Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 912 - Solar Fragments

Sam didn't bother to hide his presence, he just went there on the harbinger at his top speed and the forest along his path is being torn apart just from his tailwinds.

When the five solar fragments felt the overwhelming presence, they are shocked. Before they could react though, Sam is already in the middle of all five of them.

"Five Consummate stage cultivators? Your balls must be made of Meteorite sand to come after me with your pathetic strength."

The five of them exchanged glances and decided to run away, but too bad it didn't work out. As soon as they wanted to move, Sam's shadows emerged and held them in the place.

"You are not going anywhere until I get my answers."

"You are not getting any answers. We took pills for selective memory loss. We don't know how we came here."

Sam looked at him and let the specter out to check on them.

Specter took a brief look at their memories and decided that they are not lying.

The memories of the whole day are missing.

They got orders the day before yesterday that they would be sent to the desolate planet and their goal is to find the mines and create chaos so that Sam and his personnel will be busy managing the issues.

Only after a certain time after they gave orders did they send them to desolate and the procedure of that travel and their point of drop here in the desolate disappeared.

But there are other memories that Sam could take advantage of.

First thing is that the people that came out will track down these five people. These five people not only have a job to create chaos, they are also responsible for gaining some information regarding Sam in the next few days.

The first batch of the soldiers from the Solar fragments will come here and they will be deal with the first half of the central continent occupying it while the war is going on, the second batch of the soldiers will arrive giving them a surprise.

Of course, everything would have been perfect if by any chance these five are not captured. If the people who gave orders to them are any smarter, they wouldn't let them attack and only make them focus on finding info.

If Sam was in their place, he would make his subordinates disguise themselves and infiltrate into Sam's camp in five different places and the next batch of soldiers would track these five men in five groups which will inevitably give them chance to attack five different places from both inside and outside easily destroying them.

This is a better plan and Sam could think of this in seconds.

Anyway, at this moment, he couldn't be bothered with how bad their plan is or how stupid they are, since he caught them he has to make sure that their current plan wouldn't succeed.

Sam shackled them all and negated their cultivation before taking them to a valley under the control of the dusk organization.

He left the five people there and started making preparations.

He called for any Astral Plane cultivators that don't have any tasks at their hand and let them stay within the valley.

The valley is nearest to the center of the central continent.

All the mines that are attacked by these five people are located near the center of the continent. He felt like whatever method they used, there is a high chance that they would be sending people to somewhere near the center.

But even if that is right, he cannot be careless in other areas.

He sent orders to all the cities, parks, and bases. Every employee must move to a protective base where the high-level defensive formations could be activated and leave all the production to the puppets.

Sam contact Sirona who is in charge of puppet research and puppet production and told her to send the puppets to all the necessary areas and also release some of the unreleased puppets that were set aside for now to their respective positions.

The whole dusk organization turned into some kind of warzone.

The citizens and employees are feeling anxious.

Meanwhile, Sam went back to the Old beast to learn about the Solar fragments a bit more and there was nothing too remarkable about them.

The solar fragments are in a way, mutated humans. When Hou Yi destroyed the Golden Sun crows with his bow and arrow the golden sun crows who were on the level of immortals fell into a planet and soaked it with their blood.

The blood which is more potent than the life force of the whole planet combined started seeping into the Planet's core, vegetation, and humans forcing them to mutate accordingly. But the original planet is merely a slave planet where all kinds of slaves working under Hou Yi used to reside and it couldn't sustain the mutation.

So, Hou Yi who was intrigued by the new race created a family or a tribe out of them and sent them to a lower realm that has a suitable environment for them.

They are good with fire elements mostly and there is an occasional dual element with light elements too. They are good at fighting and they contribute to the army of Hou Yi by occupying a large number of positions within.

As for why they are able to attack Sam and how they managed to get here without breaking any rules of the game is completely incomprehensible.

Sam waited for them to arrive in the valley and he deployed several of his subordinates with the tracking birds over a few places in the continent to see if they followed any certain routes.

The central continent is too big, he cannot cover everything with a single set of tracking birds. The main problem is the time constraint which he couldn't possibly overcome at the moment.

So, he can only see if he can capture their path or position at a specific time and trace a path to their origin.

Three days later, Sam indeed got a message from a subordinate that some of their tracking birds spotted some golden-haired people moving through the forest, but they are too fast for the birds to capture a proper image.

They must be Astral Plane cultivators and they are moving towards the valley. There must be some kind of special technique for them to track these five down.

They managed to near the valley faster than he thought.

There are ten people this time and these ten are all Astral Plane cultivators.

When they arrived in the valley they looked at the five Consummate cultivators in the center with a frown.

The leader wanted to ask them some questions, but before they could do anything, Sam whistled and his subordinates came out. The ones that came are all Astral Plane Initiation cultivators that, too Initial stage, he doesn't know how they managed to come here and why they only sent the Initial stage cultivators, but this is a chance.

Even though Sam doesn't have too much of an overwhelming advantage on the opponents, it is easy for him to overpower them.

He took out his reaper sword and activated light elemental fusion as he slashed them right and left.

The battle went on for a decent time as the subordinates and the solar fragments tied.

Sam is the only anomaly and he managed to capture them down. Four of the ten Solar Fragments are dead and four on Sam's side are injured. Sam went to heal them properly and let them rest and then started the questioning.

Sam was pretty frustrated with the info he got. These are not all the first batch of the soldiers. These are only half and the major force of the first batch, there a second half who is the minor force with Consummate level cultivation and they have a different task.

They went somewhere else as soon as they came.

And these people don't know what their tasks are and they also don't know where they arrived. They also took these so-called selective amnesia pills.

This is another dead end.

The only useful information Sam got from them is the fact that the second batch of soldiers would be coming only after a week.

Apart from that, there is really no use keeping them alive.

But Sam found another use for them.

Yanwu can eat them.

These people are mutants of the Golden sun crow blood and humans. If their flesh, blood, and organs are consumed, Yanwu would benefit from it, particularly since they are Astral Plane, he would be able to break through to the Middle stage Initiation of the Astral Plane as soon as Yanwu digested them completely.

So, he gave the four corpses to Yanwu instantly and waited for him to digest to give the rest and since they are doomed to die and they don't have any other use, Sam directly threw them into the divine dimension and let Yanwu eat them as much as he can.

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