Saint Realm!?'

"Did you do all this?" The second man asked as they came closer to Qin Wentian. His voice was filled with anger.

Qin Wentian gulped, and taking hold of himself, he spoke the truth.

"Greeting seniors," He somehow managed to cup his fists and replied, "If seniors are talking about the landslide, then it's indeed me. But if he's mentioning the destroyed city, I am afraid I am not the person you're looking for."

"Who destroyed the city then?" The man asked with an impatient tone. 

Qin Wentian also noticed a trace of worry and anger in his words. 

He thought for a moment and replied, "There were a lot of different parties, but not many played a major role."

"Name them." The man asked with an expressionless face.

Before Qin Wentian could reply, the senior man suddenly said to the second man, "FIrst get your son; we will talk about everything else later." 

The man pursed his lips and nodded his head. With a wave of his hand, he blasted the nearby debris away.

There were many crushed bodies below it.

But it seemed as if he didn't get what he was looking for.

With another wave, he threw away the debris of another building.

After a few more times, he finally found what he was looking for -

A young man.

Surprisingly, he wasn't crushed under the weight!

The man immediately got the young man and checked for vital signs.

Taking a huge sigh of relief, he said, "He's alive."

The first man nodded his head, "That's good. Let's bring him back; the boy has suffered enough."

"Won't it cause trouble?" The second man asked.

Even though he wanted to bring back his son, he just couldn't get him where only misfortune awaits.

"Everything else comes later." The senior man replied.

The second man nodded and raised the unconscious young man, his son, in his hands.

Qin Wentian couldn't help but frown.

He immediately recognized the unconscious young man.

He may not have known him personally, but he knew his name.

Jun Xie.

One of the very talented disciples of the Gracious Sword Sect!

'He's the son of Saint Realm cultivator!? Fuck… oh wait… this could be an opportunity for me!'

Qin Wentian saw a chance to get revenge for Ji Yi's assassination!

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