Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 907 - Torturous Death

Sam flew through the air and crashed into a tree. He went through that, crashed into the next one, and finally stopped at the next one.

He slowly stood up as he felt the pain all over his body.

He is pretty sure at least half of the bones cracked inside him. As he stood up, he could see the second elder in his completely transformed state walking up to him slowly and leisurely.

This is the state of the battle for the past few minutes.

After the transformation was complete, it became completely one-sided. The Second elder started beating the crap out of Sam and if he has to defeat him, there are very ways and very few cards Sam could implement.

It wouldn't be easy.

Apart from that, if he were to implement a plan, he would only have one chance, because currently the second elder is still playing with me and bragging here and there as he showed off to the rest of the spectators.

This might be the result of him having to keep it a secret for so long. But at least it is working to his favor for now, he can find the perfect timing and implement his plan.

But he needs a proper distraction. He is contemplating whether he should let Raiju Elder out and let him do his thing, he is sure that he would be able to win, but he is worried that Second elder might do something extreme which would harm the beasts.

Sam can atmost heal the beasts he had contract with. If the Raiju elder was injured, he wouldn't be able to do anything.

So, he is thinking of finding or creating such large distraction so that he can implement his other plan keeping his beasts and the subordinates safe.

While he was thinking, the second elder already made his way towards him and punched Sam.

Sam used repel style against the giant fist coming towards him and moved backwards to avoid most of the punch.

He is crashing here and there, but he is still searching for that distraction.

"I had enough fun with you, Sam. It is time to finish this. I will make sure your name is part of my legend when it was told to others. You are the best opponent I came across and you will remain that way even when I defeat the gods and conquer their realms."

The second started laughing like a maniac while saying this.

Sam raised an eyebrow. It seems like he didn't have much time at the moment.

He can only think of a method even if it hurts him.

In normal cases, he would have gone for the flute and since the Space element, he did make plenty of modifications. But it is useless now. He doesn't have that much energy.

He is very exhausted and his energy is very limited. But he is still thinking of doing that now since he couldn't find that distraction.

He took the flute out and was about to play, but at this exact moment, his eyes lit up from what he saw.

The tribe head came from the side and tackled the second elder to the ground and started pounding him in the face one fist after another.

Everyone was stunned. The move was sneaky and completely unexpected.

Dhar came running towards Sam and said.

"Recover as much as you can. You have to work together if you want to kill him."

Sam didn't reply and stood slowly. He removed the thunder prison attached to his hand and returned it to its normal state. He put the shadow sword away and he once again levitated so that his bones and muscles wouldn't hurt as much.

He is observing this battle closely as he watched it with the energy vision.

The second elder pushed the tribe head to the side and rolled to the opposite side to get out of that constant pounding and threw a punch in the air. The spiritual energy took the shape of his fist as it moved towards the tribe head who replied with one of his own.

"My dear elder brother. I didn't think you still had it in you. Even that sneak attack didn't stop you from fighting back.

I must say I am impressed."

"Who needs your impression, you traitor scum."

"I am not impressed by your strength, my brother. I am impressed by my own thinking. The thinking that led me to a decision to kill you.

If not for this Sam, you would have already been a dead man. But still, it wouldn't change a thing. I would kill now and then kill Sam later. It is all same."

The battle became intense and for some reason, the second elder is not as advantageous as Sam and the rest of them thought. The tribe head is getting the upper hand easily.

While the barbarians felt relieved, Dhar is screaming at Sam.

"Sam, he cannot hold on for too long. You have to help him. He cannot defeat him alone."

But Sam is completely nonchalant.

He didn't react at all.

He observed the battle as the tribe head and the second elder clashed like crazy and slowly the advantages tilted from one side to another.

It is mostly fistfight and soon the second elder managed to land a perfectly clean hit in the ribs causing it to crack.

He spat a large amount of blood and the second elder smiled.

"It seems like you are not exactly yourself my brother. You burned your life force, didn't you? Anyway, it doesn't make any difference."

As he spoke the tribe head looked at Sam but Sam is still as nonchalant.

He just dropped his gaze and sighed in helplessness.

There is nothing he could do if Sam really doesn't want to help. No matter how they look at it, it was the barbarians who started all of this for him, he doesn't have to care about the barbarians.

As he thought, the second elder's claws are glowing with spiritual energy, and got ready to kill while laughing crazily.

Just when he was about to finish it quickly, he felt something from the side.

The thunder prison hit him and he fell to the ground. Sam who was away a few seconds ago, used the spatial elemental fusion to cross the distance instantly and used the thunder prison to throw the second elder away and before he could react, then he slammed the thunder prison and created a cage around that guy.

Sam landed on the floor panting.

That large blink with the spatial elemental fusion is not exactly an easy thing. It almost drained the last bit of his energy completely.

He was panting crazily and it took a few seconds for him to even get back up.

The second elder who was stuck in the lightning cage started beating it up trying to escape.

"Don't bother, it is not going to happen."

Sam said to him and walked near the cage.

"I should have used this on you since the start. But damn, you are fast. You are too fast for me to land this on you perfectly.

And I am glad that you are a cocky piece of shit. That made it easy."

Sam then took out one of the cylindrical explosives he used on the city and threw it towards the cage.

A small opening appeared inside the lightning cage and the explosive made its way towards the second elder and exploded.


The flesh on the second elder's body was torn a bit, but there was no critical damage. He became that strong.

Sam just smiled and started throwing one explosive after another from different sides.

The second elder tried his best to get out of the cage, but he couldn't. He started attacking the cage walls and then the ground as he pounded heavily.

The earth cracked, but the cage didn't collapse. There is nothing he can do.

The insides of the cage are filled with spatial tears and his motion was soon cancelled.

He is on his knees and looked at Sam.

"I can't die like this. Someone help me. Barbarians, help me please. I will be the strongest barbarian of all. I will be able to create a place for barbarians in the realms of gods in the future. I will lead our race to a new glory. I cannot die like this.

I have come too far to die like this."

Sam looked at the rest of the barbarians who are all feeling conflicted. They are indeed tempted by this. But when they were met with Sam's cold gaze, they didn't dare to come forward.

Sam moved closer to the cage and looked at the Second elder and spoke slowly.

"You are not that powerful, man. Stop deluding yourself. The only reason you were able to pound me as you did was that I let you do it.

Look at how easily you are trapped and how easily you are going to die.

You were only able to overpower me because of your cultivation level, if not for that, you wouldn't be able to do anything to me.

In fact, I could have used this cage a long time ago. The only reason I didn't is that I wanted to test myself against you. I wanted to kill you by myself in my anger.

If all I need is to kill you, I don't have to go through that. You might consider me as your greatest opponent. But I only considered you as just another opponent. So, accept the reality. You are not powerful, forget about the realm of gods, you wouldn't even be able to unite the barbarian realm."

As Sam spoke calmly, his eyes are giving off some strange glow. This is one of the specter's tricks. It doesn't have much use normally. But currently, the second elder's mental state is not clear, so Sam used this trick to give him more mental pressure and planted a seed inside his head that would let him repeat Sam's words over and over.

He would feel that they are true and feel helpless and frustrated. He wouldn't even be at peace even in the last second of his death.

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