Rebirth Of The Villainous Crown Prince

Chapter 182 - The Meeting (I)

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Sect Leader Su stood up from his seat, and so did everyone else.

"Welcome to my humble Sect, Brother Kang." He spoke.

Kang Ximin nodded his head, and without beating any bush, he came direct to the topic, "Where's my son?"

Sect Leader Su pursed his lips and let out a deep breath, "Brother Kang, Nephew Bai sacrificed himself. He gave up his life so he could save other disciples' lives. He sacrificed himself for the sect."

Kang Ximin shook his head, "Do you really think I will believe this bullshit story? Sacrificed himself for the sect? That's straight-up nonsense."

"How long has my son been part of this sect? Let me tell you - three years!"

"My son was here for three years, he worked harder than anyone else, but his cultivation speed was lacking. And what did the sect do? Did you people help him? Did any one of you in this hall give him cultivation resources? Any one of you could have easily promoted him to be an Inner Court sect, but did you? And you say he became so loyal to the sect that he even sacrificed his life for it? Give me one reason to believe your story."

Sect Leader Su replied, "Brother Kang, I understand your anger - "

"You don't understand shit!" Kang Ximin almost shouted, "What do you know about losing a son? As far as I know, you are just a hedonistic hormone-filled horny excuse of a human! I have heard you have your spawns in every city that you have ever visited. And you have never even met any of them. And you say you understand? You understand nothing. My son lost his life, goddammit! If you don't give me an explanation, you will be the one to take responsibility for the consequences."

Sect Leader Su frowned at Kang Ximin's words. He controlled his urge to shut him up by telling him the truth. But he knew it wasn't the time yet. So he took in a deep breath and gulped the frustration.

Then he spoke, "Brother Kang, we won't get anything by hiding the truth from you. In fact, if there's anyone who is responsible for what happened with nephew Bai, then we will be more eager to find this person and hand it over to you."

Kang Ximin shook his head, "Your words amount to nothing. There's no way an array will go at the exact time when my son was in the visiting, releasing a high-tier spirit beast. And on top of that, instead of running away, my son would choose to sacrifice his life. That's just too many coincidences to happen at once."

Sect Leader Su replied, "But this was exactly what had happened. You can even come with us to the sight of the incident. Even though we have cleaned the place after investigation, you can still come with us if you think there could be any more clues left."

Kang Ximin nodded his head, "of course I want to see that place. And don't you worry about cleaning that place, we have not come alone," Then, turning towards one of the members in his entourage, he continued, "We have come prepared and will leave after knowing the truth."

EVeryone's attention fell on the young man in the Kang Clan's group at whom Kang Ximin had just turned his head.

Finding himself at the center of attention, the young man let out a slight smile and said, "Greetings everyone, I am Qin Wentian from the Heavenly Oracle Sect."

His words shocked everyone as many cupped their fists as a greeting, with a respectful expression on their face.

Nodding his head, Qin Wentian said, "Everyone, we should head to the place of the incident."

Sect Leader Su nodded his head and moved from his seat.

Soon they were all heading straight towards the Seventh Peak Underground Hall.

While on the way, Kang Ximin said, "Sect Leader Su, we first want to visit the array mechanism room."

Sect Leader Su nodded his head, "As you wish, Brother Kang."

They went through the stairway, and soon at the end, they came close to a gate. 

Grand Elder Li stepped forwards and made some hand gestures as the gate slowly opened on its own.

This gate was similar in size to that of Ye Tian Yun's encounter while entering the Sword Stele Hall and it opened with similar hand gestures.

But the surprising thing was that instead of coming outside the Grand Meeting Hall, this gate had actually led them straight to a big hall.

As everyone entered, Grand Elder Li said, "We're now in the Seventh Peak. Let's head to the underground Hall."

Everyone from the Kang Clan was surprised that they suddenly came to a whole different peak just by walking through some stairs and passing a gate.

And what made things interesting was the fact that there were no visible connections between the peaks except for the chain bridges due to the endless ravine between the peaks.

However, this was not the time to ask any questions regarding this, thus everyone maintained silence while heading towards the other side of the hall.

In the way, they encountered many disciples, most of whom were pretty shocked to see almost all the higher-ups of the sect at once.

It even led to a mini commotion as many disciples came out to see what had actually happened.

After some time, someone recognized Kang Ximin, and soon it swept through everyone that they were here Kang Bai.

This all happened within a few minutes of them entering the Seventh Peak, and the news was spreading like wildfire.

After about ten or so more minutes, everyone from the Grand Meeting Hall had finally stepped in the Underground Hall where the Seventh Peak had its Inner Court Entrance Hunt just two days ago.


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