Rebirth as a Willow Tree, building the strongest tribe in all of eternity

Chapter 54 - Chapter 54: Chapter 52: Terrifying Village (Please Continue Reading)_l

Chapter 54: Chapter 52: Terrifying Village (Please Continue Reading)_l

Translator: 549690339

In that moment, many were discussing the extraordinary talent of the young man.

They didn’t know much about him, only that Lord Willow God personally vouched for him to join Liu Village. His origins were quite mysterious.

The most shocked of all was old man Lin. He had been puzzled about why Lord Willow God suddenly wanted to see a young child he had never met before. As it turned out, the boy was him.

It was Lord Willow God’s profound insight and vision—indeed, the eye to see a real gem! Old man Lin would sigh in admiration from time to time.

If he could have the insight and vision of Lord Willow God, he would probably wake up laughing even in his sleep.

Tu Wa Zi was initially unsatisfied, but when the gap between the two gradually widened, he immediately accepted it.

Competition was only reasonable between equals. But comparing himself with a monster like this was simply making himself a laughing stock!

Tu Wa Zi was not that bored.

Although he was not as gifted as Gu Chen, Tu Wa Zi had made significant progress. He had the Body of Thick Earth and was born suitable for the Body Tempering Method. As of today, the Body Tempering Scripture was about to reach Completion.

By then, in addition to Lin Zhuang and Lin Chen, who initially ate the exotic fruit, Liu Village will have a fourth monster with a strength of one hundred thousand, as soon as they reach the Blood Realm.

The most important thing was that this one hundred thousand was not their limit. If they practiced hard enough to achieve completion in the Blood Realm and break into the Cave Heaven Realm, it would be even more terrifying.

Though the Body Tempering Scripture was just a basic body tempering technique, it was nonetheless quite extraordinary. As long as one had abundant vitality and practiced diligently, even if they could not reach completion, they would still have the strength of ten thousand.

If it was spread out, it would definitely stir up countless tribes and cause endless bloodshed. The hard-won peace and tranquility of Liu Village would be thoroughly disrupted.

Old man Lin had already commanded all the villagers to keep their mouths shut. Anyone who dared to leak half a word to outsiders would not only be immediately expelled from the village, but also suffers punishment from Lord Willow God, regardless of life or death.

Originally, everyone had no intention of sharing this with outsiders. With this strict command, they sealed their lips all the more.

The Vast Mountain Range stretched continuously for tens of thousands of kilometers.

On the Western side of the Vast Mountain Range, there was a human settlement named Little Orphan Mountain Town. The sacrificial spirit protecting the town was a colossal mountain that had been dormant for many years.

If it was an ordinary day, even though it was a town, it would not be too lively. The streets were desolate and lonely.

However, today there was hustle and bustle in Little Orphan Mountain Town as a group of armored riders arrived, awakening the town’s people.

This team, with shiny armor, came through the endless mountains, broke through the territories of all types of beasts, and safely arrived here. They paraded around the market without hiding their might.

This group of people were all riding priceless Scale Horses. Especially notable were the few people in the center who were riding on a Variation Scale Horse with a single horn, a white body, and shimmering silver scales. They looked divine and extraordinary and were clearly not from ordinary households.

At the forefront of this party was a middle-aged man with black hair and golden rays gleaming in his eyes. It seemed as if he could shoot out golden beams directly. It was so terrifying that it made the sacrificial spirit of Little Orphan Mountain Town tremble.

Also present were two young men and a young girl, as well as a boy, and two girls. Each of them was pretty, cute, and spirited.

This group was already unusual, but before the villagers of Little Orphan Mountain Town could react, another group arrived with an even more startling presence. They had actually opened the way with a Jiao Snake with a wingspan of over twenty meters from the air.

The leader of this group was a middle-aged man, followed by three children who looked young but were not ordinary.

Especially one of them, who jumped directly from the back of the Jiao Snake from a height of more than ten meters, smashing the stone road and alarming the villagers of Little Orphan Mountain Town. They were astonished and subdued by this young man’s wild aura.

The young man had a defiant look on his face, and major audacity. He even wanted to kill the sacrificial spirit protecting Little Orphan Mountain Town right from the get-go. This angered everyone, but no one dared to say anything.

After these two batches of people, more came.

A gigantic, snow-white beast bone hung in the air.

At the forefront was an old man, dressed in a feathered outfit, his physique impressive. A veil of mystery and majesty surrounded him. Besides him stood two teenage girls and two boys, all of them strikingly handsome or gorgeous.

Following them was a giant beast skin, shimmering with runes, several meters long, carrying a figure as it sped along. Their grand entrance was also not small.

Although these batches of people didn’t arrive at the same time, they bumped into each other. It seemed they all knew each other, and especially the first two groups appeared to have some old grievances. Therefore, as soon as they met, they argued with each other, neither giving in to the other.

The young prodigies of this generation all stepped forward, wanting to see once and for all who was the real prodigy.

The adults of their families did not stop these young men. Instead, they took out the expensive Treasure Blood of the Species of Ancient Times for a bet, which excited the young men even more.

However, these young men were all extraordinary, being the peerless talented individuals of their tribes. After a long competition, none of them could beat the others.

So they stopped the competition, and continued deeper into the Wilderness. Their large-scale movements were extraordinary. It was unclear what their purpose was.

A few days later.

These people anchored in a mountain stream.

“Everyone, be careful. Something feels off about this place. It’s extraordinary. As soon as I stepped in, I suddenly felt like I was being watched, like there was a fishbone stuck in my throat…”

On a huge Jiao Snake, a middle-aged man spoke, his face filled with alarm.

He quickly looked around, trying to figure out who was watching them in the darkness. But the mountains blocked the sky and anything beyond them was sure to be obscured.

“There’s a big mystery here!”

A response came from the group of Scale Horses rushing towards them. Beams of light shot from their black eyes, and their pupils turned a pale gold as if they were using some secret technique. But all they found was a giant stele engraved with the words “Liu Village”. Other than that, they found nothing.

“Let’s get out of here quickly.” In the end, the group reached a consensus to escape this place as soon as possible.

They unleashed their Treasured Techniques, shattering the mountains, hoping to find a shortcut.

However, the group soon despaired.

Each time they shattered a mountain, another immediately rose in its place. The scene before them seemed to be fixed in a never-ending cycle, looping over and over again. Even exhausting all their strength would be useless.

This eerie scene chilled the hearts of everyone present.

Even the Feather Clothed Elder sitting high up on the unknown treasure bone had a change of complexion.

“Stop looking for shortcuts. Let’s try following the course of the mountain range,” the Feather Clothed Elder shouted. He was the first to step out, controlling the giant bone that lunged forward.

The people on the Scale Horses and the Jiao Snake followed closely..

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