Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 949 - Finding Nodes

Sam's plan worked. When he aligned all the mazes together. He found a total of eighteen common points in all of the mazes and all these eighteen points have common walls. When he stacked all the mazes together. And eliminated all walls that are not in these common points, he got eighteen long pillars of energy standing there.

Now, he marked all these points within the maze area and drafted all of this on another large scroll.

Then he started creating simulated formations with these eighteen nodes, but he wasn't able to create a maze formation like this. Not even a single maze.

He came to a possible conclusion that these are not the only nodes within. He must have missed somet nodes that are not exactly visible on the maze directly.

So, he can only figure out how the maze works from what he has and also how to destroy the maze within the limitations it gave him.

He kept on doing different experiments for a few days within the Divine dimension while Akhil and Noah proceeded with their plans.

They are slowly taking down the Astral Plane cultivators of lower level by themselves.

They recently broke through to the Middle-stage of Astral Plane Initiation a few months behind Sam who got a head-start from the Solar fragments bodies, so they could handle the Initial stage cultivators and the middle stage cultivators without much of problem.

The situation is chaotic, but not chaotic enough for the guard to be called off from this spot.

After hitting a road block within the divine dimension, Sam started roaming around the maze with his energy vision on to find out if he could see any loophole or get an epiphany that could help him crack the maze.

Everyday, the Saber monarch is getting more and more annoying as he complained about why it is taking so much time. Always questioning Sam's intelligence and expertise.

For the first time ever, Sam didn't feel the pleasure in unlocking a puzzle. He almost wanted to shut this annoying guy inside for as long as he can.

But he couldn't waste too much time.

And after that week, he managed to find three more nodes within and that are not covered by the walls in all seven mazes.

They are always free. But he cannot be sure if they are really the nodes, but from the experiments and the books he is once again going through from the library of the divine dimension, he concluded that there is a high probability that they are part of it.

By third week, he managed to get one more node, but after that there is nothing more.

This is the toughest formation he came across and since he cannot come into contact with it, he is having a hard time.

After one month of their arrival, Sam met with Akhil and Noah to give a lot of supplies at the same time to cause enough Chaos to let some of the security leave this place and one of the things that he gave them is poison and the addiction drugs of high dosage and a lot of high quality wine.

He need the security to be more diluted for what he was about to next.

After sending them away, he spoke to the Saber Monarch once again.

"Tonight, you have to make the largest crack you will ever make."

"Why would I do that? I will be exhausted."

"Do you want to get out or not?"

"You are asking the same question again and again. Are you dumb or what?"

Sam took a deep breath and said.

"If you want to get out, do what I say. I will be entering the formation this night."

"You are entering the maze? Are you out of your mind? You wouldn't be able to endure the torture here. The Constant shift of mazes and minor formations that are within the maze that gives you illusions when you walk, you would just die because of the sheer mental exhaustion."

"You don't have to worry about that. I only know about the few nodes, I couldn't figure out the formation mechanism from outside. I will be coming in and within a week or two, we will both get out of here."

"As you wish. But if you die, it is your fault."

"Yeah, I don't expect an annoying piece of work to take responsibility anyway. Just make the goddam hole alright."

With that communication was cut.

"Are you sure this is a good Idea? As he said, there is a chance that you would kill yourself." The Five-Elemental King asked.

"This is the only way."

"Is there really no other way for you to just collapse it? You seem to have things that could do damage. The things that you gave to your friends. The things you used to threaten the Solar fragments."

This time it is Agar who asked.

Sam chuckled and said.

"let's go to one of the other vantage points. I will show you something about this formation."

With that all three of them discreetly moved to a vantage point and Sam took out a mini-rocket launcher and shot a space elemental energy cell.


The energy cell went near the formation and exploded.

The energy waves and the mini explosion covered the view and alerted all the security guards. The three of them only stayed enough time for the view to return and what they saw surprised them a bit. Particularly, Agar who knew what a space elemental energy cell could do, even if it is an extremely small cell.

The formation is scot free. There is not even a single mark there.

Sam then shot a different elemental energy cell and the result is same.

As soon as they saw that, they escaped from the place and went into hiding.

"The formation is not just some prison. It is almost impregnable from outside. Even if I launch the large rocket I used on the Solar fragments, the most it will do is destroy everything along with the Saber Monarch. But just destroying the formation and saving Saber Monarch is impossible.

As for minor damages, there is a small perimeter around the formation that negates all use of the spiritual energy.

Even for the energy cells, the explosions I created couldn't reach the real formation, any form of explosion that happens within the zone is negated completely.

The spatial transfer is also out of the question. If not for the fact that we know there is a guy in there, I would have thought it was made for defensive fortification not for some prison.

I don't know where the guys that placed this formation got this, but the one who made it, is a real genius. The sheer experience and experimentation that was needed to make this formation is fascinating to say the least.

The only way to get out of this is from inside. There is no way out from the outside. Of course, if an Astral Plane Consummate stage cultivator wants to give a try, they might be able to do some damage and tear a large enough, but the rest of the formation mechanism will not let the people inside to get out.

Anyway, it is necessary to go inside."

Then he passed on a spatial ring to them and continued.

"There are some devices and the instructions to activate them are inside, I will stay in contact with you through the bug, keep that tablet on all the times and if I need the devices to be activated in certain spots, use them.

There are also some devices which I kept for the usage of Akhil and Noah, if they come here, give these to them, but before that let them talk to me."

After giving a lot more instructions, Sam waited for the midnight. He let some shadow mice to stay outside just in case, he needed them to do something.

At this moment, he really appreciated that the formation didn't manage to keep the communication away.

It would have been a pain in the ass if there is no other way to communicate, than send the scrolls through some cracks.

By midnight, The Saber Monarch used all his strength to create a hole at the dome of the formation and Sam who already got ready on the harbinger, just dropped inside the crack.

Many people saw him go in there and there is a commotion because of that, some called Sam stupid, some called him a madman, some called him brave. But the most important thing is someone called the family elders about someone entering the maze through the crack.

This resulted in somewhat of an opposite effect than Sam wanted.

The security once again tightened around the maze. But that is the least of his worries now. In fact, even getting out and figuring out became secondary. Because he just learned that no amount of mental training could prepare him for enduring the Saber Monarch.

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