Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 927 - Hawk King Planet

The reason Sam made a deal with Arkiv is simple. He wanted to go after the big fish faster so that they could grow faster.

As for why the small fish has to be completely eaten by then, it is very simple.

The big fish are limited in number compared to the small fish and they are way too strong. Except for Sam who has advantage of numbers in his favor, no one else would be able to directly clash with the organization on their own in a short span of time which would make this competition, span over decades.

So, the only other way is for players to attack an organization simultaneously. The overlap is bound to happen as they progressed and once that happens it would be easy for them to deal with them.

Sam wants that chaos to be created faster, so that he could learn and grow faster. He needs the experience and the resources more than anyone else.

As for why Arkiv accepted, it is even simpler. He would get to have some support to deal with these people and he would be getting resources.

But that is a very long term plan. It would take a decade or two to completely implement it.

Currently, as he told the twins, he is focused on the stabilization of the organization once again and he also sent some people to the Hawk King Planet to get some info.

The Hawk King tribe is an extremely peculiar and a savage tribe. They don't care about things like politics and bureaucratic nonsense.

They don't give a shit about the social contracts.

They have a tanned skin and a build just like humans. In fact, they are just some overly powerful demi humans like the Solar fragments. But the beast genetics that mutated them are not from a single beast. They come from a bunch of Hawk type beasts.

But ironically, they didn't inherit the wings. They inherited their vision and they also inherited the predator instincts of the bird.

They kill for anything and everything that gives them pleasure. One of the would kill their brother to have sex with his wife and they don't have such thing as cheating on their spouse, if the male partner is not exactly stronger than the other guy, the other guy could come and go as he pleases.

And the two partners will just continue with their lives.

They are so close to their instincts that they don't wear anything except for covering the groin.

Sam sent some of the Dragon Hawk members with wind element. That is also one of the things the tribe inherited from the Hawks.

They were sent to infiltrate some higher ranks, as for the rest of the information anyone would do.

Sam got the information regarding the major cities or to be precise settlements of the tribe and sent people there to merge into the society and gather information.

It is impossible for them to transmit information normally, so he thought of a new way. He sent a silver pigeon with each of these guys and he gave them quite high level ones.

There would be one spot in the center of the forest where there is minimal activity, they built a small hidden compartment and every week they will send the Silver Pigeons to drop the information inside that compartment.

When Sam arrived, he would directly go there and read it.

As for why, he is planning this much, without attacking directly, the Hawk King tribe is peculiar and the chief of the tribe is the most peculiar of all.

The current chief doesn't stay in the place, there is no such thing as headquarters or main estate. He is travelling around with his posse all over the year and will only one to the only proper city at the end of the year.

He goes to different places in the planet all over the year to have sex with different women in different places. Particularly the women who already have a partner. This constant moving is hard for Sam to contact him.

And Sam needs that heirloom more than destroying these guys and there is no stable settlement for him to threaten that guy with a large explosive.

The people he sent there will be sending him the information regarding their surroundings and he can decide where to go and how to proceed from then onwards.

Meanwhile, he kept on doing his research on who to recruit as his subordinates from other places he was going to attack while managing his business.

One month passed swiftly and Sam arrived in the Hawk King planet along with the twins. 

They stayed within the forest where the messages are deposited and started reading them. Luckily there doesn't seem to be any form of disturbance from the beasts in the surroundings.

After reading the messages for a whole day, the three of them got a decent understanding of what is happening.

The leader of the tribe is currently travelling from north to south and is sampling the wives of all the people in charge of the settlements.

At least that is what the pattern indicated as he started this sampling at the northern most part of the town and then went downwards in a straight line connecting the major settlements.

If he continued down south just like that, he would dividing the whole planet in two halves. Screwing the planet in half.

This might be a little farfetched but from the latest messages they have, they are at least which location he is going to arrive next.

Sam decided to go into the city by himself and check out the situation. He needs to find out how the settlement reacts when this lustful king arrives.

So, he started his journey. Most of the planet is underdeveloped at best. There are no particular paths they could use. They can only use some hidden forest paths and they moved there by foot instead of the Dimensional drifter.

One reason for that is there is enough time and they could also investigate the smaller settlements on their way to learn the nature of these people.

After a week of travel they reached the place. The twins are staying in the forest while only Sam took of his dress and wore a garment that barely covered his crotch and changed his skin color with one of Chandra's tricks to enter the city.

From what he overheard, the king is coming the next day and the arrangements are being done.

The King is a fan of Orgies. After enjoying the wife of the in charge of the place, he would go after the rest of the beautiful maidens that he got sight of and they in charge of the place is responsible for selecting them too.

Sam must say that the women are indeed beautiful here and they are too open and too wild. Maybe it is the nature of their bloodline or genetics, but this is the first time he felt overwhelmed by something like this.

The people are having sex on the streets. There is no such thing as a right place or right time. As long as the man is stronger than the woman and there is no competition for her, there is no reason for them to not have it.

He felt disgusted and intrigued at the same time.

Nobody cared about an outsider like him in the settlement as he roamed around and looked everywhere.

The whole city is bustling. All women are going to the area where the in-charge resides to register for the orgy with the king. The in-charge will check them out and approve them and even if someone doesn't register if he approves them they have to go.

There is a very peculiar tax system of the city. They have to pay at the end of every week and they have to pay half of whatever they got on that week.

There is only one group of people who are dressed more than covering the crotch who seemed to be the guards directly working under the person in charge of the settlement. He has some shoulder pads which they wore as an indication of their position.

Sam roamed the whole settlement and he was approached by many women on his way. Apparently the scars on one's body are an indication of their strength here and it is hard to find a spot where Sam doesn't have any scars, except for his groin and his face.

So, he was an eye candy to the women and an eyesore to the men.

There are some attempts to kill him too, but he successfully dodged them.

As he learned about how things work here, he also found something else he was searching for. An anomaly.

No matter how much a race is distinguished by its genetic nature. There will always be a lone wolf in the pack.

So, he wanted to find such an anomaly and he saw something. A woman in this sex-crazed species is not so crazed for the sex. Evidenced by the lack of enthusiasm and a seating posture which is trying so hard to cover her bosom and a look of disgust on the face by forcefully making her part of the King's feast.

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