Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 915 - War

The discussion was heated between the four heads of the major powers.

The herb garden head is adamant about giving the information to Sam, while the remaining three are opposed to it. Of the three, the thunderbolt sect is sitting on the fence. He is saying that he wouldn't help the solar fragments and he wouldn't inform Sam either.

The thunder god temple and the lightning spear sect are completely against giving the information to Sam.

"How many times do I have to tell you? The Solar fragments are stronger and more powerful than Sam. Did you even see the Consummate stage cultivators they sent? They are barely in their late twenties or early thirties. What was Sam doing at that age? What was that you and me are doing at that age? They are certainly powerful."

"Of course, they are powerful, but why do you think they need our help if they are that powerful, tell them to destroy Sam and we can talk. I wouldn't even hesitate to submit all my lands and people to them if they can accomplish that."

The thunder god temple head and the Herb Garden head are arguing for a long time.

And finally, the herb garden head couldn't take it and said.

"Okay, I will write up a soul contract that I wouldn't leak any information regarding you people and your plans, but I don't want to be involved in this war. I will give the Solar fragment away to Sam and stay put on the sidelines."

With that, he stood up and walked away.

Noone stopped him. They know that it is useless to stop him much less attack him. He can surely escape.

And the herb garden head returned back to his place, before sneaking out once again.

He is not sure if he can capture the solar fragment, so he went to the city and informed Sam of his decision and Sam sent a couple of his subordinates to capture the Solar fragment and bring him here.

From what he learned from their interrogation, they are not going to have any form of contact between themselves. They would just finish their tasks and stay passive for now until the next batch comes and gives them orders.

Sam doesn't know what the exact plan is, but he has some guesses, so to make sure, he locked all the space gates connecting between them and the major powers. He only kept the Beast faction and the Herb garden's gates open.

He only left one Space gate open between the major power that didn't come to him and these gates are not present within the city. One of them is the space gate between the thunder god temple and city which was constructed years ago. One of the first Space gates Sam had made.

He kept them open to see what these factions and the Solar fragments are getting at. But not without any precautions.

He started tinkering with the space gate formations by himself to make some adjustments just to be okay and he put one of the elite teams full of Consummate stage cultivators and a couple of Astral Plane cultivators to stand guard near these space gates just in case.

There is only a single day and Sam is focused on preparations.

He is going to stay in the Central Continent, near the valley.

Watt who happened to be in the city is going to control the whole defensive fortifications of the city while he was absent.

All the puppet defensive mechanisms are deployed and installed overnight.

Sirona is in charge of the puppets and replacing the damaged ones and deploying the news ones according to the situation.

Across the planet, all the employees of the organization and their families were ordered to retreat into the parks which have defensive measures for emergencies. With those formations, they can hold off against some Pre-transcendent stage cultivators and easily win. But any more than that, they could barely afford some time.

Sam already called for the forces from various places and sent them to different places. He prepared himself as much as he can.

It was good thing that he never scrimped and saved on the defensive measures, even though he knew no one in this planet could harm him.

While Sam is a bit tense, his subordinates are all excited. There are hundreds of consummate stage cultivators deployed today and they are all excited beyond belief as most of the time they could only train and not participate in actual battles.

So, this is a moment they are waiting for. They are confident in their abilities as they trained until they are exhausted like a dead dog.

Now they only awaited the Solar fragments to not back down, so that they could fight to heart's content.

The next day.

Sam who is near the valley along with his beasts and the Raiju elder, waiting for the solar fragments, noticed the stone pillars shining brightly and there is spatial rift that opened in between.

The solar fragments dropped one after another and there are over two dozen Astral Plane Initiation cultivators and forty Consummate stage cultivators, but that didn't stop.

The Consummate stage cultivators immediately used some kind of transference scroll and most of them disappeared from the spot.

After those Consummate stage cultivators left, another batch of Consummate stage cultivators also did the same. But when they reached the fourth batch and the fifth batch, they didn't disappear, they are all stayed right here in the valley in confusion as their scrolls didn't work.

Everything happened within three minutes. The spatial rift closed down and the Astral Plane cultivators who were supposed to take action are confused because of the presence of the Consummate stage cultivators.

One Astral Plane cultivator stepped forward and smoothened the scene before explaining.

"The first batch of people must have failed in some of their targets, but do not worry. We will go with Plan B. The Consummate stage cultivators will be going after the mines and other areas that are under the Dusk organization's control.

Remember, this is a war. We can only fight with people of the same cultivation. We cannot kill the people of lesser cultivation randomly.

And trust me, we should not break this rule at all costs and make sure that you yell out this rule before you invade the place. Because once the rule doesn't exist, the other side can slaughter you all and we can slaughter the people of another side.

It is a massive lose-lose situation.

The major powers of this place will be responsible for war below the Consummate level. Now Go."

But as soon as he threw that order away. Sam and his beasts came out of the hiding and surrounding the valley.

"You are not going anywhere."

Sam said in a loud but cold voice and looked at them calmly. The leader is a bit tense. But he tried his best to calm himself down and said.

"Sam, this is a war between you and us. We should abide by the rules."

"Really? Then tell me, why are you waging this war, and then I might abide by these very rules."

"You attacked and destroyed the Hellian tribe. We are a family by marriage, so we are here to take revenge."

"So, Hel and Hou Yi cut a deal and sent to you be slaughtered."

Sam spat coldly and continued.

"Okay, then let us abide by your rules, I would like to see how you will survive."

With that San whistled loudly and a bunch of Consummate level beasts that reside in the Central continent all surrounded them.

"Consummate for Consummate and Astral Plane for Astral Plane."

The Consummate level beasts are not just some random beasts from the Central Continent, there are some beasts that Sam collected from the Unconquered realm. There are over a hundred of them and all of them mauled the consummate level Solar Fragments. There are some talented people within the Solar fragments that could take on multiple opponents, but there are talented people on Sam's side as well.

So, before he could engage with the Astral Plane cultivators, he sent a message back to call for a dozen dragon hawk tribe's consummate level cultivators and a dozen consummates from the Kala tribe which he brought for this occasion.

After sending the message, he looked at the list on the wrist screen. Currently, he is not engaged with any families or organizations. So, he selected Solar Fragments as his next target. In actual fact, he didn't want to engage them this early even though they are Hou Yi's subordinates. They are just too big. At least three times bigger than the Kala tribe and their head is also far stronger.

He wanted to slowly build his power up and fight, but since they are so eager to die, he cannot do anything but oblige.

And since there is a limit to how many people and how powerful the cultivators they can send to the desolate, he would take that to his advantage and chip them down until they are all dead.

He can also progress in cultivation because of Yanwu like this and might even reach the late stage Initiation by the end of it.

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