Rebirth Of The Villainous Crown Prince

Chapter 125 - The Dangerous Assassination Schemes!

"And this is how all the assassins look." As the sight of the assassin's face entered the eyesight of the disciples, they couldn't help but flinch.

His face was badly burnt as if someone had poured acid on his face.

Jun Xie sighed at sight and said, "Even if we, the victims, remove the mask, we will never find out who this assassin was and how he looked like because as soon as he committed suicide, the poison will also disfigure his face."

He then looked at the cold-looking Core disciple and said, "This is why, whenever you face assassination, never drop your guard and waste time in looking for clues. These guys are years ahead of us."

"Who are they?" Yuan Shuchun was also surprised by their unique and dangerous way of doing things.

Jun Xie pursed his lips and said, "There were rumors of them being part of the Crimson Pavilion, however, this was neither confirmed nor denied by that organization."

"What?" Yuan Shuchun was surprised by this answer, "Why would a Crimson Pavilion assassin come here?"

Jun Xie gave her a weird look and said, "This is your league. You're the one who organized this banquet. He was hiding behind your throne. So take a guess who he was here for?"

Yuan Shuchun shrugged her shoulder, "He could be for anyone, maybe he was here to create chaos in our sect?"

"No." Jun Xie immediately denied, "He was not here for just anyone. He was after you."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I saw."


"As I said, I saw him going for an attack towards you, however, he clearly didn't do his homework before coming. He tried to put an illusion in my presence. This guy was either very confident in his abilities or was simply ignorant."

"An illusion!?" His words surprised everyone on the stage.

"Yes, an illusion. The earlier me who turned to dust just was attacking you was this guy's illusion. If I hadn't detected an anomaly in the surroundings, everyone here would have seen me killing you, and that would have been a big setback to the whole sect."

'Holy shit!' The disciples were astounded by this theory which felt very believable to them. 

If the disciples had witnessed Jun Xie killing Yuan Suchun, there would have been huge chaos in the whole sect and would have most probably led to a big turmoil in the sect's political scene. However, one fact would be true: The sect would have suffered.

Yuan Shuchun took a deep breath as she understood what they had just saved themselves from.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Jun, if not for your timely interference, maybe today's banquet would have turned disastrous."

"Ah, you don't have to say that," Jun Xie shook his head and turned towards Ye Tian Yun who was staring at the corpse with a frown on his face.

He then said, "If I hadn't saved you, Junior Disciples Fang Chen and Xiao Ming would have been there to save the day."

Yuan Shuchun had a surprised expression on her face, "Ah, yes!" She then turned towards the two, and said, "Junior Brothers, this sister thanks you for saving her life, our Sect is blessed to have disciples like you."

"It was nothing out of the ordinary." Xiao Ming replied with a slight smile.

"It was just me being me." Ye Tian Yun replied as if it was a matter of fact.

Yuan Shuchun smiled and then she took out the two elixir bottles and forwarded her hand towards them.

"These two bottles of the Seven Treasures Body Tempering Liquid are for you guys." Seeing them not hesitating at all to take the bottle, she smiled a bit more and said, "These two are the most valuable things with me right now, however, I feel that both of you deserve these."

"Thank you, Senior Sister." They cupped their fists.

Jun Xie nodded his head and said, "Even though you guys had impressive spirit talent for you to be able to see through the illusion, you guys are still lacking in terms of sword cultivation. Come to Alchemy Hall anytime, I will give you guys a gift."

While his simple words seemed like a well-wisher, however, Ye Tian Yun couldn't help but narrow his eyes when he heard these words. He knew the hidden meaning behind them, however, that was it. He didn't care about them much.

Meanwhile, Yuan Shuchun thought was striking while the iron was still hot, "Junior Disciples Fang, Junior Disciple Xiao Ming."

Seeing them turn their head towards her, she said, "Your act may have been dimmed with Brother Jun's brilliance, however, no one can deny your talent. Even though I have already rewarded you with the Seven Treasures Body Tempering Liquid, I feel like it still doesn't equate to what you have done. Thus I wish to invite both of you."

Then taking a pause, she continued, "I wish to invite both of you to be nurtured as the next Core members of the Heavenly League. Both of you will receive the best treatment and cultivation resources, and with a little effort from your side, maybe you guys could qualify for the Grand Spirit Hunt?"

'Fuuuuuuu..' Disciples in the hall took a deep breath when they heard her words.

To become a core member was enough to make everyone jealous, but for them to get the best resources and stand a chance to qualify for the Grand Sprit Hunt turned their jealousy into regret for not seeing through the illusion by the assassin.

And for the two disciples in question, Xiao Ming and Ye Tian Yun, it wasn't surprising since this invitation was going to benefit more to Yuan Shuchun herself rather than them, since she would be the one to recruit them and all the investment of the cultivation resources was going to be from the League Treasury rather than her own pocket.

Just then, a faint shout was heard throughout the hall.

"Thousand souls to the Demon God!"


A/n: If you find any typos are errors, comment and let me know.

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