Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 904 - Ultimatum

Sam looked at Watt who is unconscious on the ground. He knelt on the ground and started healing him. He took out the heavenly wine gourd and started making him drink.

He is panicking like crazy.

The attack was lethal, it would have definitely killed him if Sam didn't divert it in the last second.

He is trying his best to wake him up.

Sam started tearing up while healing him as he muttered.

"Watt, don't die on me now. You said you wanted to live. You said you were in love. You said you waned to live with her forever. Please don't die on me now. I will not let it go."

He muttered like a little kid as he tried his best to heal. There is too much blood loss, so Sam first finished the wound up and accelerated the blood generation.

The heart is already pumping the blood slowly. He has to make sure that it doesn't stop.

He didn't care about the energy or the heavenly wine. He only focused on Watt's health.

And when the heart and the rest of the bodily functions reached a safe level, Sam finally heaved a sigh of relief.

He felt like a mountain was lifted off of his shoulder.

He looked at the beasts and the subordinates before sending Watt in to the divine dimension so that he could rest and recover there.

He gave instructions. Except for Sky the rest of the beasts are coming with him.

"Sky, you are staying with the rest of the subordinates, . Defend her at all costs. She must stay alive."

They nodded and followed their orders immediately. When Wembly was about to reject him, Sam cut her off with just a glance. His eyes are burning with fury even though he is calm, she knew that it is better for her to shut up, but she is too concerned about to Watt to do that.

"Wembley, nothing is going to happen to Watt. Just stay with them for now. I will be coming back with Watt."

"Where is Watt?"

"He is in a dimensional space recovering. You don't have to worry about him for now. He is completely alright. He would be out here in a few minutes. But meanwhile, I have to do something."

Sam said as he gulped the last of the heavenly wine. He is in a long and tough battle and he is completely battered.

He has many wounds bleeding and energy is exhausted with the healing process. This is the first time that he is so glad Watt's cultivation is not higher than his.

If they were of same cultivation, it would have been extremely hard to heal him with the wounds.

Sam kept the gourd away and took some pills and potions as he gulped them down like water and food.

This is the first time he used any form of medicine this much.

Dhar and the rest of the barbarians could sense that the atmosphere is changing into something weird.

Dhar walked towards Sam nervously and wanted to speak, but Sam looked him dead in the eyes and said in a calm. Cold and low voice.

"We had a deal. We had a fucking deal.

Not only did you guys break it. You even want to kill my friend.

Barbarian honor my ass.

It seems like I have gone soft."

Sam finished his words as he levitated. This is the same technique Dia uses to levitate temporarily but when it was used with the space element, he can levitate and move at a considerable speed for a long time.

Sam held the shadow sword in his one hand and took out the thunder prison which is in the short cage form in to another.

He injected his energy into the thunder prison and it started changing its form.

The metallic structure enveloped his arm and by the time it was done it looked like a robot arm. He recently learned that there are other uses for thunder prison other than just using it as a large trap or a cage and this is one of them. It can also be worked in a smaller size and this is it.

Dhar is running behind Sam with the rest of the barbarians as he yelled and pleaded him to stop and listen to him. But there was no reaction. It is clear that he is angry.

Sam reached the city gate and yelled at the top of his lungs.

"The citizens and the members of the Kala tribe. My name is Sam and I am the friend of Watt, the person whom your Kala tribe captured recently.

From the past few days, I have been at war with your tribe because they captured my friend, after I freed him, we made a pact to end the war. But your tribe head not only broke the pact, he also tried to attack my friend in an attempt to kill him.

So, I am retaliating now.

I will give half-an-hour. Anyone who wants to live, if they are not involved in this matter, get out the city now and go into the forest and I assure you, your lives will be safe.

If you don't do that now, I will not care if you are a child, an infant, an orphan, a woman, an old man, an innocent or a guilty person, I will slaughter you all the same."

As he spoke he moved towards one of the spatial rends that are still around the city from his previous attack and started mending it with his spatial element and then continued his announcement.

"A spatial rend near the entrance of your city is repaired, you can use that path to come out. I am once again telling you. I wouldn't tolerate a single life that stays within the city after thirty minutes. I will kill everyone."

With that Sam just stayed silent without doing anything.

Dhar kept on asking for a conversation but nothing happened.

Meamwhile, the Astral Plane cultivators of the Kala tribe came outside.

The second elder is in the lead and the rest are following him. The Astral Plane cultivators that followed Dhar also moved to that side and there are currently around forty of them standing there.

"Uncle, where is my father?"

Dhar asked the second elder.

"Oh, he is in the temple room healing. He is injured in the earlier battle."

"What battle? What is all this mess. Are you out of your mind?"

"Out of my mind? Who is out of their mind? You dare say that to me? What kind of race are we? What kind of tribe are we? And you not only give into some puny human's conditions and you even dare to handover some of our own to him? I would be out of my mind if I didn't do something about it."

"Those people annihilated the tribe of innocent for no reason. They deserve what comes to them."

"What innocence are you speaking of? Going against the Kala tribe's command is their crime and they should have been punished and they were punished."

Dhar was shocked and suddenly something stuck him.

"You are the one who ordered the annihilation, didn't you?"

"So, what if I did?"

"You sick bastard." Dhar yelled at the top of his lungs to everyone's shock and continued without caring.

"You would be the death of our tribe."

"No, I would bring the tribe to new heights."

The second elder didn't pay any more attention to Dhar and walked towards Sam.

Meanwhile, Dhar went into the city to see if he could find his father and evacuate the citizens at the same time.

But he is one man. All alone. What can he do? He understood how vulnerable he can be at that moment.

He tried telling the people to get out of the city, but not many replied to his wails kindly. The second elder somehow created an image that he and his father are the traitors of the tribe and it is working wonders.

Only a few people actually listened to his pleading and moved out of their houses and ran out of the city.

After some search, he finally found his father who is recovering in the temple. Dhruv is sitting next to him as he tried to ease his pain.

He has many wounds on his body and from the looks of it the battle seemed to have happened here.

Dhar carried his father on his back and ran out of the city along with his brother as both of them tried to evacuate the citizens as much as they can.

Meanwhile, outside the city Sam's aura is raging.

"So, you are the one who ordered hit on Watt."

He asked coldly as he looked down on from the air.


"How dare you? How fucking dare you?"

"I am the leader of the Kala Barbarian tribe. I can be as daring as I want."

"Then what would happen, if the Kala Barbarian tribe doesn't exist."

"The only one whose existence is going to be erased is you."

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